Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mavo Cortuga-Eldar


Mavo Cortuga-Eldar

Age20 years
Weight133 lbs.
Force SensitiveNo


Mavo wears full Mandalorian armor inherited from her mother. Under the helmet, she has medium-tan skin and dark red hair. On her temples, one can see two neural implants in her skull, surrounded by surgical scars. The machinery is slightly visible under the skin. She has big, nervous brown eyes that dart around, vision and accuracy enhanced by the implants.


Mavo owns a slugthrower rifle, a heavy blaster pistol, various other smaller weapons, engineering tools. Her prized possession is her Ghtroc 720 dubbed The Fluke, modified to improve the shield capability. She doesn't really rely on it in combat–she prefers to find her bounties in person. All of the money she earns she puts towards repairs and modifications.


Due to shoddily made implants, she experiences frequent muscle spasms, twitches and tics that affect her arms and shoulders. Her disposition is very neutral and almost tense. She tries to seem calm, but it's a poor facade.


Her main strengths are her wit and technical know-how. She's an incredibly experienced and talented engineer, having made her own neural implants (they have their problems, but they're effective). She's crafty and quick on her feet.


Her biggest weaknesses are her brash decisions and unagreeable personality. She tends to take on things that she simply cannot handle, frequently getting herself in danger with powerful enemies. She trespasses on enemy territory, takes on loans she can't repay, swindles, trash-talks, everything she really just shouldn't be doing.


Mavo Cortuga-Eldar was born to the Eldar clan on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. The moon provided a lot of work opportunities for her parents--for Mavo, it served for a chaotic upbringing. She grew up in the world of smugglers and bounty hunters, mostly learning how to engineer and fly ships for her parents. At the age of 12, she lost her father to a particularly dangerous bounty. At 15, her mother was arrested and sent to a remote prison on the other side of the galaxy. Before, her parents did their best to keep her out of a criminal's life, but when her mother was taken, she had no choice.
Eventually, she found herself a part of the dangerous work: smuggling, stealing, picking up bounties. Whatever brought the credits in. At 19, Mavo started working on neural implants. She found old information on the ancient technology, and spent a year "perfecting" the device. She got in contact with a black market surgeon and had the device surgically implanted. It enhances her vision and accuracy, but since it wasn't expertly manufactured, it gives her frequent muscle spasms and chronic migraines.

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