Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Ryan K. McNeal

Alias: None

Faction: Mercenary

Age: 26

Hair: Military Cut, Brown

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 180 lbs.

Eyes: Blue


From the age of 1 to 6 it was all a blur, moving here, moving there. Growing up in a military family, his dad a Republic soldier, his mother a stay at doctor for the Republic. He grew up on ships, battleships, cruisers, flotillas, with his other two siblings. His older brother, Isaac, and younger sister Nissa. His father had always expected of them to join the military, since how father, and his father's father had done. From the CIS, all the way to the Galactic Empire a McNeal can be found in the service records.

Nearing the age of 16 Ryan was sent into military school, along with Isaac who was 18. Isaac had always been the better though, better aim, better suit up time, better everything. It dawned in Ryan he no longer wanted to be a military man like his father, and brother. He wanted to control what he fought for, and how much he was being payed for it. Adventure, danger, it didn't matter as long as he was payed. The blacksheep of the faking tree.

After the age of 18, and his brother was enlisted to the Republic army, Ryan left the school that was on Coruscant. His father was greatly ashamed, and Isaac disappointed. Searching out for work else where, he found himself doing odd jobs around the galaxy.

The list goes as far as cook for a small time restaurant, to a mechanic for a ship yard. He even found himself a small security job as a small business, but quickly quit finding it, bored.

If one thing kept to his mind from military school, it was keeping fit. Ryan can be found keeping his body in shape often. He still kept firing practices, honing his skills to near perfection, driven to be better than Isaac. It wasn't till one night after finishing up at the mechanic shop, that he received a message. It stated Isaac had been killed in action protecting his fellow men at arms from a grenade. The body was badly mangled from the grenade, and a closed casket service was to be held.

Now at the age of 20 he attended the funeral. Finding out his mother had died of grief of a loss son. Agony stuck his heart, and how father didn't help. Probably the only one who was ever kind to him was his sister Nissa, who was getting ready to become a accountant for a big bank on Coruscant.

With everyone shunning him at the funeral, he became a cold hearted man, always keeping in his conscious that his father had finally disowned him. He grieved for weeks, using the bottle to numb the pain, becoming a alcoholic, a low life, and loss his job. Drifting for a few years from planet, to planet, it was now time to take the rifle back up, and fight, but on his own terms. Lucky the drinking didn't take away his fitness, he began his career as a gun for hire at the age of 25.

Taking on a few jobs of petty criminals needing a certain person killed, he made a reputation for doing things his way, instead of how the job was intended. His enemies include the Hutt Cartel, and Black Suns as for he didn't like how he was told to do his job. Kill the guy, it was that simple.

Also reputation gives him a loner life, without any communications with family, but he checks in his sister from time to time back on Coruscant, who is now happily married to a sergent in the Republic, with two kids. She believes him dead somewhere in a pot hole of a planet. He still drinks, and has a problem with it.

Distinctiona: A few actually. Ryan has a arm sleeve that covers his right chest and right arm of different tattoos. He has a scar on his lip, and a few on his left arm where he's got cut up working on ships.

Disguise: With all the jobs he has held, now as a merc, he can pretend to be a employee, or whatever he may need to be to get into a place.
Honed Aim: With years, and years of practice, his aim has become near perfect.
Fitness: Continuing working out keeps his body in shape, running, climbing, he can do it all, and hardly break a sweat.
Martial Arts: Hand to Hand fighting comes naturally to Ryan.
Observation: Ryan can take in his surroundings quickly, and remember it.
Small Military Training: From military School he's had small amounts of military training. Enough to survive a fire fight.
Respect: Earn his respect, and he'll be a great ally, doing whatever is needed to finish a job for you, even if its your way.

My Way: Ryan has been known to do it his way on a job, usually causing him to lose money, but still be payed non the less. He does this mostly because he doesn't like the employers.
Cold Veins: Ryan takes pity on no one, and cares for no one, its a job, in and out.
Alcoholic: If he's been drinking, he suffers accuracy decrease greatly.
Money: as is with most men, its all about the credits.
Enemies in my Allies: Ryan has been known to make enemies within the group of contacts he works with, and for. In short, he makes people hate him.

Ship: He owns a simple freighter, the Madonna

Equipment: Varies from mission to mission:
A Verpine Shatter Sniper
A Vibro Sword
A Watchmn Blaster
A Reapter Carbine
And twin reapter pistols

Durasteel medium armor (for decent protection, and moderate mobility.)
Street Clothes (a black t shirt, with a red vest, and black BOWs and combat boots.)

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