Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Max Sinn

Max Sinn


NAME: Maximilene Annabella Sinn

ALIASES: Max Cyn | Fallen Warlord Sinn | Deadliest Sinn | Grand Admiral Sinn | Moff Sinn | Imperial B

MAJOR FACTION: The Brotherhood of the Maw



RANK: Admiral | Warlord

OCCUPATION: Admiral | Warlord


AGE: 35

SEX: Female


HEIGHT: 5'9" (1.75m)

WEIGHT: 135lb (61.23 kg)

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde (Dyed Red or Black on occasion)

SKIN: Pale



Loyalist: Max is Loyal to what ever cause she has pledged herself until it breaks the traditions, laws, and rules she governs herself by. Which most of her mindset comes from the Old Galactic Empire.
Family: Max will do anything for those that come to be her family even break her own rules for them.
Naval Strategist: She is Expert in Naval Combat and she excels at it.
Hypocrite: She is anti-force user or at least that is what she says but she has hidden her own family members that force users and defended them. She has very strict rules but will easily break them for someone she loves. The rules apply to everyone else but her family and loved ones.
Ruthless: Max has a vicious streak and holds grudges. She isn't above glassing a world for not giving into her or whom she is working for's demands.
Just a Straight up B: She straight up horrible at diplomacy and people have a tendency to no like her because of her strict rules she governs herself by. She has very poor relationship skills outside of her family and loved ones. She also speaks her mind and it is often abrasive, harsh, and demanding.


Max has made herself into the person she is for her family. Everything she has done has been for them, she has buried what her own hopes and desires very deep. She puts her family and Career before herself it has caused her lose out on personal relationships and a chance to prove she is something else besides a military hard ass.

Max is cold though not completely emotionless, its clear to people around her when she is angry or passionate about something. It's hard for people to see her softer side which she does have one, she has a surprisingly soft spot for children and Elderly people. She is also Highly protective of those she cares about to the point she will hide things from the very Empire she has served to make sure no harm comes to those she holds dear.

Though she is confident of her ability's boarder lining on arrogance underneath her surfaces she is always annualizing her actions being critical of nearly every action she takes. She evaluates herself on a harsher scale then she does others. She does this all for her own survival and need to succeed. Internally she is a very sensitive and caring person about a lot of things no one will ever know. Everyday she forces herself to be the person others need her to be rather then who she really is. It has not changed in thirty-five years; and not since the Krath freed her from Carbonite.

Star Destroyers | Old Military Medals | Blasters | Military history | Roses | Cats | Museums | Art Museums | White Wine | Cigars | Star Fighters | Piloting | Military Strategy | Arcades | Starry Nights | Ocean Air | Gardening | Balmorra | Her Siblings | Children | Elderly People | Pineapple | Cherries | Coin Collecting | Poker | Bad boys/girls | Empire | Black and White holoFilms

Social Engagements | Force Users (mostly) | Non-Human Looking Aliens | Hapes Consortium | Lawlessness | Being Underestimated | Showing her Emotions to much | Cruelty to Animals
Articulate | Athletic | Calm | Confident | Contemplative | Courageous | Cultured | Decisive | Dedicated | Disciplined | Educated | Efficient | Firm | Focused | Hardworking | Intelligent | Logical | Loyal | Mature | Observant | Orderly | Patient | Perceptive | Perfectionist | Protective | Prudent | Rational | Romantic | Self-critical | Internally Sensitive | Sentimental | Well-bred | Well-read

Arrogant | Assertive | Blunt | Calculating | Callous | Coarse | Competitive | Cold | Condemnatory | Cruel | Cynical | Deceitful | Dogmatic | Fanatical | High-Handed | Idealistic | Intolerant | Mawkish | Moody | Opinionated | Opportunistic | Power-Driven | Regimental | Repressed | Rigid | Ritualistic | Ruined | Secretive | Steely | Suspicious | Treacherous | Venomous | Vindictive


Blonde hair falls just below the shoulders though it is ussually tied up in a bun. She wears a Black and gold military uniform in most setting rarely dressing casually. Her Blues looking distant and lost like she is always lost in thought. Rarely ever smiles and seems to have the weight of worlds on her shoulders.


In the short period of time the and The old dynasty of Empress Teta controlled the world the Krath scoured it looking for as many of their buried secrets as they could. Well hidden in the ruins of an old Galactic Empire building that had been built when they ruled the Galaxy was found a prison of sorts. This prison did not hold cells of long dead prisoners instead a thousand prisons all encased in carbonite. Most of which were political prisoners of wars long past and mostly forgotten. Among these Prisoners was someone named Maximilene Annabella Sinn.

Maximilene Annabella Sinn was born on Balmorra in 24 bby in the final days of the old republic. Her Father Maximilian Sinn was Commander in the Rebulic Navy Later joining the Empire as it formed out of the ashes of the Republics fall rising to Admiral and later after that overseer of Balmorra. He so wanted his first born to be a son to name them after himself but instead he was graced with a daughter though it wasn't the son he wanted he to great pride and named his firstborn daughter after himself.

