Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maxir Syko

Maxir Syko

Maxir Syko

NAME: Maxir Syko, FN-3265
RANK: Staff Sergeant, First Order Stormtrooper Corps.
SPECIES: Humanoid
AGE: Twenties
HEIGHT: Five feet, ten inches.
WEIGHT: One hundred and eighty pounds.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Fair


  • [+] Sarge: A rather astounding trait, of all things considered. The lonely young man has proven to be quite the capable leader. Rousing his squad, keeping them safe and in line, and leading the charge have come quite naturally to Maxir.
  • [+] Stormtrooper: Years of training and intense combat on the front have turned a farm boy into a trained killer. While he is no special operator of any sort, Sergeant Syko is an experienced infantryman and knows his way around a blaster.
  • [-] Jack of All Trades: He's a master of none. Whether it be orienteering, piloting, or hand to hand combat. Maxir is not the best at it all and he highly doubts that will ever become reality.
  • [-] Bad Knee: An injury sustained during a forward deployment has left our dear Sergeant with a bit of a bad track. Kneeling, running, or even just walking are sometimes


Hailing from Telos IV, Maxir Syko was born to a pair of farmers. The Syko family was not extravagant, but struggled to make their living and survive. They raised their only son to be the best he could, teaching him everything they could and pushing him to attain good marks in school. Maxir did fairly well in school, though he participation issues. He'd rather work by himself than with others, which led to his isolation throughout his childhood. This was a result of being an only child. When not completing chores on the Syko's farm, he was off in the woods by himself. He hunted, explored, and soon became an expert tracker and hunter. With few friends in his childhood, Max grew up a lonely boy.

However, this all changed when an Imperial recruiter came into town one day. He flashed propaganda of the elite Stormtrooper Corps, highlighting the opportunities for adventure, financial stability, and the career of a lifetime. Maxir was ecstatic. He jumped at the chance to enlist as soon as he turned 18 and signed up right away. His parents were proud of his decision to make something of himself, but deeply saddened at the departure of their only child.

And soon enough, Maxir had been shipped off to training and then the frontlines for years to come.

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