Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Medea Kappel

Name: Medea Kappel
Known As: Kappel / Medi
Faction: The Resistance
Species: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 1.65m (5'5'')
Weight: 53.5kg (118 lbs)
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black
Force Sensitive: Unknown

Curiosity - A thirst for knowledge means Kappel picks up new ideas and information quickly, as long as they capture her interest.
Quick Thinking - Kappel can think on her feet and solve problems under pressure.
Driven - Even if there are a million reasons to give up, Kappel won't let them distract her from accomplishing her goals.

Introverted - Teamwork isn't Kappel's go-to way forward, and she struggles to connect with others.
Stubborn - Perhaps due to her determined personality, it isn't easy to change Kappel's mind.
Tongue-Tied - The mixture of introversion and a fast-paced mind means that communication does not come naturally to Kappel.

Kappel was born into a farming family on the planet of Lazerian IV, where she and her brother, Alekos, would overhear stories from the Lazerian military families. Growing up as farmers, it was assumed that she and Alekos would remain in the profession, but with heads too full of military tales, the siblings could not entertain the thought of never being part of something bigger.
The Kappel siblings made plans to train in the military by the age of 18. At some point in the years leading up to the deadline they had set, Alekos began to feel the pull of something to the old Jedi outpost ruins on the continent of Laz. Realizing he was sensitive to the force, Alekos left Lazerian IV to pursue training. The pull also nagged at Kappel, but desperate to not give up on the plans she and her brother had made together, she did everything in her power to ignore it.
As Kappel neared the age of 18, she came to understand that her idea of the Lazerian military was built on romaticized second-hand tales, and so when the opportunity to enlist arrived, she turned it down. Still, though, she could not shake the desire to be part of a bigger purpose. Scared to choose the wrong path, but unable to withstand the idea of doing nothing, Kappel eventually found herself among the Resistance.

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