Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Meeting by Caf

Coronet City, Corellia
Sitting at a small cafe table alone was Minerva alone. She had her helmet off on the table, displaying her scarred face inculding those intense eyes. In the right hand held her cup of coffee. Its steamy favor filled the air around the warrior. She looked out to the nearby park where people were jogging on the sidewalk or just hanging out with their loved ones.

At the park's center in front of the statue of Garm Bel Iblis standing proud and forever stoic were all of them young and passionate. They were chanting while several held electric protest signs.

"Free Dejan Coe! Free Dejan Coe! Dejan Coe!"

Sipping her drink she continued to observe the rally. Honestly the first time Minerva heard of that name. It wasn't a world but likely a person she guessed. Sure one of the protest signs displayed a person. A near human male with somewhat pale Nagai features from the look of him.

Must be a popular fellow with them whoever he is.

Drinking a little bit more Minerva sighed, trying to relax. This certainly is not her usual way to spend shore leave. Usually her breaks involve a cantina to drink or just hang out. On this occasion though she was just trying to relax like some of her comrades were asking her to do when she was not on duty. Minerva shrugged both shoulders and leaned back in her chair to keep watch over the rally yards away.

The protesters weren’t hurting anyone nor denying others’ freedom of movement at the park so Minerva had no problem with them. They just seemed concerned about this young man of theirs. Whether he is innocent or guilty she was uncertain but admittedly this does give her chance to see freedom of speech at play here in the Alliance.

Tag: Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm
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"I think I got some good shots of the protest. We might be able to find a story there."

The Bothan cameraman grunted but didn't say much as they stood in line for the coffee. Holly was so energetic and buzzing she really didn't need coffee, but she drank it a lot. She ordered a double shot and moved her way through the tables, accidentally bumping the table of a woman who had her helmet off watching the protestors.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Oh wait... I know you don't I?"

She said this pretty quickly but she hadn't even taken a sip of the caffeine yet.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
The table shook a bit upon impact. Annoyed, she looked up to who it was exactly. Her expression became confused until the other lady's face and voice finally registered. Then Minerva chuckled. Admittedly this was unexpected.

"Well, well it's Holly Starstorm herself. It's been awhile."

Shrugging her shoulders she added.

"To be fair, guarding you had been a temporary job. Still giving your boss headaches?"

Giggling some more at the particular memory the warrior drank some more of her coffee.

"Let me jog your memory. I'm Minerva, your employer hired to protect you during that time some Hutt framed you for a crime."

Tag: Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm
Chuckling some more, Minerva shook her head. Starstorm had a talent of understatement. She can tell back then that that boss truly cared about his employee. Sparing another glance toward the rally the warrior shrugged her shoulders.

"Well I was already enlisted with the Defense Force when I did that protection job. The latter was during shore leave actually heh."

She snorted before adding. "Leading my own unit now. Really proud of them but most of our duties are classified so don't bother asking for details about that part."

Minerva didn't forget Holly is a reporter after all. As the rally grew she asked.

"So you're covering this event. Who is this guy they care so much for?"

Tag: Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm

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