Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Meeting of the Minds



Tag: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Corellia was a strange place to meet a fellow Mando. But, it was where Jenn had asked him to. As the Star Dragon II approached the coordinates he had been sent, he noticed something.

This was a beach.

What kinda mando was Jenn? They had talked over Holo, and Drego had assumed she was just another beskar clad badass like everyone else. But there was a difference between a badass, and Drego.

But a beach?!

He let out a sigh as he climbed to the back of his ship, stepping onto the sand. This was where she wanted to meet, so why deny her it?

Now he just needed to find her...


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A meeting of kindred

Jenn had ever looked upon the Mandalorian Protectors with suspicion at best - and contempt at worst.
In the Reformer's eyes, they were only fools. They refused to embrace the future as she did, speaking of conquest just as the Enclave did - and placating those traditionalists who held on to the old ways stubbornly, all but striving to fit the image of the savage reavers their people were known for. For all these reasons and more, the Alor of Clan Kryze had never recognized any of their pretenders to the august title of Mand'alor.
Content as she was to ignore the Protectors after her last attempt to involve herself in their affairs by bringing her own viewpoint to one of their councils, the Ersansyr was far more than a warrior of great might. No, her chief attribute had ever been her wisdom, and the vision stemming from it... and with the rise of the Neo-Crusaders as the dominant Mandalorian power, came new opportunities and challenges alike.
There were bound to be some among the Protectors who shared her ideals. Those who refused to join the Crusade, for one reason or another, were worth reaching out to; and Drego Ruus' past connections with the Galactic Alliance marked him as a more likely candidate than most. The pair were quick to initiate contact and settle for a meeting.
Drego would not be alone on that stretch of sand for long. Over the horizon came The Redeemer, her jetpack carrying her through the air with speed and grace alike. Although she was nowhere near as passionate about the art of birdship as her daughter, Varys Amun Varys Amun , she still yearned for the open skies and the promise of freedom they held. Flying over a gorgeous ocean made it all the more appealing to her; a meeting of sea and sky, different palettes of blue stretching as far as the eye could see.
Unlike Drego, Jenn's reputation was not that of a war hound. Renowned (and infamous, depending on who you asked) for her unflinching devotion to the chivalrous ideals instilled as guiding tenets for her Clan, her name was often uttered with awe; vode and aruetii alike spoke of her as one might a figure of legend, recounting how a humble smith rose from the quiet masses of the Kayatr'ade to lead the worthy to a glorious new damn. They called her by many titles; Warmother, Daimyo, Kiith-Sa, Alor... but one echoed among all others, and magnified her role beyond merely that of a leader. They called her The Redeemer, and in so doing, transformed her from a mere woman into an idea.
"Su cuy'gar, Drego be Aliit Ruus!" called the Alor as she finally touched down before him, her voice easily carrying over the roar of the jetpack. It carried power within it, an enchanting song shaped into the commanding tone of a leader of many - a harbinger of the new tide.



Tag: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
"Was half expecting you to come out of the sea, Vode." Drego chuckled as Jenn landed next to him. The man who had made his name as Akaan Butu'r had one distinct trait that often had him opposed to many of his vode. One he often instilled in his clan, because of his own beliefs.

He didn't use a jetpack.

Not that he was incapable, or even scared of heights as some had implied over the years. No, it didn't because he thought it as a crutch for him. A sith expects you to come from above. A jedi expects you to keep at range. An Imp expects whistling birds.

No one expects you to charge them at full sprint and shoulder check them.

"Su cuy'gar, Jenn be Aliit Kryze! It's good to see a T-visor from someone who isn't immediately trying to kill me, or steal my foundlings, as it were."

That was still a sore spot. The Crusaders thought their ideology superior. The Protectors had seen no point in Conquest. No point in raids or attacking the misfortunate. Not under Mia. No, they had been true to their name for the most part. A Protectorate attempting to secure and restore peace to the Mandalore Sector.

That all fell apart, and now Drego was the last Protector still willing to use the name the Crusaders mocked.

The Last Pillar Standing, and it was the Pillar of War.

The irony was not lost on him.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Kindreds meet

In many ways, Drego's persistence was his most remarkable of attributes. Even now, he stood firm, in spite of how the tide had turned against him and his people - the Last Protector. Such a commitment to one's ideals reminded Jenn of herself.
"I am not one to seek conflict needlessly", came the Alor's answer after a moment, still carrying with it the imperious majesty she embodied in such matters. "And, from what I hear, you and I have... common cause. I didn't exactly see eye to eye with the Protectors, but you have my sympathies, nonetheless."
A polite cant of her head followed. In spite of the great anger she displayed whenever she came into contact with Neo-Crusaders, there yet existed a certain warmth within her heart... a kindness. "I am sorry, to hear that your foundlings were poached by our less enlightened brethren."



tag: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
"Zandra has yet to chose her true allegiance. If she choses to stick with those who seek only to burn worlds, then I'll put her down myself." Drego said coldly, before letting out a sigh. "I hope we can. The Protectors were good vode when they sought common cause. Glory for good causes, fighting against Imperials and Sith. It's a shame the Alliance Senate seemed only interested in spitting on our visors and calling us barbarians, but that's the past. I can forgive ignorance. I can't forgive maliciousness. That's what the crusaders care about. Glory for their own sake. I was hoping you and I could find a better way. That's why I founded Clan Ruus."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Kindreds meet

