Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meet the Scientist (Coci Sinopi)

William's Ship - "The Oblivion"
The Oblivion exited hyperspace, revealing the planet Voss in the view of the cockpit for William to see. His eyes scanned the planet, admiring its looks for a few moments, before turning to his astromech droid, R3-S5. "Hey R3, plot a course for somewhere to land near that temple of theirs." The droid chirped and beeped in response, rotating its head to plug itself into the ship. With a few twists and turns of its metal rod, the ship's navigation system engaged, taking the ship down onto the planet.

Upon landing, William exited the ship via the ramp below its right side. They had landed in a clearing in view of the temple. Well, if that even was a temple... "R3, you sure you plotted the right temple?" The droid beeped back at him and William frowned. Well, this order was new, so they would need time to get their temple up, he thought. He continued towards the temple, holding his hand backwards to signal for his droid to stay with the ship. Now to find out why he had been contacted...

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
Her black eyes scanned the skies, as she stood on the steps of the Silver Temple. A week ago Master Iella E'ron had advised the Jedi Guardians for the need of developing a security system in orbit for the protection of Voss. This is not the first time Coci had moved forward on such a plan, her time with the Army of Light had seen the implimentation of a series of spy satellites within deep space of the then Sith boundaries for the purpose of intercepting communications from the Sith and the Emperor. Now as the Empire had fallen, those satellites now sit in Republic space and have been deactivated.

Today's meeting will be the beginnings of construction of a plan .. XQ1 Orbital Platforms to be positioned over Voss and early warning systems with a series of satellites further in deep space to provide intelligence of any incoming hostiles.

There is much work to be done in order to set up system for Voss and so Coci had discovered a man, that will be able to help in this mission. She had heard of his through Xander and so she contacted [member="William Trager"].

Her arms folded across her chest as a ship came into her view, a speck in the blue sky which quickly grew and landed close by the Temple. Her feet touched the stone steps on her descent to lawns with a gentle silent tread. Dressed in her full body black suit, Coci's even pace crossed the lawns the ship. On approach ..

"Greetings Mister Trager, I am Coci Sinopi Jedi Guardian. I have a room assigned to us to talk in the Temple, please follow me, we have much to discuss", she said in her usual business like way.
William smiled upon seeing Coci, nodding to her as she spoke. "A pleasure to meet you." He replied, awaiting her to walk so that he could follow beside her. A room assigned for the meeting, this must be important. Along the way to the temple, William examined the exterior, making a mental note of the surrounding area since he would be here for quite some time. Once he had stopped admiring the view, he flexed out the fingers of his right hand, with the tips facing upwards. With a swipe of his left hand, a hologram projected from his right finger tips. With his left hand, he began searching through what seemed to be a datapad that projected from the gloves he was wearing. After a few moments of searching through, he cut off the hologram and returned to walking with his hands linked behind his back.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="William Trager"]

The clipping of Coci's boots echoed through the main entrance of the Silver Temple as she strode out toward the back room. Her head only turned sideways for a moment as Trager followed by her. Her eye brow arched as his produced a holoimage from what appeared to be the gloves he wore which did impress her, but she did not show it. They would be a very good item to have for the shadows.

However, that would have to wait. Her hand waved over the control panel to the assigned room and the door slid open. The room simple in design, small with a table and chairs, in the center of the table a holoprojector and not much more. As if on clue .. a service droid entered and place a tray with two glasses and a jug of cool water on the table. Coci's eyes watched the droid in silence, from the moment it entered to it's departure.

"Take a seat Mister Trager if you wish", she said as she slid out one of the chairs to sit and gave him a slight smile as she did so.

"I have asked you here to begin talks and plans regarding the instillation of .. XQ1 Orbital Platforms which will be positioned over Voss, also to begin preparations for an early warning system using a series of satellites in the form of a network in deep space to provide intelligence, communications of any incoming hostiles. The orbital platforms, will be the planets first line of defense should there be a threat of invasion, and also a launching platform for ships and fighters .. we need to discuss the development of this, costs and a strategy .. also the positioning of these stations and satellites". She did not waste time getting straight to the point which is Coci 's natural way.
William took a seat opposite Coci straight away, resting his elbows on the table. "Well, it depends how many you want. Are you wanting to protect the space over and around the temple, or the whole planet? As for costs, I know where I can get the stuff we need for a fair price, so it shouldn't be too much to defend the whole planet. Satellites are cheaper than the platforms, you don't really need to worry about them I can get them up dead cheap and easy. Your main development will be the Platforms. Construction ships will have to be hired to put the platforms in place, but luckily enough I know people in that business aswell. Tell me, what's the budget on this?" All the time he had been talking his hands moved in sync with his speech, yet they stopped as soon as he asked the question, waiting for her reply.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="William Trager"]

"At the moment we have a set budget to begin this assignment, and as the Silver Jedi coffer increase we will then move to expand the network and the defensive systems to a great coverage over the entire planet. However for now, Master E'ron has indicated her intentions of not only forming a defense around the Temple but the City of Voss-Ka as well", she paused for a moment to allow him to start to formulate a plan.

