ADM. Reshmar
Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

Intent: Create and update an existing escort frigate
Image Source: IMGUR
Canon Link: Original Chaos Submission
Primary Source: None
Affiliation: MCS, The Directorate, Silver Jedi, Any MCS customer
Model: Nautilus-class
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: See lists below
Classification: Escort Frigate
Length: 250 meters
Width: 120 meters
Height: 50 meters
Armament: Average
Defenses: Very High
Delphus.3 Standard Mon Calamari Shielding
* Ferrocarbon Condensed-matter Composite Framework
* Impervium Casements
* Neualuquad Ablative Armor Plating
* Vanish 2 military sensor masking system
* Aegis II Anti-Concussion Field Generator
Hanger Capacity: Very Low (none)
Fighter Hangar: 0 Squadrons
Support Craft Hangar: 0 Squadrons
Maneuverability Rating: High
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Multiple Redundant Cap Drains
Multiple Redundant De-ionizers
Metis Sensor Array
Nimble-5 Ion Engines
Aura-class Tractor/Pressor Beam Projectors
Powerful Shielding
Decreased Sublight Speed
Unlike the previous class vessels which were made for long range engagement then Nautilus-class is made for medium to close range engagements centered around defending larger vessels and convoys. Designed for defense against most common vessel types used by pirates and privateers, the Nautilus-class main role is that of escort and defensive detail operations. A secondary role for the vessel is anti-piracy interdictor. The class can work in groups of 3 as anti-piracy patrols.
As an escort vessel the design team chose to equip the vessel with standard engines rather than more powerful examples seeing that the internal area could be used for more power conversion and storage for the shielding and weapons. This gives the escort speed enough to keep up with any larger vessel yet restricts it's interdiction capabilities with smaller faster craft. This is solved by the vessel working in tandem with other vessels of the class and smaller faster interdiction craft.
The Class design replaces any warhead weaponry for a heavier turbolasers and defensive weapons load out making it suited for its desired escort role. The Nautilus-class was the first vessel class to utilize the neualuquad armor plating developed but MCS. The Neualuquad Ablative Armor is a layered armor with multiple layers sandwiched together. The top layer of Nutorium provides defense against scanning the hull of the vessel making targeting things such as weapons pods and shield projectors far more difficult. Below the Nutorium layer is a layer of ultra dispersive Neutronium which helps to disperse heat and energy across a wide area of the hull plating rather then in one specific area making it far better against energy based attacks. Below the neutronium layer is a triple sandwhich of alusteel mesh sandwiched between layers of ablative quadranium steel plating. These three sandwich layers give the hull far more strength against both energy and kinetic weapons. On the bottom of the plat is a second layer of Dispersive Neutronium to further dissipate any energy which makes it though the upper layers.