This is a serious concern. A line has to be drawn for pedophilia and obscene content involving characters portrayed as minors. Going by the United State's standards, the age of adulthood is 18. If a character is portrayed to be that age or older, then have all the marriages and imaginary children one can think. If a character is 17 or under, this is a strict no-no if sexual contact is portrayed in any illicit or explicit manner (doubly so for explicit, that is banned on this site for all examples). It is illegal for explicit material to involve a fictional minor and I do not want to deal with anything illicit involving this subject. Since this is a fantasy setting, I will go with both physical and mental age of 18 and above as what counts as "okay to snoo-noo" (even if you can't be explicit about it). Also, until the character is "18," please follow the "half-plus-seven" rule for romantic relationships involving minors - which this instance does not follow. The half-plus-seven rule is a simple formula to find out the minimum and maximum "acceptable" dating ages. For the age of 16, the minimum "acceptable" age is 15. The maximum "acceptable" age is 18. Strictly romantically portrayed relationships involving minors following this rule will usually be ignored by me if it does not break other General Rules. I hope you now understand why I must say "this wedding is cancelled." If you wish to continue this idea for your characters, please adjust the ages accordingly.