Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Matteo Guo-Yian



NAME: Matteo Guo-Yian
AGE: 15
SPECIES: Near-Human
BUILD: Athletic

Matteo has long, dark hair that he usually ties back into a neat ponytail, with a few loose strands framing his face. His eyes are dark and intense, often conveying a deep, contemplative look. His complexion is fair, and he has a slender yet athletic build, with a gracefulness that belies his age. Matteo's expression is often calm and collected, giving off an air of quiet confidence and determination. His attire typically includes the dark robes of a Sith acolyte, accentuating his tall and lean physique.

Matteo is a complex individual, torn between the rigorous teachings of the Sith and his own sense of honor. He has been deeply influenced by the Sith Academy on Jutrand, learning to embrace pragmatism and power. However, there remains a stubborn streak of personal honor and fairness within him, a remnant of his earlier upbringing. This often puts him at odds with his peers and instructors, who preach the ruthless philosophy of the Sith. Matteo is still young and impressionable, and his beliefs are in constant flux as he navigates the harsh realities of Sith life.


  • Graceful and Fast: Matteo is exceptionally agile and quick on his feet, making him a formidable opponent in combat, especially in duels that require speed and precision.
  • Strategic Mind: Despite his age, Matteo has a knack for strategy and often thinks several steps ahead of his peers.
  • Force Sensitivity: Matteo has a natural affinity for the Force, particularly adept at sensing the emotions and intentions of others.
  • Charismatic: He possesses a natural charm and charisma that can be persuasive, making it easier for him to influence others or gather information.
  • Martial Prowess: His training has made him proficient in various forms of lightsaber combat, focusing on agility and precision strikes.

  • Poor Stamina: Matteo's agility and speed are exceptional, but he tires quickly in prolonged combat.
  • Fragile Defense: His focus on offense leaves his defensive techniques lacking, making him vulnerable to counterattacks.
  • Injury-Prone: Matteo has an old injury (ex. a weakened shoulder) that can be aggravated in combat, hampering his performance.
  • Physical Weakness: Due to his young age, Matteo is not as physically strong as many of his older adversaries, putting him at a disadvantage in direct physical confrontations.
  • Inexperience: Matteo's youth and lack of real-world experience sometimes lead him to make rash decisions or underestimate his opponents.
  • Emotional Conflict: The guilt of abandoning his homeworld and the gratitude he feels towards Sith Lord Kaine Zambrano create a constant internal struggle, making it difficult for him to fully embrace the Sith's cold-hearted ideology.
  • Impulsive: His sharp mind and quick reflexes sometimes lead him to act without fully considering the consequences, making him prone to impulsive decisions.
  • Overconfidence: Matteo's natural talents and early successes have made him somewhat overconfident, which can be exploited by more seasoned opponents.
  • Susceptible to Manipulation: His internal conflicts and young age make him more vulnerable to manipulation by those who can exploit his emotions and loyalty.
  • Lack of Wisdom: While sharp and strategic, Matteo lacks the deeper wisdom and experience to fully understand the long-term implications of his actions, often focusing on immediate results.
Matteo Guo-Yian was born on the planet Tion, a once vibrant world that was ultimately destroyed by the Sith. His parents, devoted Sith cultists, were forewarned of the impending invasion thanks to the benevolence of Sith Lord Kaine Zambrano. They fled the planet months before its destruction, taking young Matteo with them. This act of foresight saved their lives but left Matteo with a heavy burden of guilt for those left behind.

Enrolled in the Sith Academy on Jutrand, Matteo has been trained in the ways of the Sith, honing his skills in combat and strategy. He has learned to wield the dark side of the Force with increasing proficiency, but his inner conflict remains. The knowledge that his parents were forewarned of Tion's fate and chose to flee haunts him, creating a schism between his natural inclinations and the Sith teachings he is expected to embrace.

Matteo's journey is one of constant tension between the expectations of his Sith mentors and his own evolving sense of self. As he continues to train and grow within the Sith Empire, the young near-human strives to find a balance between the ruthless pragmatism of the Sith and his lingering sense of honor and loyalty.
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