Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master Vote - Cathbodua [Masters Only]

Cathbodua has been in the faction for a long time. She is primarily our healer now and has done a lot of work with the faction and through development.

Her healing abilities have seen her save one of our own, and others. The list below will show you her work in and outside SSC.

  1. Name: Cathbodua

    Jedi Knight transfer and threads+posts lost in the wipe

  2. Trains Kiara
  3. Training to become a jedi
  4. Caths Lessons Vol. 2
  5. [ST]Tribulations[/ST]
  6. [ST]Past Poisons Can Become Guilty Pleasures[/ST]
  7. Advanced Healing Classes
  8. [ST]This is Really Going to Hurt[/ST]
  9. The Jedi Way
  10. Jungle Fever
  11. Downtime
  12. A Padawan's First Steps
  13. Lessons in humanity
  14. Extra Lessons
  15. [ST]Every Day Begins[/ST]
  16. [ST]So Five jedi are Walking Down the Street[/ST]
  17. [ST]Omnia meliora iterum converso[/ST]
  18. Disciplinary Action
  19. [ST]I Fae Narchannen[/ST]
  20. [ST]I got a Rock[/ST]
  21. [ST]Training Session[/ST]
  22. The Weakness of Wookies
  23. Place your Bets
  24. New Student
  25. Naur vi eryn
  26. Lanc i dalaf
  27. Advanced healing class PT 2
  28. Force empathy and Body language
  29. The Remnant
  30. Harsh Masters
  1. Prayer of the Children (Humanitarian Republic Dominion of Travel'ka
  2. Hell On Earth [Republic Dominion of Cularin]
  3. Rescuing the Wu Tang[Republic Dominion of Hoylin]
  4. Democracy Cometh (Dominion of Yadrid)
  5. Now This Is Podracing! (Coalition Dominion of Zygerria)
  6. Exodus - SSC Dominion of Tygara
  7. Cake by the Ocean (The Coalition Dominion of Arkas)
  8. The Wheel of Fortune (SSC Dominion of The Wheel Hex)
  9. The Eighth Battle - Coalition Invasion of Triumvirate Ruusan
  1. Cathbodua trains a padawan
  2. Practicality (Open)
  3. Physicality (Open training)
  4. Caths lessons volume 2
  5. Healing lessons
  6. Extra lessons
  7. New Student
  8. New Student
  9. Advanced healing
  10. Empathy and Body language
  11. Harsh Conditions (jedi)(ask)
  12. Harsh Masters
  13. A Night in Sickbay (Healers)
  14. The Circle
  15. Silver Cross
  16. Reconstruction (Jake Jace)
  17. Not on Nar Shadda anymore
  18. Crystal Girl
  19. Sullust and pally
  20. Red Velvet (Open Accelerate Healing Training)
  21. Fresh faced
  22. Naega Jeil Jal Naga (Open)
  23. New Day, New Master (Cath)
  24. Open Your Mind
  25. Patching THem Up
  26. Heal the Sick
  27. Battleminds think alike (Open)
  28. It Starts with Curiosity
  29. Training Room 117, Bend to the will of Gravity?
  30. Ithorian Remnant
  1. Jedi Way
  2. Padawans first steps
  3. An Afternoon in the Garden.
  4. A night out on the town (Caile + Cathbodua)
  5. Servant of Ashla [Au'Rus and Any Jedi:OPEN]
  6. Lost and Found [Cathbodua]
  7. Others See Us (Jedi/Republic)
  8. From the ashes we rise, the rebuilding of the Hall of Healers
  9. One Journey Ends, Another Begins (PM to join)
  10. The Great Jedi Convocation: Sigma Station (Open to All Jedi)
  11. Ashla's Hope (Open to All)
  12. Ti Xi You Ji (Silver Jedi)
  13. Heralds (Silver Jedi/Ask)
  14. No Fences Here! [Open to all but parents]
  15. Surrender! [SJO]
  16. Heal Thyself
  17. Ice Walker
  18. The Cloud Pavillion
  19. Relaxing
  20. Kyūtī Hanī
  21. Harvest
  22. Claymore
  23. Baar'ur Beskar'gam, or how to burn your fingers
  24. You see, what I have here.....
  25. Dead guys are distracting…
  26. Undertale (Rawnie)
  27. Round One - Knights Cathbodua and Heavenshield
  28. Knight Final - Sykes vs Cathbodua
  29. Winterfell
  30. Jedi Conclave on Exis Station [Open to Lightsiders - GA,...

Masters of the SSC please vote now.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
[member="Nima Tann"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
[member="Kei Amadis"]
[member="Sochi Ru"]
[member="Rasu Gan"]
[member="George O Rourke"]
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
@Those I have forgot.
I'm going to say yes. A lot of work done.

I do wish the writer would only include threads in the tracker where the character actually has a significant part, rather than every thread they've been in, but that's another matter.

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