Republic Engineering
Artificial Intelligence

- Intent: To create a next-generation Mon Calamari Minelayer, Corvette-sized.
- Image Source: EC Henry’s Rebel Gunship | Artstation.
- Canon Link: Not Applicable.
- Permissions: Not Applicable.
- Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Advanced Pressor Beam Emitters.
- Manufacturer: Free Dac Engineering Corps - Deep Space Installations, Deep Docks, and Foerost Shipyards (On Contractual Basis.)
- Secondary: Republic Engineering Corporation - Coruscanti Shipwright; Centax II Surface Facilities and Deep Space Installations.
- Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance - Galactic Alliance Defence Force, Closed-Market.
- Model: MC25c Seafury - Class Minelayer Corvette.
- Production: Minor-scale Production.
- Material:
- Durasteel Hull and Armour Plating (Ablative) with Secondary Turadium Armour Plating.
- Neuranium (Anti-Scanning) Hull Liner.
- Alusteel Skeletal Frame, with Ferrocarbon Reinforcements, and Laminanium Structural Plating.
- Heavily Reinforced Duraplast Hull Liner with Anti-Ionic Mesh (Faraday Cage.)
- Dallorian Alloy and Agrinium Panels (Where Appropriate.)
- Myoflex Heat Sinks.
- Polarized Glasteel Viewports.
- Reinforced Laser-Reflective Barbettes.
- Various Cruiser Components.
- Classification: Corvette.
- Role: Anti-Starfighter, Gunship, Heavy Escort, Minelayer, Etc.
- Length: 150 Metres.
- Width: 85 Metres.
- Height: 50 Metres.
- Armament: Average Rating.
- [8] Dual Ion Cannon Turrets [Fast-track Mountings, and Fire-linked.]
- [16] Automated Quad Barbette Laser Cannon Turrets [Fast-track Mountings, and Fire-linked.]
- [1] Flexible Warhead Launch Tube Turret [Ventral-mounted, Variable Payload.]
- 20 Variable Warhead Capacity.
- [8] Flexible Minelayer Launch Tubes [Aft-mounted, Port and Starboard Distribution; Variable Payload.]
- 240 Variable Mine Capacity.
- [15] Automated Barbette Rotary Point Defense Cannons [Fast-track Mountings, and Fire-linked.]
- [10] Automated Barbette Quad Point Defense Warhead Launchers [Fast-track Mountings, and Fire-linked.]
- [10] Automated Nanomissile Blister Pods, with Seeking Anti-missile Interception Protocols. (Thirty Nanomissiles per Blister.)
- [15] Automated Barbette Antimissile Octets [Fast-track Mountings, and Fire-linked.]
- Defences: High Rating.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Reinforced, and Ablative Armour and Hull Plating.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Deflector Shielding (Ray, Particle and Concussion Barriers; Overlaid.)
- Secondary [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Deflector Shielding (Ray, Particle and Concussion Barriers; Overlaid.)
- Redundant, and Tertiary [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Deflector Shielding (Ray, Particle and Concussion Barriers; Overlaid.)
- Reinforced [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Ionic Shielding.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Emergency Thrusters (Chemical Propellent and Lateral Thrusters.)
- Advanced [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Reactionary Pressor Beam Emitters - Maximum Coverage Layout.
- Advanced [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] EWAR, Electronic Countermeasures, Chaff, Flare Launchers, Etc.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Internal Defenses.
- (Notable Items: Turadium Blast Doors, Laser Gates, Force Field Generators, Klaxon Warning Lights and Projectors, Hyperwave Warning System, Selective Blaster Neutralizer, Rotary Autoblasters [Internally Retractable,] Etc.)
- Hangar Space: Average Rating - External Docking Rings, Umbilical Connection Tubes, Etc.
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: None.
- Support Craft: None.
- Maneuverability Rating: 55 DPF - Average Rating - Integrated Lateral Thrusters.
- Speed Rating: Average Rating.
- MGLT: 75 MGLT.
- Maximum Atmospheric Speed: 950 Km/H.
- Engine Unit(s): Corvette - Class Ion Engines - Six Drive Units.
- Secondary Propulsion Method: Integrated Repulsorlift Engines, with Turbofans.
- Primary Power Plant: Corvette - Class Hypermatter Reactor.
- Secondary Power Plant(s):
- Localized Compact Fusion Reactors.
- Solar Ionization Conversion Module(s) with Retractable Agrinium Collection Arrays.
- Hyperdrive: Equipped.
- Hyperdrive Class:
- Primary: Class 1.
- Secondary: Class 8.
- Passengers:
- Thirty Soldiers - Shipboard Security Complement.
- Crew Complement (Optimal): Fifty Officers and Enlisted Personnel, and Integrated Droid Brains.
