Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maybe? Maybe.

Not really sure what to say at this point, I've had so much back and forth with this place. But I guess what I can say is this: I came here under the pretense of seeking a new place to RP - a little hobby of mine that I could explore further with other wonderful writers, but over time, that devolved into a sort of farce that got out of hand.

To elaborate further, I'm simply saying that I goofed. Really bad, at that. It's a thing I can only apologize for so many times before nobody wants to listen anymore, a thing which I may have over-saturated with lies and hypocrisy. So what's there to do from here on? Try and hope for the best, even if my credibility as a writer and an active member of this site has been smeared with the countless trolling and general idiocy.

I know this probably won't alleviate any of things that people remember me for, but at least I can maybe try to make new memories - perhaps better ones that don't involve as much meme shenanigans.

Once again, I guess I'm coming back. If we're still in touch on Discord, hit me up.

Cheers, Chaos.

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