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Public Match Maker

Match Maker

Location: Hyper Space
OOC Notes: This is just a thread for fun to meet up with and possible arrange for future threads. Have fun with it, and see what happens!
Tags: Any and all

Sitting onboard her new ship, Mi'la frowned as she felt just how empty it was. It was such an odd ship, tingling with life, yet so empty within. It felt like that time she fell into a Rakghoul tunnel on Taris. Though she obviously wasn't being devoured at the moment. Walking to rather spacious ship, she could only wait to arrive at her destination, and hopefully have a student or two to bring along in the process. Idly moving about however, she could feel the living sentience of the ship attempting to speak with her; something Mi'la was just not ready yet to deal with.

As she set foot into her own training room, she recalled a conversation she had several months ago, about applications people used to meet one another. She thought it odd, but, as she pondered it she realized there was a benefit for such a device. Using her datapad, she pulled up the application and began filling it out, rather confused why in the world it was asking for information such as 'dating preferences'. What did that have to do with anything? Not wanting to keep herself deprived of any potential contacts, she merely selected all, and found the nicest pictures of herself that she had. With that done, she set the pad down, and began to go to work on her training regime.

Little did she know, she had just signed up for a dating app.


NAME: Mi'la Undari

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 28

SEX: Female


EYES: Green



Likes: Climbing, reading, playing board games, repair work.

Dislikes: Sith Lords, Spiders, Bikinis, Nonchargeable Batteries.

Two Truths and a Lie: I did a stint on Taris, I lived on a mushroom planet for over a year, I enjoy spreading falsehoods.

We Will Get Along If: We can have an open discussion about the political ramifications of Jedi Interventionlism in Galatic Scale conflict (ran out of characters).

Born and raised on Ryloth, amateur relic hunter, pilot, and researcher. Something of a historian, and focus on Jedi and Sith historical sights. Please don't ask me if I'm a jedi, it's a little rude.

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Aboard the Philosopher
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Jasper had just woken up after twelve hours of sleeping. Between recent developments in his personal history and an unexpected situation on Tython, he was drained. None of that mattered anymore. He was back on his ship with his friends and had some time to relax. As he made his way down to the bar, he found Dex and Lana huddled around a datapad. Lana’s face was flush red from laughing, and she appeared to be on the verge of collapse.

“Oh no,” Jasper began. “What did I walk in on.”

I’m dying, Lana gestured, though her hand signs were much simpler due to her fit of laughter. You won’t believe it.

“Won’t believe what?” the exile asked cautiously.

My father got a dating app, she answered, nearly falling over.

“No way,” Jasper reacted, cracking a grin. “Your joking. Dex?”

“Yeah, I am, alright?” the one-eyed Nautolan answered. “Look, I’m not dead yet. I wanna get myself back out there. There’s still some charm left in me.”

Jasper frowned, clearly unconvinced.

“Right…” The exile sat down at the bar. “Anyways, I’ve got nothing better to do. This should be amusing.”

Jasper really needed something to lighten his mood anyways, even if it was at his mentor’s expense.


NAME: Dex Fin-Lo

SPECIES: Nautolan

AGE: 63

SEX: Male




Likes: Adventure, drink mixing, adrenaline, long walks on the beach

Dislikes: Crime bosses, government agents, bugs, overcooked pasta

Two Truths and a Lie: I'm the guardian of a Jedi. I've made the Kessel Run. I'm on a first name basis with the senator of Mon Cala.

We Will Get Along If: You are willing to have conversations about what is truly important in life.

Born on Corellia. I'm a former bounty hunter, current bartender/adventurer, and father. Technically, I'm also a cyclops.

Probably should've added Dex's dating app info earlier.
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Location: Denon

The sounds of the district were well they were some of the best. Denon had many districts but few of them were this rich... the beginnings of what was supposed to be a massive planet wide overhaul to bolster and aid the people instead only was able to do an area... and large gaps were between it and the rest of Denon. So it was for the ultra wealthy.. the ones who wanted to work on Denon and not have to be under criminal control... instead they sold at a steep mark up to the others on the world food that they grew and things manufactured. Jesse though was lounging in one of the apartments as she smiled. Her holopad set up to show new things and the AI built into the visor bringing up the dating app as she rolled her eyes but ah what the hell there were worse things that could happen.

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