Mazoga was freshly birthed when the fall of her people came. Though quick to grow into maturity, as the Drael are known to do, she was largely left to navigate this strange new world by herself. In order to survive, she relied upon her body's innate ability to shapeshift and learned to adapt to her surroundings. Whether by chameleon-style camouflage, or full blown skin-changing, she blended into the societies she wandered into and tried to learn all that she could of the Galaxy. Her growth was stunted, and though her natural state stands her well above her fellow sentients in comparison to other Draelvasier - especially Aeravalin - she's regarded as small. Not that she's met another Draelvasier yet to know as much.
Her initial few years were spent locked on Groth, with naught save her Kraemonen companion Nyk tying her to her people, where she mimicked the local gladiators and fought within the arenas. New skins would come and go, sometimes great Wookiees and other times mere humanoids, though no matter which form she took she held on to the indominable strength of her people. A force to be reckoned with. Many names were thrown around back then, and though she knew herself to be Mazoga in spirit none around her spoke that into existence. Indigen the Trandoshan, Marusk the Gamorean, Leena the Corellian, Krumcanchongla the Wookiee. More and more she sacrificed pieces of herself in order to remain alive, in order to avoid the brutal fate of her kin.
It was during her time as Vidis Palnindar, a shrewd Balosar vibrospear wielder, that her sensitivity to the Force was discovered by someone else, an ageing Sith who had come to Groth to relish in the bloodshed. Lord Zalvirr was a cruel S'kytri who took Vidis under his wing for a time, revealing to them the secrets of the Force and all that they could be capable of if they put their mind to it. Vidis' lack of any telekinetic abilities irked the Sith though, after all Zalvirr himself was a telekinetic master, but with enough prying he found other strengths which lay within her. He soon discovered her shapeshifting capabilities, and her cunning knack for blending in to her surroundings and the communities she imposed herself upon.
Quick to learn cultural norms, and pick up on the mannerisms of those around her, Zalvirr fast sought ways to enhance these abilities. It was he who taught her how to drain the knowledge and memories right from the minds of another, he who encouraged her to take on more than just the appearance of another being but their lives instead. He took her from Groth and used her newfound prowess to infiltrate a banking clan on Lianna. Zalvirr's past soon caught up with him, however, in the form of a previous Apprentice. Qes Vex killed his former Master, bringing to an immediate end the journey of metaphysical learning Vidis had been subjected to.
More than that, Mazoga was forced to put behind her all that she'd been while under his wing. Vidis died alongside Zalvirr, and for a time Mazoga was left to aimlessly wander the Outer Rim. She took what Zalvirr had taught her and more thoroughly integrated herself wherever she wound up, stealing the personality and memories of random people and slipping into their lives while their bodies were left to waste away. It was all so aimless though, so unfulfilling, and she couldn't help but feel as though there had to be more for her than this cyclical life.
So she returned to Groth, where she'd last seen any of her Drael kin, and it was there she remained, frequently attempting to call out for any of her brethren who might hear her.
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