Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maximilian Rei (Maxi)


NAME: Maximilian Rei (Maxi)
FACTION: The Imperial Remnant (Currently Silver Jedi)
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’10”
WEIGHT: 115lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Light (Caucasian)
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (No training yet)


  • Adept Ship pilot, good with ships and enjoys working on one.
  • Tech Savvy, Can speak to droids and can work on them with little problem.
  • Kind Soul, Enjoys meeting new people and learning new things.

  • Hate of the Sith, When seeing someone of the dark side he tends to get agitated.
  • One track mind, Once he made up is mind he goes for it no matter what.
  • Memories of the past, When asked about home he tends to get rather depressed.
A fairly tall Corellian. He stands 5’10” and weighs 115lbs. Normally seen wearing a red jacket with a turtleneck (As shown in picture). He doesn't have any noticeable scars. His hair is somewhat unkept (As shown in picture)

Being born in Corellia he grew up to be a healthy child. His mother liked to stay home and relax with Maxi’s sister. His father however was different. He was an odd individual who enjoyed hunting and would take Maxi to one of the forested areas of Corellia to hunt. There Maxi was taught how to use a blaster pistol and how to use a vibro-knife. The biggest thing he learned that he still uses to this day is his ability to track. Due to his connection to the force it came rather easy to him he just never really noticed. He became very lucky due to his connection to the force as well. He seemed more aware of his surroundings then his sister did. Their father was even impressed. His school life was rather odd as well. He was bullied at school and doubted himself.
This was his life and, he could say he rather enjoyed it besides school (As many kids would say). On his way home however he had noticed smoke emanating from a very familiar place. It had been his home. He rushed back home only to find his father at the hands at whom looked like a sith lord. He didn't know what to do and was scared. He grit his teeth and made a run for it. thankfully the sith lord didn't see who the kid was and, felt it as nothing more then another annoyance. He began to chase the boy just after he executed Maxi’s father. Before he knew it Maxi had to find one of the Ships down at the garage. The only ship there was a civilian scout ship. It was fast and, he had thought his father only liked it for the speed. There was much more that he wasn't told and it didn't matter at the moment. All He needed to do was get out of there. As he entered the cockpit he noticed the controls from the lessons he took in school. Even with that fact he never really piloted a starship. Time was against him so he chose to just go for it. At first it was shaky but he got a hand of it and flew off into space.
At this moment the young pilot had went off into space. He was new to the whole thing and knew he couldn't go back. With that thought he took advantage and just kept going. Maybe he would meet his fate or, change it to something better.

Jedi Master: [member="Coci Sinopi"]

Force Powers:
Force Push/Pull (In training)
Force Jump (In training)
Force Speed (In training)
*Other force techniques will come after Maxi trains more*

His Lightsaber is that of Durasteel. Its special Feature is the fact that it doubles as a Vibro-blade and a Lightsaber. The Vibro-blade on its own is about 3.5ft long. When the lightsaber is activated it comes out to 5.5ft (The Lightsaber can of course be adjusted)


Vibro-blade Mode (Deactivated)


Lightsaber Mode (Activated)

A simple Holdout Pistol w/ a few Charge Packs

Civilian Scout ship, (Factory model) the number AF-1203 are painted on the side




New Blood:

The Slicer and the Spy:

Training Day:

What could you possibly learn from me?:

Droid Recovery!:

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