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Approved NPC Maximillian Jarx

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  • Intent: Adding an NPC for Sorr and Brinna's adventure. Max will serve as their "heavy weapons" guy of sorts. ;) Also he serves as the cook!
  • Image Credit: Tumblr
  • Role: The "Muscle/Cook" for a young smuggling crew: Sorr Kortu and Brinna
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Sorr Kortu, Brinna Dara
  • Age: 50
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Standing at 6'6, Max is a massive man, broad shouldered with light blue eyes, a squared jaw, and not a hair on his bald head.
  • Name: Maximillian Jarth
  • Loyalties: New Imperial Order (Formerly), Mostly himself
  • Wealth: Somewhat wealthy, comes from a minor noble family
  • Notable Possessions: Mostly Blaster Rifles or Gatling Guns
  • Skills: As a former Deathtrooper, Max has special ops training specifically in unarmed combat, all forms of weaponry and, guerilla warfare. He's also an excellent cook which stems from time spent with his Grandmother.
  • Languages: He's fluent in: Basic, Hutsee, and Wookie
  • Personality: Max is a pure professional, he goes in, does his job and gets out. While he prefers to keep to himself, Max does have a soft spot for children and is seen donating to orphanages and sometimes cooks for them. He is known to have the strength of a Wookie, becoming a top tier powerlifter in the Academy. Max is also intelligent and pensive though he does let the bloodlust get to him battle often yelling obscenities.
  • Weapon of Choice: Max loves to use either a Blaster Rifle or a Minigun. Whatever gets the job done.
  • Combat Function: A former powerlifter, Max boasts prodigious strength and his capable of lifting people or objects twice his size. Despite his size, Max is quick using his Deathtrooper training to outpace his opponent. He can also use any type of weapons at his disposal though he prefers to carry Gatling Guns lifting them with ease and can lay down some heavy fire to initiate an attack or to cover for a retreat.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): N/A
  • Supremely strong capable of surviving many situations thanks to his training.
  • He's a great cook! Try his Roasted Porg!
  • Can be a bit slow to trust due to his loner nature.
  • Is a big target which means he'll be easy to hit.

Maximillian Jarx knew that he was destined to be a soldier. Born on the planet Lianna, the boy Maxmillian was from a family of soldiers loyal to the Sith Empire. The geneticists and Droids saw that he had the body that was born and bred to be the ultimate killing machine and Max began his training when he was six years old. Though Maximillian's childhood was tough, he did have fond memories of cooking with his Grandmother. She would always encourage Max to be a good person and always remain true to himself. As soon as Max was old enough, he enlisted in the Sith Army excelling as a solider and was a veteran of many campaigns such as the Omega War. When the Sith Empire began to fracture, Max's family joined the side of the Imperials much to Max's surprise. He nonetheless joined them and Max became a Deathtrooper due to his experiences in the Omega War. Max fought in the Stygnan Campaign beating back the soldiers whom he once served as a fellow brother in arms. After the Sith Empire was defeated, Max decided to retire the killing of his brothers and sisters taking a toll on him. He now serves as a mercenary looking to lend his services to anyone who needs a hired gun.
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