Faction: Independent
Species: Human
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 156
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: White
Force: non-sensitive
Master Schemer
Millionaire, entrepreneur, businessman. Maximilian Devern conducts legitimate business in illegitimate industries.
From a young age, he was savvy with money and tech. From young adulthood he ran laundering schemes on his homeworld of Corulag, where he would fix droids for dirt cheap and "sell" them in order to cover his true business, fencing. Once he got good at manufacturing droids, he used his ill-gotten gains to purchase a real droid repair shop as a new front.
As a purveyor of stolen goods and information, he became renowned in the underworld. As a mechanic, he became renowned in the droid industry. It would be a mixture of these two sides that would lead Max Devern to where he is today.
It wasn't long before someone took notice of Max. Fixing droids, designing droids, etc. were all talents that the security force of Corulag needed. At 30, Max was now an established member of society on Corulag. With a secure job overseeing the security droids of his hometown on Corulag and his business as a broker of goods/knowledge, the two worlds of Max Devern have come together, and the game has begun...