Jorus Merrill
is mek bote

Image Credit: Canon MC80
Intent: To begin revitalizing Mon Calamari shipbuilding after the liberation of Dac. Target market: minor factions, with an eye to marketing it to the Republic.
Development Thread: Not required.
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings/Eshan Drive Yards
Model: MC70 Gial Ackbar-class Star Cruiser
Affiliation: Publicly available
Modularity: The MC70 is often sold completely unarmed, as a cruise liner. Military-grade hardware can be installed, but without access to work crews who are used to constructing, repairing, and refitting Mon Calamari ships, arming these vessels effectively is difficult. In other words, the starliner versions generally require contracted labor by a Silk Holdings/EDY crew before they can be made combat capable.
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Matrix armor (engine housings, shield generators, primary bridge), durasteel (structure and main armor), glasteel (viewports)
Description: When the Republic’s naval needs were brought to Jorus’s attention by the Chancellor, the Silk owner set about adapting existing design projects to the task at hand, in hopes of securing a Republic contract. The vessel needed to be tough enough to go head-to-head with a XoXaan-class, but capable of countering and exploiting the odd fighter loadouts of the Bandon- and Sadow-class ships, as well as the massive small craft loadouts of the Dzu’ari, the Charon, and other Sith Empire vessels. When considering other potential foes, thoughts turned to the Mandalorian small craft advantage and penchant for chucking rocks, the Atrisian emphasis on mass drivers, the CIS love for long-range turbolasers, and the Fringe Seroth-class vessels.
One potential answer proved to be the legendary Mon Calamari durability. With doubly redundant military-grade shields and matrix armor at key locations, the MC70 may be the galaxy’s toughest vessel of its size. Stable and well-shielded redundant solar ionization reactors provide modest power output but high survivability in case of containment breach.
The second major element is tracking speed. As with the Sith Empire's XoXaan, Dreadnought-style fastmount light quad turbolasers allow increased anti-fighter punch while retaining anti-capital levels of firepower at relatively close range. The Ackbar-class balances especially fast-tracking individual guns with standard batteries. The fast-tracking guns complicate fire coordination, but between the individual turbolasers and the light quad fastmounts, the Ackbar-class is capable of dealing with a somewhat forgotten class of opponents -- the assault ships, attack corvettes, boarding craft and heavy bombers which are too maneuverable to be accurately targeted with normal turbolasers, but which can withstand normal flak and quad laser fire. An emphasis on tracking speed maximizes the Ackbar’s ability to deal effectively with surrounding enemies; like most Mon Cal designs, it will never dominate at range due to hull shape. Some commanders would use the Ackbar at ‘knife range’ or as a lynchpin in ‘wall of battle’ tactics.
Adaptive docking capacity is standard for cruise liners. Irising airlocks and force cylinders permit the ship to dock safely with virtually any station or starship.
As with most Mon Calamari designs, the Ackbar-class is handcrafted, and individual ships have some minor variation from each other. However, the vessel can still be safely and efficiently crewed by non-Mon Calamari, and holographic displays are easily legible. The same open arrangements which benefit the ship as a cruise liner allow for rapid transit of crew members, materials, and so forth.
Classification: Assault Heavy Cruiser
Role: Ship of the Line
Height: 250 metres
Width: 550 metres
Length: 950 metres
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar ionization reactor x2, located in the coreline of the ship
Hyperdrive Rating: 1, Class 12 backup
Minimum Crew: 1,700 (military version), 700 (civilian version), 1,400 (luxury civilian version)
Optimal Crew: 4,400 (military version), 3,300 (standard civilian version), 4,200 (luxury civilian version)
Armaments (Military Version Only):
- 50 turbolaser batteries
- 10 heavy turbolaser batteries
- 70 turbolasers
- 5 heavy ion cannons
- 80 quad light turbolasers on fastmounts (80 gun equivalence at short range with each shot equivalent to 1/4 of a normal turbolaser, 40 gun equivalence at standard turbolaser range)
- 5 intruder/ACM launchers
- 40 cluster missile launchers
- 8 dual mass driver flak cannons
- 14 point defense autoturrets (retained on civilian version)
- 16 gunships
- 8 MC15 Niathal-class Shuttles
- 6 heavy dropships
- Adaptive docking capacity
- Escape pods (6-passenger and 24-passenger variants)
- Double-redundant military grade deflector shield generators (military version only)
- Standard shield generators (civilian version only)
- Navicomputer
- CIC-style secondary battle bridge in the core of the ship (military version only)
- 4 paired tractor/pressor beams (retained in civilian version)
Cargo Capacity: 500,000 cubic metres (50x50x200), 3000 metric ton lift capacity
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed: 7.5