Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Max meet Max

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Galactic City | CoCo Town
Tags: Max Wayne Max Wayne

Maxir Vancil was always glad to get away from the rigors of being on the set. He enjoyed the stability that his job created. Too much of his life was skipping from one racket to the next. No idea if they would even pay him. It wasn’t like he had a ship of his own to do smuggling runs, or skills with computers to take slicing jobs. According to everyone he encountered he had two attributes: a strong memory, that didn’t help much in the lower tier jobs, and good looks. That could take you far if you had loose morals. But Maxir wasn’t looking to be some con man taking advantage of some poor rich widow to empty her bank account.

Acting and modeling were much of a step up to Maxir. But at least the only person he was compromising was himself. He did a good job of picking his manager, who chose good projects for Maxir, but there were still so very many fake people in the business that he felt dirty every time he left the set.

When he was on Coruscant and he had a moment he always went to CoCo Town. It was an upper level district, but it wasn’t completely filled with the hoity-toity bars, restaurants and shops catering only to the very rich. Maxir had become a star rather quickly, so he technically could afford those places, but he just didn’t feel right there.

In CoCo Town the high end establishments were the rarity. The diners and lower end shops were aimed towards the blue collar workers of the upper levels. Maxir had recently been signed to a series of Jedi based shows so today he went to
Dex’s Diner, still standing after all these years. According to rumors, Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi ate here regularly.

Maxir took a seat at the bar and raised a hand. “Can I get a nerf steak and potato wedges?” he hesitated a moment. “Oh and a Jawa juice.”


Planet: Coruscant
Location: Coruscant Public Spaceport (Near CoCo Town)

"What do you mean the hyperdrive motivator is down?"
Max said his voice taking on a higher pitch than he wanted as a little bit of panic managed to escape despite his best efforts to keep it at bay. Blue just tilted his mechanical head and twitched his two antennae back and forth a few times and let out an indignant beep at Max's stupid question. Of course, Max knew what he meant, he even knew it was coming, the previous owner of the 'Horizon' Cord, had not been studious about maintenance. As a result, Max had already been forced to use what little credits that he had to do repairs and swap out some minor parts, but so far it hadn't been anything major. The ship was still flyable of course, he could zoom around the Coruscant and even around the system, but without a Hyperdrive motivator, he wasn't going anywhere. Not that he had anywhere to go, yet.

"Sorry," Max chided himself giving the little droid a sympathetic look. He knew he was being cranky and that Blue was taking the brunt of his foul mood. It wasn't Blue's fault, in fact, if it wasn't for the little droid's assistance Max would have been in a far worse situation than he was now. Blue had managed to slip into smaller spaces around the engine, tap into systems that Max didn't yet understand, and make repairs that would have cost a fortune to complete by himself. "I know it's not your fault," Max grumbled. "I just wish that things weren't falling apart so quickly. We just got this ship, it's our home now, I was hoping to enjoy it before it took all my food money."

Blue beeped and whined, giving a long low pitched whistle before a rapid succession of beeps. It most people Droidspeak was just noise, and even Max at first struggled, but after the last few months with Blue, he had quickly learned the language and how to read Blue's moods from his tones and presentation. And while this had started with a sympathetic response, it had quickly changed into Blue's version of a light joke.

"Yeah, yeah," Max said not being able to stop a small smile from creeping onto his face. "Your oil bath funds as well." Taking an example from Blue, Max decided there was no point in wallowing right now, and a grumble in his stomach said he needed a break. He wasn't completely broke. Not yet anyway. He didn't have the credits for a new Hyperdrive motivator, not even a used one, but he was fully stocked on supplies for the ship and fuel, and he had even paid all his docking fees for the month. Maybe he should relax, take a break, and then try to figure things out. He could always find Gatto and take a slicing job or even do some local in-system transport gigs. He had options.

"Blue," Max said standing up and stretching, wiping his already grease stained face and trying to put on a grin. "We need to get out of here for a bit, hit the town, and clear our heads." Blue just cocked his head to the side again, a gesture that Max had quickly learned was the little droids version of 'are you nuts?'. "I want to check out that diner we passed the other night," Max said already mentally counting his credits and deciding he could spare a few for a nice meal.

It didn't take Blue and Max long to walk through the many pedways and allies that lead to Dex's diner. Not that they were in a hurry, Max had already decided they needed a bit of a break from the ship in order to re-group. But after only twenty minutes of rambling around and they were entering, what the tourist maps called, a historically significant location. Apparently, some Jedi or something liked to eat here, why that made it historically significant he wasn't sure, especially considering the Jedi mentioned in the small blurb not to mention the original owner were long dead and dust. Still from the outside, it looked cool, with the retro vibe and classical Coruscant architecture had a certain appeal, and as he entered the building the smells that rushed him made his stomach growl loudly.

"Sit anywhere hun," the mechanical female voice of an ancient-looking but well-maintained droid said as she wheeled by in a metal mini skirt. "I'll be with you in a moment kid, we ain't that but I'm just serving this guy his nerf steak." Max just nodded, before slipping into a booth with Blue hoping up onto the bench seat beside him.

