Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Denied Mechanati - DIVINE LIGHT SEVERED

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  • Intent: To establish a race of mecha-humanoids that live within the Star Wars: Chaos universe.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Mechanati/Mechanite
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 500 years
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: The Mechanati were originally a vast mycelial network that existed on a planet in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. They were a species of fungi that eventually came to infect and inhabit mechanical bodies. They operate under a single religious doctrine that places them at the apex of all life, which has made their culture both xenophobic and imperialistic.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 200 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Black (metallic)
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: A standard Mechanite individual is tall and skeletal in frame, and is usually adorned with a number of attachable mechanical armaments for both combat and "fashion". There are no gender based distinctions, as the fungus that perpetuates a Mechanite's sentience reproduces asexually. The Mechanati operate within a strict caste system, determined by intergenerational connections to certain dynasties.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
    • Mechanical Bodies - Their mechanical bodies allow the Mechanati to replace or repurpose their anatomy however they see fit.
    • Self-Replicating - The Mechanati are capable of seeding their fungal spores into planets, while Mechanite foot soldiers create fabrication factories over these "fungal nurseries" to produce more Mechanite bodies.
    • Isolated Societies - The Mechanati hold very few alliances due to their xenophobic and imperialist habits, and are seen as an enemy to all on the intergalactic stage of politics.
    • Caste System - The religious institution that controls the entire Mechanite species has instated a strict caste system, which has lead to deep internal struggles and conflicts.
  • Diet: Herbivores (they feed on a mixed compost type of sustenance.)
  • Communication: The Mechanati communicate through a language of the same name as their species - "mechanati". This language is a mix of spoken words and discordant metallic screeches.
  • Technology level: The Mechanati have gone through a sort of technological singularity, where their structures and tech are far superior to most common sentient species in the galaxy. However, their knowledge is quite one-note, and they are primitive in fields such as biology, microbiology, sociology and psychology.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Aeonism - The Mechanati believe in a monotheistic religion devoted to the "Emanations of Aeon", which is the idea that their god gifted their people "divine light" which allowed them to exist as a sentient species. Their god apparently exists within a vast and invisible network that binds them all. The Mechanati fully believe the force to be this god, which gifted them consciousness and power in order to inherit the stars.
  • General behavior: The Mechanati are a mostly emotionless species that are hellbent on occupying and dominating other planets; the only time they show passion or strong emotions are when they brandish their religious ideals.
The Mechanati once existed in the unknown regions of the galaxy as a passive and semi-intelligent species of fungus. Their planet was occupied by an inventive species of sentient fauna which evolved and innovated over millions of years. During the latter half of their existence, this unknown race broke out into a never ending war, which eventually became lead by AI supercomputers. The original meaning of the war was left in the debris, as these vast armies commanded by procedurally generated tactics eventually killed themselves off, leaving only their inactive war machines to lay dormant on the planet.

The Mechanati fungus took over these inactive robotic bodies over the course of thousands of years, and eventually developed their own living society from the rubble of war.
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