Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maximus Stanforth Reporting

Maximus Stanforth

Regular Army Trooper with Forward Observer and Infantry Tactics training requesting assignment and rank.

Now I am not seeing a fleshed out rank structure for the Army but requesting 2nd LT.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]


We don't really have units to assign people to, so you can make your own if you want. It looks like you've already started that though.

Maximus Stanforth


Nah just a little filler RP until I can see what Kiskla will let me get away with. :p


Oh, probably a lot. We NFUs tend to have a lot of leeway here, since it's difficult for us to really be overpowered or anything when there are so many Masters running about.

Mind if I hop in that thread?

Maximus Stanforth


Not only do I not mind but I highly encourage it. Just be warned about his gruff cigar smoking Drill Instructor mentality. :p

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