[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Rano pulled himself the rest of the way on top of the one story building and sat down It was getting late and he did not much like being in the streets at night. Up here at least nobody ever found him. pulling a bag he had with the little he took when he left home he pulled out a blanket and pulled it around him as he watched the sun vanished behind the buildings and the night crept in around him.
The next morning he packed up his blanket and leaped down from the roof and yawned stretching his arms and ran a hand threw his shaggy blond hair. He headed off down the street, he came to the market and sighed ~ i hate doing this~ he thought waiting for a large group to get around one of the fruit stalls. He walked over and picked up a peace looking it over before shaking his head and put it back. " I think im going to pass today " he thought walking away.
(( im not sure what planet i should use, you can chose if needed ))
Rano pulled himself the rest of the way on top of the one story building and sat down It was getting late and he did not much like being in the streets at night. Up here at least nobody ever found him. pulling a bag he had with the little he took when he left home he pulled out a blanket and pulled it around him as he watched the sun vanished behind the buildings and the night crept in around him.
The next morning he packed up his blanket and leaped down from the roof and yawned stretching his arms and ran a hand threw his shaggy blond hair. He headed off down the street, he came to the market and sighed ~ i hate doing this~ he thought waiting for a large group to get around one of the fruit stalls. He walked over and picked up a peace looking it over before shaking his head and put it back. " I think im going to pass today " he thought walking away.
(( im not sure what planet i should use, you can chose if needed ))