Well-Known Member

NAME: Mathias Tal Zaren
FACTION: Mara-Parlemian Trade Council
RANK: Jedi Knight
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 9'' | ~175 cm
WEIGHT: 165 lbs | ~75 kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Fair

- Resolute Faith: He is firm in his belief, steadfast in his efforts to make the galaxy a better place. His faith may be shaken, however he still strongly believes it is the responsibility of the Jedi and Force Sensitives to protect the weak and foster a community of peace. It is his strong belief that drives him.
- Capable: Mathias has had ample time to practice the fundamentals, allowing him a well rounded personality as well as well as setting a stable foundation of abilities. He is a quick study and often pursues further knowledge. Because of his desire to learn, he has become resilient and flexible, able to learn new concepts and ideas with relative ease compared to others.
- Sheltered: Having known only peace in his lifetime, he has little experience in combat, and thus he doubts his own ability at times. While he is well capable of performing as any other knight, his doubt in himself sometimes causes him to hesitate or hold back.
- Self-Sacrificing: Often times he will look for ways to sacrifice himself on behalf of others, often forgetting about his own needs. This can be a weakness, easily drawn into situations that might not be so dangerous should he rely on reason more than emotion. As a young man, he finds it difficult to keep his emotions in check.
Just a hair below average, Mathias paints a slim figure, his fair skin contrasting with his dark brown hair. His hair, unkempt but clean, gives him an almost juvenile appearance for his age in addition to his cautious mannerisms. Blue eyes look upon the world with hope, untested by the evils of the galaxy but firm in their belief. He may be small, but he is quick and agile, toned muscle clinging to his small frame.
A Centares native, Mathias was born to Daniel and Alora Zaren. It was at a young age his sensitivity to the Force was discovered. Things went alright at first, his parents treated him like any other child, but as he aged it became harder and harder to do so. Even Mathias knew he was different than the others, and eventually it became too much. At the age of 16 his parents sent him to the Jedi Academy on Nizon. Situated outside the city of Ahdjok, the small academy was only home to a few dozen Force Sensitives. It was in this place that Mathias completed his schooling, learning from various Jedi Knights and copies of information from data archives along the Perlemian Trade Route acquired by the small hold. Things carried on this way for some time, almost a hermit life, at least until the recent withdrawal of the Silver Jedi Order from many systems nearby.
As the Silver Jedi withdrew from the system and the Mara-Parlemian Trade Council began to form, the Academy was contacted, Jedi Master Antes Hadrian was called to Centares. While the Academy on Nizon was certainly a refuge for the Jedi, there were others scattered on nearby planets - they too were contacted, a petition to establish what would be known as the Jedi Provisional Trade Council Order had been levied and Force Users across the entire system all contacted and urged to relocate to the central planet in the system under a new heirarchy, one in which the Jedi would do as they had done for thousands of years - serve the people of the galaxy. It was during this initial migration from Nizon to Centares that Mathias was identified as a mere padawan by Master Hadrian and appointed to the rank of Knight. It was a sudden change for the young man, to be put in charge of training the younger generations of Jedi. As the government of the Trade Council is yet forming, he has not officially begun his duties.
Taylander Shuttle, "The Skylark"
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