Galactic Empire Space
Brae's fighter plowed through the heavy rains of the water-world known as Kamino, and the capital of the Galactic Empire. She had given up entirely on using eye-sight to guide her to the meeting place where she would meet [member="Adron Malvern"] , instead relying entirely on her navigational computers and other NAV systems scattered across the cockpit. The rain and lightning from above certainly weren't helping things, and she had to keep a constant watch on her height to make sure she would not crash into the storming seas below. She had previously made deals with the High Moff, and thus it was he who she demanded to negotiate with. She had been planning the concept of Guardian Inc. ever since the conception of APEX, a corporation to bring order to the galaxy using APEX arms, vehicles, and ships. She, of course, had not told the Galactic Empire of these ambitions, simply saying how she was looking to use Kamino cloning facilities and was willing to negotiate terms with the High Moff, and thus the meeting was set.

She did not arrive when she had planned, instead, arriving an hour earlier than expected. Her ship flew over the meeting place at a set of labs she had asked for, a small complex of domes held up by stilts above the crashing waters. These waters, however, were slowly calming as the storm moved to the other side of the planet, beams of light crashing through the evaporating clouds to bathe the facility in a nearly heavenly glow. Brae was lucky she would not be as drenched as she had thought.
Her fighter lands on the platform, and she steps out, testing the wet metal to see how slippery it is before being escorted by a group of troopers to a small meeting hall, where she would hang her coat on one of the pristine white chairs in the pristine white room surrounding an equally pristine white table. One of the troopers would retreat from the room to relay her arrival to Adron, and she hoped that her early arrival had not upset the plans nearly as much as she suspected it had.