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Approved Ranged Weapon Matiasma Photoreceptor

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Manufacturer: Mercenary Arms
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Small

  • Variable Firing Modes
  • Variable Eye Colors
  • Subtle Firepower
  • Not Cybernetic Compatible
A discreet weapons system hidden in functioning droid photoreceptors. The Matiasma provides conflict options to bodyguard and security droids in areas where heavy weapons are frowned upon. A specialized beam weapon capable of alternating between three firing types, a deadly blaster-like beam, a powerful solar ionization cannon that bypasses many shield types, and a non-lethal neural pacifier capable of stunning organics. Usually tied into the host droid’s own power systems, another option is to use swappable internal or external power cells with variable levels of access. In this configuration, repeated firing wont drain an underpowered droid or risk affecting other power intensive systems.

The eye is easily made into multiple photoreceptor styles, shapes, and colors with standard vision modes, thermal, ultraviolet, all along the electromagnetic spectrum, and other standard droid visions. Cooling systems and a low firing rate prevent thermal bleed off from the high intensity beams from overheating surrounding systems, giving the Eye a beam for up to three seconds with a commiserate cool-down time. The weapon housing length, cooling and power systems are too large to house in an organic head, encroaching upon or cooking most sentient's brains, preventing the Matiasma's use as a cybernetic eye.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: An eye blaster for droids.
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Mercenary Arms, Open-Market
Model: Matiasma Photoreceptor
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Dallorian Alloy, Freelol, Rylith Power Cell, Cooling Module, Beam Weapon Components
Ammunition Type: Power Cell, Internal Droid Power
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
Kivah Kivah

I too enjoy "power-hungry, high-intensity beams of ionized light that can bypass conventional shields" - Thank you, Wookiepedia, and an open market.

It says "subtle" firepower. I'm dead.

Use it wisely my friend. [APPROVED]
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