Max and later her two younger sisters were put into the best Imperial schools the family's money could buy. Her middle sister though was found to be force sensitive and was taken from the family and put into a secret school for future inquisitors. Not long after there was an attack by rebel force on Balmorra when Max was around age of Fifteen where both her parents were killed in the attack. Leaving her and her younger sister orphans though they had a lot of money from their family estate due her father's high position in the Imperial navy and as overseer of Balmorra.

This event changed Max for ever and she pushed herself hard to live up to her fathers legacy and she at age sixteen declared her independence and became her younger sisters legal guardian. Max was determined to prove she could live up to her father's legacy. Using her families money she pushed herself through school and at seventeen became a member of the SAGroup of COMPNOR and was aiming to join the Coalition for Progress.

COMPNOR internal files stated she Loyal, Dedicate, and Strong willed. However, lacked in various social measures and people skills that would guarantee her advancement in COMPNOR. So, she was let go of the program which absolutely devastated her, but she was still determined and enrolled in the Naval academy. She knew entering being a female she would have a harder time of it then most. Given she use to be COMPNOR and her Family name she was quickly fast tracked into the Communications program. Eventually rising to a communications officer position.

By the age of twenty for through pure grit and determination she had become captain in the Imperial Navy. Though she didn't think she would rise much further then that given she was a female she pushed herself to become Commander near the final days of Empire. As the Empire began to collapse, they need as many dedicated men and women as they could get so achieved a rank so few of her sex had. Still the writing was on the wall for the empire. During a battle with Rebellion an Imperial officer told her to stand down and she refused the order. The Empire manage a small victory that day but at great loss.

The Superior officer came to confront her at the end of the battle. Fed up and angry thinking her commanding officer was a fool she pulled out her side arm and shot the superior officer in the head as he was about to demote her. In the Insurrection several of the fleet joined her, her fleet becoming one of the many Imperials that fractured and became the remnants. In her first move she declared herself Admiral and they made a move on Balmorra. There victory was hard fought and most of the fleet was lost but they manage to win. Taking Balmorra as their base of operation they forced all the factories and ship yard work tirelessly to build their war machine up. It was in this time Max was reunited with her middle sister who had been indoctrinated into the inquisition and had been sent to kill her. In their fight Max turned her sister to her side. The Sinn family now in control of Balmorra with a fleet and army being built, Max declared herself a The Warlord Moff Balmorra.

Aliens were subjugated to slaves, force sensitives were hunted and killed except those off vary young age who were sent to Max's younger sister to be trained in a inquisition program they were starting. Most of her piece of the remnant was fighting Balmorrian rebels who wanted to be apart of the newly forming republic. This went on for many years until the new republic did finally come and pushed her and her family off the world.

Max found herself joining up with the rest of Imperial remnant to fight back against the Republic. She was at first given the rank of Grand Admiral and Warlord within their ranks. Soon though she found herself with people talking about raising her to supreme commander. However, there was a lot of opposition to this as though Max was almost successful in every battle, she fought she was ruthless and imperial loyalist of the old. She often rejected the changes they tried to implement, and many grew to despise her because she would not change. She was pure anti-alien becoming anything higher than common soldiers and purely against force users in the ranks think they should all be killed unless they were children. Despite the hypocrisy of her sister being a force user, though that was because Max felt she had some control over her sister.

As some were about too coronate her to supreme commander many a huge chunk of the remnant rebelled against her. She did not see victory this day as she was captured and frozen in carbonite. They choose not kill her because they thought in time they might be able to when they had the assets of a true empire again rehabilitate her and make her loyal subject once more. Her victories in battle had gained her at least that.

Frozen in carbonite they took her to the world of Empress Teta where they new there was a secret Imperial Prison one that would remain hidden from the republic. They placed her there among many political prisoners of the old galactic empire. There she remained for over 800 Years. Dust collecting on her carbonite frozen statue.

So 800 years later her prison was unearthed by the Krath working for the Maw. They claimed to be the Tetan Empire Reborn. Over months she and the other prisoners were interrogated, so off which were executed for there answers. Others were welcomed into the fold, and some were let go not seen as threats or assets to their regime. They hide how much time had passed form most of the prisoners. Max not even aware there was a new Empire out there in the Galaxy at large. Not knowing that Krath was the secret group behind the New Tetan Empire and find their mostly humansentric views to her liking she ended up gain there trust and viewed as an asset.

She was integrated into their navy first as officer but quickly rose to Captain just another nameless face in their ranks. Though after the fall of Empress Teta and the Death of Empress Dyans Keto Dyans Keto , the Krath and Tetan Empire were in disarray. Max had no where to go in this Galaxy she knew little about. She overall disliked the Maw do to the Force users in her ranks and their more unorganized manner. She thought about heading home to Balmorra to made try to find some descendants of her sisters and other family members. She was at a lost until the Emperor in exile Dimetrius Keto Dimetrius Keto came to her and asked her to take command of the Tetan fleets until he got something in order and could take full control. Max saw an opportunity she could fight the aspect of the Maw she disliked and rebuild her father's legacy.

Maybe one day she would find the Empire but for today she fights for Teta and reluctantly the Maw.
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