Maxir Vancil

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Galactic City | CoCo Town
Tags: Max Wayne Max Wayne

Maxir was waiting patiently. People watching as it was. When you grow up without much you never really get used to having a bunch. Sure you spend it no problem, save some of it away, but a part of you is always that poor kid with no real home. He heard his waitress droid address some other patron and turned to look. His nerf steak was coming, but he caught sight of the other patron. A young man with a companion droid.

At first Maxir thought nothing of it. But with a second look he was shocked. The guy could be his double without a doubt. The thought actually made Maxir laugh a little, as he always wore a cap pulled down over his face whenever he visited CoCo Town, so as to avoid getting noticed. Seems that wasn’t going to be a big problem. He also was a little curious why people weren’t mobbing this guy and trying to get a picture. Everywhere else he went in the upper levels mediacars were buzzing over him non-stop.

Maxir waved to the waitress droid and pointed to the booth the newcomer had sat in. “Hey there. Anyone tell you that you could star in a holodrama?” He had to smile. That was the pitch he was given in a much seedier diner on Corellia.

Max had been having this weird feeling ever since entering Coco Town, an odd sensation that people were looking at him or something. When he looked around it didn't appear at first that anyone was really paying that much attention to him, after all, he was still dirty and wearing his grease monkey clothing, not bothering to have changed before heading out to the diner. But then he had caught the odd person suddenly looking away, a few ever possibly taking holo pictures of him? It was... odd... but he had mostly ignored it.

Now at the diner, a complete stranger was talking to him... or was he? Taking a moment, Max looked around at the other booths just to make sure the stranger was actually talking to him. When he saw that no one else was around him to look back at the other man giving him a once over. He looked familiar somehow, but couldn't quite place how he knew him. Did he know him from the lower city? Judging by his clothes he doubted it, he looked like an upper city dweller, probably rich. So where?

The sound of Blue moving his head back and forth caught his attention making Max look down at his companion. The droid looked confused. He was moving his head to look at the stranger and then back at Max in rapid succession, wiggling his little antenna back and forth like he did when confused. "What is up with you?" Max asked Blue, wondering if he would need to perform a diagnostic when they got back to the ship.

"Sorry friend," Max finally said when he turned his attention back to the other man. "What was that?" he asked needing to make sure he knew what the other man had said. No one had really paid him any attention before, certainly not to ask him that kind of question. "A holodrama? I don't think anyone would want to watch me star in anything except as a repairman for their computers."

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Galactic City | CoCo Town
Tags: Max Wayne Max Wayne

Maxir laughed at the response from the young man who shared a good deal of his physical features. If they left together and were caught on camera he was sure the gossip media would be wondering how long he had been hiding away his brother from the world. But the young man across from him was more interested in computers, or thought that was all he was good for.

“Oh I think that people would watch you,” Maxir responded with a chuckle. “You’ve got a certain look about you. At least that’s the line they used on me. That didn’t really get the hook in though. It was when they promised a steady paycheck. Now I’m not sure it was worth it. But there is no way out”

The waitress droid dropped off Maxir’s nerf steak and he offered a smile. “What’re you having? It’s on me. If you don’t mind company that is.” Maxir took off his cap and placed it on the booth’s seat next to him. As much as he enjoyed anonymity he was always told that covering one’s head during a meal was impolite.

Max couldn't help but feel uneasy, not because of the conversation, but because his gut kept nagging at him. It was like he really should know this guy somehow. He looked so familiar, like he should know him well, but couldn't place him. He scanned his mind for all the people that he knew from before his first trip off Coruscant, but no one even came close to the guy sitting across from him. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling. Weird...

"Oh yeah," Max said suddenly realizing that he had taken way too long to reply to the other man's kind offer. He didn't like taking things from people, no matter how poor he was, he preferred to be self-sufficient. However, he also didn't want to be back in a situation where he would need to steal food in order to eat, and if this guy was offering, he knew he should take it.

"Of course, you can join me," Max said gesturing to the seat across the table from him, even as Blue continued to look back and forth between the two of them with an odd movement and adjustment of his optical sensors. It was like the droid was having a hard time accepting the input he was receiving. "You don't have to pay for my meal though," Max said accepting the offer, but also giving the guy an out if he had changed his mind about paying. He knew from experience that people would often say and offer things, not because they actually wanted to help, but because they expected the other person to decline the offer. He figured it was so they looked like they were generous, but without actually needing to be generous. "I would enjoy the company either way."

Maxir Vancil

Maxir Vancil

Location: Coruscant | Galactic City | CoCo Town
Tags: Max Wayne Max Wayne

“Just sitting for the company then,” Maxir said with a wave to the waitress to get his new friend’s order. “So you’re into computers?” Maxir asked, remembering what the young man had said. “And droids I assume, based on your companion here.” Maxir gave a nod to the droid.

“My name is Maxir,” he introduced himself. “I would say my friends call me Max, but my list of friends is not very long. Mostly just associates and my agent says Maxir is more memorable so that’s what they all call me.”

Maxir gave a laugh, “I said you might do well in holos because. Well I’m in holos as it happens. Found in some run down Corellian cantina. They noticed me because of my face. And well. You have a similar look.”

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