- Crew Complement (Skeletal): Ten Officers and Enlisted Personnel, and Integrated Droid Brains.
- Escape Craft: Ten Escape Pods and Four Ejectable Lifeboats.
- Cargo Capacity: 350 Metric Tonnes.
- Consumables: Six Galactic Standard Months.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Sensor Systems and Targeting Systems.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Avionics Package.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Navigation System.
- Dedicated Precision MicroJump Computer.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Life Support System.
- (Automated Barrack Deck(s,) Integrated Training Centres, Mess Halls, Recreational Facilities, Etc.)
- Trans-binary Deflector [Anti-Cosmic Radiation,] and Rad-Dampening Shields.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Damage and Hazard Control Systems.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Tractor and Pressor Beam Emitters.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Anti-Ion Emission Tracker (Anti-Hyperspace Tracking.)
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Communication Systems, with Encrypted Military Keys.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Shift and Relativistic Shielding.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Magnetogravitic Shielding (Internal [Cargo Bays] and External [Concussion Shield Reinforcement: Particulate Debris.])
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Anti-Concussion Force Fields.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Thermal and Atmospheric-Friction Shielding.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Force Cylinder Transit Conduits.
- Standard [Corvette-Class, Military-Grade] Animated Metal Sealant, with Automated Repair Drones.
- State of the Art Internal Systems:
- Prototyper, with Innumerable Duplicators, and Synthicators.
- Molecular Furnaces.
- Integrated Droid Brains, with Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Capabilities (Advanced Automaton, and Slaved Systems, Etc.)
- Holographic Terminal Interface(s.)
- State of the Art External Systems:
- AR-08 Damage Reduction Armour Component.
- Laminanium Structural Plating, External Regenerative Properties.
- State of the Art Countermeasures:
- Advanced Counter-Slicing Protocols and Equipment, with Quadruple Bio-hexacrypted Systems.
- Advanced Biometric Equipment, Terminal Access and Military Encryption Protocols.
- Internalized Shield Generators, and Emitters; Overlapping.
- Internalized Reactor Bulb(s.)
- Internalized Primary Command Deck.
- Advanced and Reactionary Pressor Beam Emitters.
- Integrated Neuranium (Anti-Scanning) Hull Liner.
- ABC Scrambler Probes.
- Anti-Ordnance EM Probe(s.)
- Missile Deactivators.
- Animated Metal Sealant, with Automated Repair Drones.
- Highly Automated, with Animated Metal Sealant, Automated Repair Drones, and Minor Regenerative Properties.
- Reinforced Defensive Capabilities on External Emplacements.
- Advanced Countermeasure Suite; Internal and External Systems.
- Heavy Automation and Networked Systems - Significantly Reduced Combat Efficacy if Disabled.
- Limited EMP and Ion Resistance; Proximity and Device Potency Dependent.
- Limited Firing Arc's - Aft Section; Engine Block (Minimal Capital-Grade Weapons.)
- Turreted Warhead Launcher - Direct Connection to Internalized Payload; Chain Detonation Possible.
- Fixed Mine Laying Launch Tubes - Direct Connection to Internalized Payload; Chain Detonation Possible.
- Exposed Engine Modules (Aft-Section) with an Armoured Housing(s.)
- Lateral Thrusters - Reaction and Deployment Time Requirements; Pre-Engagement Deployment Recommendations.
Utilizing the Drydocks of the Foerost Shipyards, the MC25e Seafury - Class Minelayer Corvette was the first of many warships that would be produced by the Free Dac Engineering Corps, and their various affiliated Corporate Cousins. While many Mon Calamari vessels in the past were converted from Civilian craft, somewhere along the line the many people of Dac began creating legitimate warships to not only defend their world but the various iterations of the Republic thereafter. The Seafury - Class Minelayer Corvette was a continuation of that newfound direction and would blend various technologies from several outside sources - creating something entirely new for the modern era.
While the MC25 Spaceframe was designed to be wholly modular and allowed for a more versatile approach towards it’s outfitting - several of the designs weren’t purpose-built warships. In fact, they were designed to fill a multitude of roles on the spatial battlefield. However, the Seafury found itself in an interesting position. Unlike some of its newly-produced kin, the Minelayer Corvette had a critical piece of what was considered to be the standardized armament replaced with deployment chutes - or launch tubes. While this whittled down a majority of the MC25 Spaceframe’s engagement patterns, the choice ultimately opened up a whole new field of spatial strategy for Commanders to explore.
Coupled with the narrowed missile profile, alongside the host of internalized systems, the Wavecrasher finds itself blessed with an orderly network of components that complement one another; allowing for smooth operation in both times of Peace and War.
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