"We all make mistakes, vod. I would know. I was a Crusader of the Mandalorian Enclave, once."
Jenn was not proud of that fact, but neither did she care to hide it. Her life had been an adventure, to be sure, and the mistakes she made along the way had only helped her grow into the woman she now was. An ideal made flesh; a promise of what their people could be, if they let go of prejudice and embraced the future.
"Your story seems similar to my own, bur'cya. I restored Clan Kryze from the ashes in an attempt to form a... counter-culture, of sorts. A place where the more forward-thinking members of the Enclave could find like-minded people. When I realized I could not change my home from within, I left in exile, and took those brave warriors with me. Since then, we have liberated Onderon from the Dark Empire, and made it our home - when we are not sallying out to push back Crusaders, Sith, and other scum wherever we can. I have been hard at work reshaping our culture and traditions into something more befitting our newfound ideals as warrior-heroes; knights, if you will. We protect the weak, and liberate the oppressed."
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Tag: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
"I formed Clan Ruus under my own ideal. Something I was taught by my clan leader. A Jag hwa cuyir liser motir bat kaysh srukre t'ad taab, bal gaa'tayl ashi narir tase.. He taught me that a true vode does not value strength, but honesty, loyalty, and selflessness. That strength is a tool to achieve your goals, not a point of pride. Pride is found in your accomplishments. The legend you spread. And...that it's that legend that defines how history remembers you. We all strive to be remembered by the culture, but the culture won't remember how much you can lift, how fast you can run, how well maintained your equipment was. It'll remember who you helped. Who you hurt. Who you were."

He paused, letting out a sigh. "I nearly joined you myself in that crusade. But...I didn't see the point. The GA is where I came from. Bralor saved my ass when the maw overran my unit, and left me the lone survivor. They offered me a place to learn, a place to grow. But the Bralor that joined the Enclave in their crusade wasn't the Bralor that I grew up in. And these Neo Crusaders are the same way. Young bucks looking to make a name. Looking to find glory, not willing to wait for glory to find them."

He let out a chuckle, looking to Jenn. "Knights? I thought that was the jetii's thing. Then again, rumor has it you've hooked up with one. Tryin' to adopt their ideals now too?"

It was clearly a lighthearted jab, but Drego also knew Jenn's ideal was a solid one. The idea of setting up a counter-culture to the Crusaders wasn't a terrible idea. With the fall of the Protectors, they needed a bastion.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Kindreds meet

A thoughtful hum escaped the Alor as she listened to her peer recounting the tale of his Clan, captivated by the similarities in their origins. It took great courage, for him to dig his heels into the earth, and refuse to move when so many abandoned themselves to baser instincts, reveling in destruction and slaughter. When her voice rose once more, respect filtered through her tone - and a certain touch of kindness, too. "He must have been a good man, to teach you so."
Then, the Alor's hand came to rest on the handle of her beskad, then, as her beloved was mentioned. Not quite an aggressive gesture, for she was far too relaxed to try to intimidate Drego overtly... but an unspoken warning, nonetheless. Jenn knew how difficult her relationship with Jonyna might be to explain to the aliit, and they were among the most forward-thinking members of the culture. A Reformer she may be, The Redeemer was ready to meet any insult levelled against her lover or their relationship with a duel-
But there was no such scorn behind Drego's voice. Naught but lighthearted ribbing, vod to vod. Her hand left her weapon, and a reserved chuckle rose from beneath her helm to answer him. "One doesn't need to be enthralled by a Jetii to recognize the nobility of their cause. They are pompous sages, yes, but so too can they be wise mystics whose example we would do well to heed, if not follow." Cautious words, in spite of the clear passion she held for the subject. Jenn was a better politician than she cared to admit.
"The Neo-Crusaders have dredged up some of the worst excesses of our history, but there are shining example of valor in our past, too, and I have found myself looking to them more and more as of late. Satine Kryze's New Mandalorians, Jaster Mereel's Mercenaries... fine examples to take inspiration from, wouldn't you say? Whatever organization we come up with should not be created around the idea of fighting our Crusader kin, head-on or otherwise - but to provide an alternative for our people. We help the people of the Galaxy, and in so doing, we show aruetiise and Mando'ade than death and destruction."



Tag: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
"I'm not entirely sure on that." Drego huffed. "Offering an alternative is good, yes, but the aruetiise will only see two sides of the same coin if the Crusaders are allowed to continue their rampage. My foundling burned a City-Tree on Cathar, and now she's been marked for death by their people. That's the worry I have about the Crusaders. They're a rabid bunch looking to instill fear where respect should be had. As much as it pains me to fight against our own kin, we need to put them down before we can give the galaxy a reason to respect us."

Drego had always fashioned himself more off Boba Fett. The Protectors, the fight against the Vong, it all inspired his outlook.

Drego let out a chuckle though, relieving the tension.
"As for your jetii friend, I can't blame you. I was part of the GA's special forces before I was taken in by Bralor, and the jetii were always seen as our best offense in those days. Pompous as they may be, they're heroes to the people they protect. And I can respect that. Maybe someday I can watch you spar her." He paused, looking over Jenn's beskar'gam. "Maybe suggest a few upgrades to give you a leg up."


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