Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meanwhiles and Neverweres

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico was looking at the others, she had arraigned for the Ike's for her family to be here and to well spare. Katagiri with her icy exterior, Ikki with her submissive streak and dangerous tendencies, Junko and Noriko who were just very quiet and focused. A small smirk on her face while the sight of her saber gauntlets came. "We haven't had a good old fashioned family get together in awhile. have we?" The duel snap hisses came as Nico prepared and looked on at them all her smirk showing.
Ikki prepared herself, looking at her cousins and sisters with interest before she held the slicewire between her fingers, thankfully it was saber resistant and would not snap where it was while she focused. it wasn't about killing it was about having some fun and enjoying themselves while they trained their minds and skills. She could practice her telekinesis and projection of her voice into a weapon as the oswaits taught her. Ikki quickly moved to get some speed and bypass the others while looking for an opening.
Katagiri held the saber and moved now, going after Nico as the snap hiss of a white blade painted her and the white gold hilt. She coudl do many things but this was all about the spar and showing they were skilled while she wore the protectorate armor and they all wanted to show they were superior to the other... without killing granted but that didn't mean while her saber rose up and she kicked with both feet one after the other she was going to take it easy.
Junko didn't have a lightsaber, she had an Atrisian blade made from folded and pressed turadium able to resist sabers and she moved. Using the blade to go after the second blade of Nico and she let her curtain of hair flow around her. One thing she had noticed of the others was all of them with the exception of Ikki had long curtain like black or white hair. It served a purpose she imaged and had to give herself a grin with it all as she slashed to try and beat back her cousin.
Noriko had seen few things more fun as she stood there and watched, her master was gone missing and possibly worse. She had not found many that were helpful aside from her family and the jedi orders big thing was to just... sit there or to write her master off after all his service to them as just another jedi. He had dedicated his life to them and done everything asked while they treated him like a replaceable part. It had ground Noriko to the ground as she moved now taking a small look at her staff and activating it to wade into the fray and attack.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico looked at her sisters... her cousins, her family and as they came in to attack her eyes were wide. Not from fear or surprise but because she was above all an Ike and they remembered and learned from everything even the lowest and smallest action was as important as the big force skills. The saber deactivated into a pop as she brought it up to block Katagiri's blade, her second saber coming up to lock with Junko's and as she looked at Noriko a small smirk on her face before she kicked with the force to push her back. Ikki wasn't far from her mind as the maid moved around them.
Ikki could see it now and her family moving had her working to out think them. She wasn't the strongest here... in terms of the force she was a small child next to grav ball players. In terms of size and combat experience she was a joke as well and that was why she had to have the small advantage as she stopped and focused bringing her hands to her chest and pushing out with the collected energy of her voice like the oswaits taught her. "Fo sha dir." The shout was collected energy to share information and she fired it forwards at the group rather then a person.
The switch between offensive blade to defensive shield had Katagiri pressing the advantage. Her blade held high while she looked at Nico seeing Junko incoming and Noriko. The three of them were not a unit but they knew how to attack and make a focused strike on one another. At least that was the hope while she moved to jump again and bring her weight down before Ikki fired a purple ball of energy at them. She felt some of it impact her body and send her back while her head rang with shouting and information. The saber held at the ready, she hadn't been expecting that.
Junko remained very still while her blade was locked, she wasn't even noticing Ikki or Noriko near her while she ground her teeth in slight irritation. Her master was skilled and had taught her a great deal... mostly to strengthen her resolve over believing the world was simple. Maya hadn't taught her that with a lesson she had shown her that in practice when she fell to the darkside and refused to acknowledge that the darkside was corruptive simply saying it was like nature. That was justification the sith used to explain their actions... stating it is nature. When Ikki's bblast hit her in the chest she was thrown back a little and landed on her back her head snapping back a little but she felt the weight of her sword on her chest while rolling to get up.
Noriko wasn't expecting the two force blasts... from Nico it was good sending her back to avoid the second blast. It worked out as she rolled there and looked up her bangs going in front of her face and she snorted cause it was tickling her nose rings. The quicker movements were after Ikki while she spun the saber staff to make sure she couldn't do that again slashing at her chest.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico wasn't expecting it while she was thrown back, into the wall and a slam of her head while she laid there for a moment thinking of what she could do. She wanted to get up and go after Ikki but then she'd be open and exposed to the others dealing with that wire and another blast like that at close range might not be enjoyable. Nico stood up and shook her head while she moved spinning on one foot while she moved to strike the others within her arc of strikes.
Ikki looked at Noriko and was moving, the slicewire coming out while she watched the saberstaffs and she loosened two wires to lash out at her like whips. Ikki was running and letting herself move around the room pushing all the mobility into her feet and hands. "Come on Noriko show me what you can do." A small smile came on her face while she was thinking about slicing that ring off her nose.
Katagiri moved her blade up as she stood there to stop and block that slash from NBico, the former sith knight was skilled and a better fighter then most of them... usually but Katagiri had been trained by a mandalorian or two and knew how to fight force users. It didn't help when she knew all of her family remembered each movement she could make or technique she could use. Their memories the more dangerous thing as she moved throwing her hand out sending a force push to try and trip Nico.
Junko ducked low feeling her face hit the floor as her teeth rattled and Junko saw Nico's feet. Her hand going out and she hooked with her arm to grab her and trip her up. She didn't have a large amount of force skills while she was going after her seeing Katagiri and Nico fighting as off in the distance Ikki and Noriko were going at it.
The slicewire coming at her has Noriko moving her staff blades as she went to defend. This cousin of hers was many things but slowly as she began to recall everything letting Vulpesen's fighting style of do everything came through while she ducked down quickly going after her knees to knock her off her feet and knock her sabers hilt into her face. "Come on little cousin we're going to have some fun."

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico felt an arm hook her leg as she fell to the floor and her head snapped back to the ground. The impact making her forget for a moment how to breathe and she was moving now. Rolling over and bringing a leg around to kick Junko in the back, kidney and spine. She was looking at Katagiri coming at them and switched to shields to block the blade strike sending a force push to repel her.
Ikki stuck her tongue out as she moved after her cousin and brought the slicewire around again. She didn't have a saber but she did have her skilled. In acrobatics and she rolled to the side sending a wire out to try and wrap around Noriko's leg to trip her up. The smile on her face was there and she made a move pulling back while working to focus her energies.
Katagiri was moving and had her saber ready, now she had the advantage somewhat while moving down to strike the shields. Her eyes were tracking Nico more and she wanted to ensure she could get her out of the way to handle Junko with a little more ease. Their cousin was more spells and illusions which made it easier in close quarter fights while she let gravity give her strike strength.
Junko grunted and screamed out as she felt it, a kick to her kidney, then her spine and back itself. She couldn't feel her legs for a moment and was stuck there rolling over with her arm pushing her up. over while katagiri came down with her strike. Junko brought her blade over and struck with it to slam into Nico's hand while she had a grunt on her face.
Noriko moved faster now as she felt and could see the small gleaming of the wires. Her joke not detering Ikki but only pushing her more and more as that was what she had hoped. It wasn't fun beating someone who didn't want to fight back and she was going after her now to enjoy just that. "Come on fight like your family, get your saber." Noriko felt a tug on her boot and then she tripped smacking her face into the floor. "Ouch." Noriko moved rolling over and throwing the blade to hit her with the saber hilt to knock her back.

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