"We are working in conjunction with the ruling Government of Voss and it's peoples, and they have given the green light to go ahead and do this, they too understand and are aware of the rising threat within our galaxy. Now, is there the possibility to include a series of high powered shield generators located around the city and the temple to further add to the defense? If hostiles enter Voss space they would go well to help bolster the initial defenses".
William used the silence well, holding his right palm face-down over the table. His fingertips lit up blue, turning his half of the table into a holo-display. While Coci spoke of Shield generators, William seemed to be drawing a diagram, which after she had finished talking, he pulled up into a 3D model. The model was of Voss, and showed Voss-Ka, potential platform locations and their effective range.

Holoprojection 1
"If Voss-Ka and the temple are the priority, then this positioning should work well." William started, pointing at the model while he explained. "Four platforms, angled slightly in favor of Voss-Ka to ensure they can all provide support should the city be attacked. The range also covers the Jedi Temple substantially, so all your concerns are protected. The ranges look small on the model because of angling, but on command they can be turned to extend range outwards if needed." With a turn of his left hand, the model would spin then zoom in, showing the planet from the side with Voss-Ka marked again. This time, it would show Satellite positioning and their effective range.

Holoprojection 2
"Three satellites, evenly spaced over the part of Voss that attackers would most likely use to reach the city or the temple. If anything slipped around the range, it would still be picked up by the platforms sensors. Of course, the satellites can be moved slightly on command to extend range, and when we get more satellites then we will have more coverage." His left hand flicked again, bringing up both models side-by-side for Coci to analyse again if needed. "Oh, and Shield Generators can easily be placed in the city and the temple, depending on whether you want full-time shields, or shields to activate in the event of an attack." William leaned back and smiled, his right hand still hovering over the table to allow the holoprojections to be seen. He enjoyed designing and making things, and he just hoped Coci liked his ideas.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="William Trager"]

"I think the shield will be set to trigger on signal from the orbital securities", she said almost as a throw away comment, her focus was on the images William had produced from his gloves and the information gathered and quickly processed. Coci had stood up just after she had finished speak and watch his mind race with thought. She walked around the table and the room allowing this until he had finished and shown her the results. However, something more was going on here and her mind rested on those thoughts for a moment.

"You strategy is sound and well worked out", she said as she paced now, her eyes still lingered over the holoimages. However, it was like a different mood had come over her, her force senses, peaked to an awareness of presence attuned to the force. It was like the moment he started his manipulations of the images and data, his mind working quickly to compute and process, that his sensitivity became heightened and she now could sense him.

Her black eyes narrowed on him for a moment, there was nothing in his files to indicate he is a force user, so this was interesting. Coci could sense no malice, or no attempt to hide is force signature, in fact there is a raw quality to it that is refreshing and reminded her of her self not that long ago before she was convinced to start training in her talent. The ebbs and flows of his aura, pulsing and strong and unchecked, suggested one of two things to her, that he does not care about his force ability or he does not know of it.

She would not penetrate his mind through the force .. finding that intrusive without invitation, but she did reach out with her own aura and force signature. Her soft flowing tendrils combining with his .. in an attempt to see if he could sense her. Her presence strong and if he is to sense it, it would be an immediate pulsing energy straight to his force senses.
A strange feeling came over William, forcing his hand away from the table and to his head. The holoimage dissapeared as he did so. He grunted a little, rubbing his forehead gently. "Sorry, just got this weird... feeling..." His hand quickly left his head, as he leaned forward again to regain his position. Come on, a little headache isn't screwing this up.

"If all of that seems fine, all we need to decide is when you want to start." William put on a smile, putting aside the strange feeling and trying to keep to the matter at hand. Although, he couldn't help but feel that it was coming from somewhere... Stop it. This is your chance to get working again.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="William Trager"]

"Well I guess we need to find some help to begin the construction", she said again as if not really listening. Her senses attuned to him for the moment as he reacted to her force presence. From his comment it was clear William did not know of his sensitivity to the force. For a moment Coci paced slowly around the room, but not for thinking of the security but on how to tell him.

