In the months following Vizion’s arrival on Jakku, those he knew in that sandy enclave had dispersed along other paths in life, while he remained, and continued to attempt to reconcile the pieces of his identity. His thoughts and beliefs about himself. Much had come to pass, not the least of which was the purported death of Master Jade and the disappearance of the infant daughter of his rosy-fleshed friend; the relative calm of the sands was a boon his talents, which he put to use in attempting to pin down any sense of that small, innocent life as far out and as deep as his hunter’s ‘vision’ could see. Doing what little he could to help (a welcome distraction), short of forcing upon Lossa company she did not wish for.
It was like looking for a particular speck in those very sands, and when it became clear that the child was either beyond his reach or beyond his current degree of strength and experience, he didn’t let it frustrate him, accepted the mild disappointment, and let go of this thing beyond his control. Vizion did what he could and the rest was up to the Zeltron, and thereafter he was left with his own company, his own thoughts.
So when the only person who might understand his state of mind - supposed pawns they both were in some grand design - implored him to join her in the place where it all began, to see the work she had started, the relief he felt was by no means small, though tempered by his reservations; they had hardly spoken since that night early in the year, though that fact was no fault of hers, or his.
What was the balance of another year of silence if fate was apparently pulling the strings? What was the life of a Jedi if not full of disparate meetings?
The transit to Naboo was passed in thought about that place that used to be home. Vizion wasn’t sure how he would feel about the chance to walk its streets again… the destruction some three years past, and the tumultuous path of his friendship with Briana might have put so much of Theed beyond recognition. Indeed, once his ship broke through the atmosphere and lazy dregs of clouds, it was some small effort to see what landmarks still stood on the approach to the city’s spaceport. Sightseeing hadn’t been a priority when he’d attended Life Day celebrations almost a year before, on account of his still-recovering injuries... maybe this was the time he’d reacquaint himself with his birthplace.
Soon enough, the Rising Star, a well-maintained J-type, settled on the deck, the engines powered down, and the ramp lowered, allowing Vizion to emerge into the atmosphere of a bustling, and scarcely familiar spaceport. He looked around, his gaze shifting between people coming and going as he walked away from his ship, slinging his pack over one shoulder while he made his way through security checkpoints and customs, and onward to seek out whoever had come to meet him in the arrivals area, be it his oldest friend, or another on her behalf if she had unexpectedly become indisposed… though what he wanted more than anything in that moment, was a decent cup of caf.
What caf he’d been able to restock his ship with on Jakku wasn’t all that palatable, but when he dimly heard his name called over the din of everyone arriving and meeting up with loved ones or associates, that quest had to be put on hold. He turned to where he thought the call had come from, and only just spotted her weaving her way around people, graceful as a dancer, or a Jedi well-versed in combat as she was.
Vizion frowned for a faint moment - it was still going to take time for that effortless awareness of her to come back, if it ever did - but a modest smile soon overtook it. It was good to see Briana in this throng of unknown persons, outside of the context of the Jedi for this sliver of time, momentarily unfettered with all that burdened them both. He could almost imagine they were in some other life. Knowing for a fact that there were innumerable parallel splits of their existence from every little decision… made such thoughts all too easy… and incredibly strange.
But the good bits didn’t hurt, now, and the worst of it did less.
“You know we could have done this over the holo,” he quipped, knowing that was bullshit - there was more to most temples than their looks - when she got close enough to hear him without shouting, “how’ve you been?” He asked, burying his hands in his pockets, “Keeping busy?”
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