Adele Adonai
There is only the Force

NAME: Master Varek
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Jedi Master
SPECIES: Maelibus
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 370kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: White
[+] Master Varek is extremely large compared to the average being in the galaxy. His strong muscular body allows him to do things that most beings would be unable to do. It also makes him an incredibly effective blacksmith and a master metallurgist.
[+] Master Varek along with his muscular dexterity is also quite powerful in certain aspects of the force. He is able to perform Jal Shey Force Imbuement and alchemy along with things of that nature.
[+] Though a little known fact Maelibi have the distinctive ability to sing siren like songs. Master Varek has this ability as well and because of it is very good at the arts of manipulation. The Siren like songs he sings disrupt brainwaves and with the aid of the force Varek has been show to make even the worst of enemies remain calm and tranquil.
[-] Because of his massive size Varek is completely and entirely incapable of stealth. For the same reason he is also not completely useless when it comes to methods of infiltration.
[-] Although quite large and strong Varek, his weakness is his size. Agility and dexterity are not his forte.
[-] Master Varek is a devoted environmentalist, a staunch herbivore, and a complete pacifist, devoting much his time not spent in the forges in contemplating ecology, studying plants and their uses and the overall respecting of all living things. None has ever seen Master Varek restort to violence, as his imposing figure tends to quell any disturbances alone. However, he will only resort to violence if threatened, and he is more likely to use a sonic bellow than a weapon.
When dealing with others, Master Varek is soft spoken and always supremely polite. Most were offput by his species and his imposing figure, but once one got to know him, would realize that the Malibus was very conversational and had profound respect for the views of others.
Oddly enough, his time with Ithorian Priests has had him adapt the "Law of Life" philosophy. The Law said that, for every living plant destroyed in the harvest, two more must be planted in its place. He took it to the extreme, where the use of this Law went much farther than harvests: For every life, be it a plant or an animal, that he might take, during a harvest or not, two new lives were to be created in its place.
Master Vaerk's appearance at first glance can be quite... unsettling. His skin is thick white plate, his eyes are bright blue and his head is pointed in four thick horns. It gives him a rather demonic appearance that most would be quick to show prejudice upon. There is no other way to speak about Master Vaerk other than calling him a Demon. It is the immediate word that springs to mind when anyone speaks about him and being a three meter tall Malibus tends to reinforce this belief.
Weapon of Choice: None if possible, but if pushed, the Force.
Wealth: No wealth beyond what is provided by the academy.
Combat Function:
Master Varek is a pacifist. He is a devoted environmentalist, a staunch herbivore, and a complete pacifists, devoting much his time not spent in the forges in contemplating ecology, studying plants and their uses and the overall respecting of all living things. None has ever seen Master Varek restort to violence, as his imposing figure tends to quell any disturbances alone. However, he will only resort to violence if threatened, and he is more likely to use a sonic bellow than a weapon.
- Force Bellow
- Attune Armor
- Force Imbue Weapon
- Force Imbuement
- Animal Language
- Beast Language
Notable Possessions:
Other Notes:
Intent: To create an NPC Master to be the House Master for Eglarest Satellite Jedi Academy.