Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master? [Coci Sinopi]

Pratiya couldn't tell you how or why she was so good at spinning the hilt between her fingers, she would just shrug. It was one of those party tricks that some people seemed to have learnt innately, though she figured it was from fiddling as a kid. In her lectures as a youngling she would spin the pencil between her fingers over and over and over and over . . .

Now with the firm hilt of a training double-bladed lightsaber in her hand, it felt the same, albeit more awkward. It was certainly longer, heavier and wider, but the same technique applied. Now she spun it in front of the other padawans in her class, and she tried to twirl it around her back only to end up slapping it against her thigh. "Ow!" she croaked, and the others laughed at her misfortune.

She growled and swung the training saber around, trying to swipe the feet under Jakail, but he quickly jumped and bent his knees under his buttocks to avoid being knocked to the ground, but when he came down she was ready to whack him over the back of his head with the other side of the saber. The Rodian padawan rubbed his head and murmured, "Idiot."

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
Resting against the back of the wall in the training room, Coci watched the Padawans with slight amusement. As it the desire of the Padawan, showing off, is something they do to not only show their ages but to stand out among the rest, in hope to catch the eye of a trainer. And these Padawans are true to form.


The majority of them will become Jedi in the Silver Order, but she is here to find someone who shows potential to be trained as a Silver Shadow. Only the exceptional make it to the Shadows as they are the elite of the Order. Their duty is beyond that of the average Jedi, asked to perform duties and mission others deem ‘unjedi like’. Most to the time they are spurned for this and considered dangerous to the light side.

But nothing could be further from actuality, however due diligence is required within the Shadows, as yes they face much darkness and the danger is to fall. That is why they are a close and strong band of brothers and sisters, not only standing guard over the threats of the darkness within the galaxy, but over each other and if one of them is to succumb they come together to pull their comrades back.

Coci watched the girl spinning her training saber, sensing confidence and self-assuredness, she pushed off the wall and walked out of the shadows into the light.

“Good evening Padawans”, she said on approach, “Pair up and lets begin Form I”, she wanted to see what skills they possess and their form with the saber.

Easy, that is what Pratiya thought. She was brash, impulsive, overconfident, and thought at times she was unstoppable, and with such an attitude did she approach the Master presiding over the training. She walked up to Coci with her chin high, and a stiffness to her movements. "You will be my training partner," she announced, and quickly, albeit begrudgingly, rectified, "Master."

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
As she set her light saber to the lowest level, her eyes lifted to the girl standing in front of her. "What is your name? ... Padawan". She sent to word back at her equally.

"Be mindful Padawan I sense your emotions, you are not good enough to shield them yet". she added before she walked around the girl sizing her up. She would have to curb the attitude if she is to be considered for a Shadow, confidence is one thing arrogance another.

"I like confidence, I do not like arrogance. It will get you killed one day, or worse... someone else". she came back to face the girl only a meter away, as she ignited her purple blade, her blade as a member of the Guardians, her blue blade secret only to her and used for Shadows. It is one less thing to worry about that would give away her identity.

"When you are all ready.. begin!".

This would be most interesting, she mused, and for a moment she doubted herself. She couldn't have that, no, not now. Not against a Jedi Master. When Coci announced the start of the training spar, Pratiya activated the double-bladed training lightsaber, and unleashed upon her without hesitance or restraint.

Her movements were swift, but awkward, as fast as a cat and as clumsy as a drunk. She almost tripped over her own foot in her flurry to get in-between Coci's defences, her own training saber moving with such speed that it looked like it was becoming a single sweeping disc of radiant yellow.

Though she was quick, she was without tempered skill, or even experience for that matter. Each position of the blade held incorrect form, and her attacks were subpar at best. Pratiya had much to learn if she ever hoped of being a Sentinel, let alone a Jedi Shadow.

It was easy enough to dodge the girls 'attacks', Coci had even given her a couple of touches with her saber on the body zones, she should have attempted to protect, this was suppose to be form I. "Slow down Padawan, you are flapping around like an avian with it's head cut off, and lift those arms of yours, you are dropping your elbows before contact". Coci moved away from her and stopped the training.

Moving over to a panel in the wall, and opening it, she activated a training droid and placed it before Pratiya. "Now form I please, follow directions and orders Padawan of leave". The training droid began it's attack on the Padawan, Coci would observe. She is keen I will give her that.

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