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Approved Starship Maw-class Stealth Fighter [REVISED]

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In Umbris Potestas Est
Intent: To develop a stealth fighter for use by Subach-Innes and its Galactic Trade Guild allies.
Development Thread: Projekt Maw
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
Model: Stealth Fighter
Affiliation: Galactic Trade Guild
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Desh-Terenthium Alloy(frame), Ultrachrome(lower armor), fiberplast(upper armor/anti-sensor layer)
Description: Ever since the Empire wasted their Stygium crystal reserves on the TIE Phantom project, there has not been a ship capable of successfully shrouding itself from a starship's sensors. Stygium is practically nonexistent, Hibridium is a failed technology avenue... Cloaking devices as such are no longer a valid option for shrouding ships, and as such, Subach-Innes' latest development jabs at the problem from a brand new angle.

The Maw-class Stealth Fighter is designed to operate as stealthily as possible. The engines are masked to decrease the chance of successful heatseeker lock-ons(the ship still using standard engines), the ship operates jamming equipment to block missile lock-ons and appearances on sensors, and the vessel itself has an outer layer of fiberplast, the same material used on the famed StealthX, to block sensors and scanners from detecting the Maw as it flies through space. The ship's coloration adds an extra difficulty to detection, making the ship difficult to visually spot during a dogfight in the blackness of space. To top it off, the vessel has a magnetic resonator to repel magnet-based detection arrays, and a gravitic modulator to prevent detection via mass-detectors. However, despite this, the fighter will show up on sensors if it gives off a sensor scan, a communication to another ship, or a firing of weapons. Though it may disappear from sensors after it stops doing such a thing, they will know it's there, and the pilot will need to get out of that area soon to remain undetected.

For protection, the Maw relies on moderately thick ultrachrome armor underneath the outer fiberplast skin, as well-as a hull-hugging shield that lies flush with the ship's exterior. Though only capable of taking two to three hits before being fully depleted, the shield's design allows for lasers to potentially fly through without depleting shield energy, thanks to the "holes" in the airframe originally positioned to allow the missile launchers a clear line of sight. The ship's razor-thin profile also serves as another difficulty for attacking pilots. Despite this, The ship is still quite vulnerable to laser fire if attacked from the right angle, however, and a half dozen shots to the hull is all it takes to superheat the ultrachrome and melt through the frame, thus causing dramatic structural failure.

Performance-wise, the Maw is capable of doing practically what any interceptor is capable of. It can do quick turns, fancy maneuvers, and stunts your typical fighter could never successfully pull off. The Desh-Terenthium alloy frame allows for millimeters of flexing, taking strain off the frame and giving the Maw a slight advantage in structural integrity during high-stress maneuvers.

Armament-wise, the Maw is relatively lacking. With only two laser cannons and a pair of small-capacity missile launchers, it's not designed to rely on weapons to survive an engagement. Utilizing these ships in an aggressive combat role without extra fighter support is guaranteed to result in failure. Production of these fighters has topped out at one squadron of twelve ships every nine months, likely resulting in an overall run of a few hundred fighters once it becomes obsolete.
Classification: Starfighter
Role: Stealth Fighter
Height: 2.5m
Width: 15m
Length: 14m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Geonosian Industries GR-316 Light Fighter-Grade Antimatter Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Armaments: 2 laser cannons, 2 missile launchers(4 missiles per launcher)
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments: Subach-Innes SIS fighter-grade sensor system, SIS-129 full-spectrum sensor and guidance jammer, SIS-09 Hullhugger shield unit, SIS-28 magnetic resonator, SIS-148 gravitic modulator
Passenger Capacity: N/A
Cargo Capacity: N/A
Consumables: 4 days
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 1

[SIZE=10.5pt]Original Section(s):[/SIZE]
Manufacturer: Subach-Innes
Affiliation: Galactic Trade Guild
[SIZE=10.5pt]New Section(s):[/SIZE]
Manufacturer: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
Affiliation: Sith Empire
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