Mazus Strain
Name: Mazus Strain
Species: Pau'an
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 7'2
Weight: 144 Lbs
Homeworld: Utapau
Faction: New Imperial Order
Rank: Knight Errant
Strengths and Weaknesses
Intelligent: Mazus spent much of his earlier life in the charge of various tutors, learning everything from the ancient musical studies to the most modern political and military advances and trends. He took to all of these lessons well, and his photographic memory allowed him to memorize all the details that he read, and he can recall entire books as if they were laid out before him.
Athletic: Years spent growing up on Utapau lended Mazus an athletic upbringing and experience. Simply moving about a Pau'an city required a certain level of endurance, and taking part in an extended training period to participate in local sports helped to refine Mazus's body.
Social: An only child, highly intelligent, and extremely arrogant. This rather poor combination of traits all lended themselves to Mazus developing a rather keen anti-social nature to him. He has poor people skills, and comes across as blunt and condescending to others. He has a habit of annoying those he meets in a first encounter, and generally does not get many good chances to fix things with others.
Arrogant: Mazus holds others in very low regard, always seeing himself as superior to those around him. He constantly underestimates those he comes across, since for most of his life, he was always the best at what he did. He will often overstep himself, and throw himself into a situation of great danger as he has misread the situation or his opponent.
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