Vash Ordo

NAME: Matteus Coolix
ALIAS: Vash Ordo
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.83 m (6'0")
WEIGHT: 83.9 kg (185 lbs.)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Multicolored (half-black, half-blonde)
SKIN: Caucasian
+ CQC - (Advanced in hand to hand combat)
+ Smarter than a Fifth Grader - (Somewhat intelligent. He's more street smart than book smart)
+ Iron Will - (Willing to go to any length for something he wants)
+/- Basic Training - (Average to slightly above average at using a blaster from his Mandalorian training)
- Self Centered - (As "Vash", he tends to overcompensate, often acting bigger than what he really is)
- Old Habits Die Hard - (Had/has a drinking problem)
- Something's Written on the Ceiling - (Extremely gullible, falls into traps and things of that nature easily)
Average to slightly above average height with an extremely well built, muscular figure. A scruffy beard covers his young face. The feature that stands out the most from him is his two-toned hair, drawing numerous looks from strangers.
Chapter 1 - And so it begins..
Matteus grew up under his criminal father with his two older brothers, an older sister and a younger brother. His mother passed shortly after Matteus' younger brother was born, when Matteus was only five. The first few years following the loss of his mother resulted in an introverted child, often silent unless spoken to. Around the age of ten, he snapped out of his shell, bursting into a pre-teen with startling excitement. He had found peace with himself and had finally began to enjoy his life. He was travelling every day, or at least that's what it felt like to him, due to his father constantly running away from his mistakes. Eventually, Matteus' father had decided that it was time to go their separate ways. Matteus agreed, leaving his family behind. He had more interest in spending time alone than trying to stick with them for the rest of his life. The older siblings made a pact to stay together, taking full responsibility of their younger brother to ensure that he would remain unharmed from their father's shenanigans. Ever since, Matteus has been planet hopping on his own, trying to find a purpose in his life.
Chapter 2 - New Name, New Game
That gap that he called purpose was found after sneaking onto a ship filled with Mandalorians. He was found and nearly executed but one older man took him in. He learned the ways of the Mandalorians, even learning so much as their native language. Matteus had found his calling. His training was going well and he was improving by the second. He had gone from being unable to use a blaster to being fairly handy with it. Making sure to cover his past, he started going by a new name: Vash Ordo. "Vash" left the older man, seeking further training and more to do. He joined The Shadow Empire, where a commando group of Mandalorians was being formed.
M-25 Mandalorian River Gun (L2 Variant)
Aliit'gam "Clan Skin"
Custom Santhe Challenger Sport Edition

- Black leather interior
- Two Laser Canons
- Super Charged Engine (2.5)
- Polished brylark wood interior paneling
- Server droid and bar
- Two year warranty