Bright Eye Blight
NAME: Matta Rushya
FACTION: Ex-Mandalorian, Clan Europa
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Keshian
AGE: Young adult
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'11''
WEIGHT: 165lbs
EYES: Luminescent Grey-greenish
HAIR: Platinum blonde
SKIN: Fair
- Hold my liquor - Matta has an obnoxious alcohol tolerance. This means she is required to drink a lot more to get drunk - her preferred state of being, so she's pretty much always drinking. Just don't call her an alcoholic.
- I see you - Keshian's are evolved with advanced eyes that can see in a broad range of spectrums from ultraviolet to infrared. While this is a boon in most cases, Matta is forced to wear protective sunglasses or goggles in most bright light situations.
- I got dis - Don't give Matta advice, she won't follow it even if it's the smart thing to do. Girl gonna girl.
- No filter - Due mostly to her constant state of drunkeness, Matta has very little verbal filter. Sometimes this works in her favor, but usually it gets her into trouble.
- Hey droid - Matta makes better company for droids and non-sentients because she really doesn't like people and people don't generaly like her. She has a talent for Technomancy and a high mechanical aptitude from her training with the Mandalorians. She'd been ramping up to become a pilot for their war-time vessels before the melting of her home.
- Hold my beer - Matta doesn't have one of those voices in her head that tells her an idea is bad and might get her killed. She also doesn't have much willpower to deflect a challenge when it's issued. She's got a reputation to keep and feth if she's not gonna do something about it.
- Hairtrigger - Both with her weapons and her temper, doesn't take much to set her off.
- Broken compass - Her moral standards are very questionable.
- No degree - Matta did not persue education beyond primary schooling. She's not particularly intelligent in any areas other than combat, weapons, piloting, and mechanical skills.
- Battering ram - Matta is a creature carved out of battle. As a Mandalorian she spent her childhood training to defend the honor of their people. Hardened by combat, the woman boasts the ability to take a punch as hard as she can serve one and has a habit of getting back up when she should stay down.
Tallish, with two arms, two legs, hands, feet, and a face. The most remarkable thing about Matta is her platinum-blonde hair and strangely colored eyes.
No one is really well-informed on Matta's history other than her heritage and the fact that she was the only member of her clan to survive the melting of Mandalore's core. Her life story following that tragedy has been spent in a fairly permanent drunken stupor so strong that even she doesn't really remember most of it. Matta won't talk about Mandalore, her clan, or her family.
What is known is she's very skilled with mechanical work and can fix most things put together with metal and circuitry. She has a good background on piloting a variety of ships and boasts a bravado in the face of danger that would make any Clan Alor proud. Aside from this, Matta isn't generally enjoyable to be around. She strikes as being socially inept, but it's difficult to say if it's a personality flaw or the alcohol.
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None, yet.
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