Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maximar Gricori

[SIZE=22pt]Basic Information[/SIZE]​
NAME: Maximar Gricori
FACTION: The Sith Empire

RANK: Sith Knight

SPECIES: Humanoid, assumed near-human, possibly Epicanthix based on build and height

AGE: Chronologically unknown, biologically mid 30s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: Six foot seven

WEIGHT: 293 pounds

BUILD: Athletic

EYES: Red – Dark Side Corrupted

HAIR: Black, though none is visible

SKIN: Pale, black, tendril like growths along some areas as well as some indecipherable script branded onto him in some areas

(+) Bladesman: Devastating in close quarters, Gricori is most comfortable with a saber or something similar in hand.

(+) Superhuman Physicality: Alarmingly fast reaction time, as well as heavy use of the force to enhance strength and speed.

(-) Arrogant: Quite confident in his abilities to kill, too confident.

(-) Force Connection: Aside from enhancement of physical abilities, his use of the force is incredibly limited for now.

(-) Liar: Especially in regards to his history, and tells several different stories regarding his origin.

(-) Allegiance: While fighting for the Sith Empire, he is not necessarily loyal to it, as much as he is to whatever it is that made him.

(+/-) Pain: Is constantly in some form of pain, perhaps to keep him chained, perhaps just for sick amusement, regardless while it is debilitating at some times, it also provides fuel for his connection to the dark side.
Some stories are better left untold. All Gricori has disclosed of his past is his name, which one cannot be truly sure is even his own. The man was surrounded by darkness, his skin fused with armor, eyes burning red with hatred. He swore his allegiance to the Dark Lord, but in the depths of his mind he is sworn to something far greater, and far darker.


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