Father of Titans
I have a really cool idea about making a new form of transportation for the whole of the Galaxy, (maybe) and I will need a few people who are really good at making things IC or OOC for this. I kind of want to keep it a secret becuase I want to wow the rest of the site. But lest just say that you can move as fast as a speeder, with it being much much smaller...... anyways. if you want to help Tag me that you want to and I will send a Mass PM to the people who are intrested. I need about 2 people to do what I want so it closes fast.
and I will need to talk to an admin or a RPjudge to kind of get their okay to give this a try.
Spots open
1. @[member="Scarlet Faith"]
3. @Popo(maybe)
and I will need to talk to an admin or a RPjudge to kind of get their okay to give this a try.
Spots open
1. @[member="Scarlet Faith"]
3. @Popo(maybe)