Did one just simple blurt it out? or finesse it somehow.. well that was not her forte bluntness is, oh well best stick to what you know.

"Mister Trager are you aware that you are force sensitive .. ", she said as a matter of course. "Through your presentation I sensed your force presence, it seemed to heighten as you worked and calculated .. however you did not seem to detect myself and there is no evidence in your aura of any control of it's application, which suggests to be you are unaware of it".

She stood now directly in front of him to once again gauage his reaction to the news.
The look on William's face was a rare one. One of pure surprise. "Force sensitive?" He asked, as if thinking he heard wrong. "I didn't know..." It was clear that he wasn't sure what to make of this news. A frown formed on him as he lowered his gaze to try and process the information. "What does this... mean?" His eyes looked back up at [member="Coci Sinopi"] accompanied by an uncertain voice. Great job, now you're in league with the Jedi. Big time. His thoughts said, but he quickly silenced them.
[member="William Trager"]

Moving around the table to take her seat opposite William again, she sat and looked at him for a moment. He did not know as she had suspected, at least not overtly as the force would be working through him on levels he might not have recognised. But that is no matter.

"It means what you wish it too", she said softly. "You now have an option to strengthen yourself through the course of your life, whether you wish to advance this talent or deny it, the choice is yours entirely".

She let out a long sigh, as she contemplated her next words, words she very rarely spoke as it exposed her and let people see more of her emotionally which she guarded. "It was not that long ago that I had denied the force, denied my talent and locked it away thinking with only hindered me with my work at that time. After speaking with a very good friend of mine who convinced me to use the force, train with it that I began to realise it's value to my work, in fact I had been using it all along and did not realise it".

"Now.. I have become more and more stronger because of it and my work is now aided and I have become an asset to the Silver Jedi".
William remained silent for a few moments, thinking it through in his head, before finally replying. "You make a good point... But there's one problem." His eyes caught hers as he leaned back, crossing his arms slowly. "I came here to design and build for your order because I'm not a Jedi. Using the force, or learning to use it here, would make me a Jedi. I've got nothing against Jedi, but your ideals and your code, they do nothing for me. They're not my thing. Also, I've seen what the force can do in the wrong hands. Those Sith, I've seen what they do. They-" Silence ensued as he cut himself off, his right hand drifted up to his face as he tried to regain his focus and calm his emotions. "The force killed my family." He added quietly, before lowering his head. "I'd rather not touch it."

It all came back, that horrible night. The images of his wife and daughter, sliced apart by that man. That man wielding a red lightsaber. A Sith. If the force was so good, and these Jedi used it for good, then why would the force allow someone to kill his family with it? His wife, electrocuted and crushed by its power. I don't want that power...

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="William Trager"]

Coci's eyes lowered as he spoke, listening to his reluctance to it, was understandable indeed. Those who have the ability to use the force DO have a responsibility when using it, it is a gift or in some cases a curse. She viewed it as the latter before today, but now with a greater understanding .. views it differently.

No words she could speak would simply wash away his doubts or fears at least not immediately and she was not sure if she was the right person to be speaking on this topic. There are more qualified Jedi about that would serve that purpose far better.

"I too have seen what the force can do in the hands of those that only desire to do evil. They manipulate it to serve them and their will, not respecting it and one day they will learn their error of judgement and it will consume them .. kill them and that is the price they will pay for their lust of power. Some Jedi even fall in this trap, an absolute dedication to the light side of the force is also wrought with dangers, even to the point where it would equate to the absolutes of the Sith. .. There way or no way .. if you get my meaning. It was not the force that killed your family, but the being yielding it.. ". she knew her would probably not buy this but she had to try.

"Just because you are attuned to the force does not mean you have to be Jedi, the code is there more for guidance not the rule .. tell me what about the Code do you not like?". she asked interested in his opinion.
William listened to her speech, rubbing the thumb and index finger of his right hand down both sides of his jaw in a pondering manner. ".. tell me what about the Code do you not like?". His head looked up at her, forcing himself to remember the code which one of his old friends, himself a Jedi, had told him. "I understand the peace, and the knowledge... But at the expense of emotion? That doesn't make sense." He shook his head, looking down. It did kind of make sense to him now, since his emotions had been limited by the murder of his family. Was this what he was destined to be, a Jedi? "Is it wrong to seek revenge against the one who killed them?" William asked, looking back up at [member="Coci Sinopi"] with a tired face. "Because that's what I've always wanted..."

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