Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meeting with an old friend.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Bast Castle, Vjun

It had been a long time since Alexandra had met her friend and she wished to talk with her once more. Though she had not gotten that chance on Coruscant like what she had wanted, there was a new opportunity for her today and Taeli had actually accepted. Having come along with her was her own student, and someone a bit more than that given what the two of them had found out. Alexandra was curious about where this revelation would bring the two in the future but for now she was content in having one of her children around.

It was that thought which brought her to look at Abigail who was sitting with her in a common area of the castle.Her choice of drink in her hands just as Alexandra had a glass with tea in it and a kettle resting on a spot in the middle of the temple, kept warm by a fire that Alexandra produced with the force. She wondered what Taeli would like, but would have t wait till she was satisfied with the sweep being undertaken by the woman's guards.

You would think she would assume Alexandra intended to kidnap her today or something.

No Alexandra had no way to turn her friend from the dark, not for now at the very least. She would find a way in the future to return Taeli to the light, atleast truthfully. Not the mock show she put on for the Galactic Alliance, but until then Alexandra would accept her friend's choices and the decision to support the Sith. It was the wrong one in Alexandra's opinion, but that was an opinion that was biased and saw numerous decades of infighting and death that could have been avoided.

"Abigail, as a heads up. My friend that I brought you along to meet, she is a Sith. Do not take her for an evil woman though, as she is merely misguided. Remember, this when she arrives, as the Darkside does not help you... it only robs you of the things you love." She smiled at the young woman, clearly using their relation as an example for Abigail to latch onto.

"Do try to remember this in the future, from the words of someone who has lost everything multiple times before when I had used the darkside and followed it." She turned her head back to the door, waiting for Taeli to arrive now.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

It had been a long time, years in fact since she had last seen Alex. It had just been after she resurrected her at the "behest" of Vulpesen. That sequence of events had... been a wake-up call to Taeli, a lowly Sith Knight working towards Lady in the One Sith. She and Alex had been brought before the Lords and Ladies of the One Sith, and she had seen it was going to be either both of them killed or one of them, and she chose the latter option because she had known she could bring her back.

Not that anyone ever appreciated her for that.

Since then, she had become much more cautious and clever. Hence the guards sweeping the estate, both Shadow Legion and some of her Engima Adepts, looking for anything that might have even hinted at a trap for. As the Lady of Secrets, she had brought about the end of the Galactic Alliance, breaking them utterly into a small exiled force in the Outer Rim. But, while she was hailed as a hero of the Sith Empire, she was reviled by the Jedi and those factions allied with them. Plus, she remembered how... high strung Vulpesen had been that day and she would not put it past anyone for retribution, especially when she was meeting with the new Grandmaster of the New Republic's Jedi. Such as they were.

A long dark purple dress and black cloak with its hood down certainly gave her the appearance of a Sith Lady, even if the eyes were purple and not yellow. And she just so happened to reach the room to hear Alex's last comment to whoever else was inside. She had to fight really really hard to not roll her eyes.

"Hark says the woman who had a split personality in their head who caused... eighty-five percent of your problems over the years," she said as she entered. "And don't even start me on the misguided comment. I spent ten years with the Jedi, both Republic and Alliance."
Abigail had accompanied her master to yet another planet which had been unknown to her. This time they were supposed to meet 'an old friend' of Alexandra, but Alex had been quiet about who this friend exactly was. While Abigail sat in a common area together with her master, she took careful sips of her tea as they waited.

Abigail found the entire sweeping going on to be a bit strange. Weren't Alex and whoever they were waiting for friends? Why was all of this necessary?

She was just about to ask Alexandra about it when the woman started talking first. Abigail's mouth slightly dropped open when Alex mentioned her friend being Sith. Was her master still friends with the Sith? Hadn't she like, severed all ties long ago? Or something like that?

The fact the woman they were about to meet was a little bit shocking news to Abigail. She hadn't exactly met 'friendly' Sith before, and honestly couldn't really imagine one either. She truly hoped Alex knew this woman as good as she thought.

Abigail was just about to ask Alexandra more about her Sith friend, but before she could, another voice filled the room, and as Abigail looked over to its source, a cloaked woman walked into the room.

As Abigail looked at the woman, her breath silently quickened. She was nervous, but whether it was because she didn't know this woman or because she was Sith, she couldn't tell. Not wishing to look like an incompetent sidekick or somehing of the likes, Abigail mustered her strength together to look as normal as possible while she nodded towards the woman in greeting. She intended to give the woman a more proper greeting, but Abigail didn't want to interrupt her master's and Taeli's little exchange of words.

She was just one of Alex's kind friends.
That was all. Nothing to worry about.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] || [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Taeli Raaf"] arrived and quickly addressed the last bit of what Alexandra had said, making the woman sigh and smile, knowing that she had been quickly corrected by the woman in question. Alexandra looked towards Taeli with a wide smile, getting up to walk around and over to her friend, and before so much as speaking or doing anything else, she wrapped Taeli into a hug, laughing a bit.

"You could atleast let me try to be a Jedi, before you come in and correct me Taeli. As for Hel, I think you will find that problem has been dealt with..." She paused, looking towards Abigail. "Or atleast, its been repaired in the way it should have been and It gave me a gift I would not trade for anything. Speaking of which, Taeli, I would like to introduce you to my newest student."

She paused to pull away and more or less drag Taeli over to her student as she waved her hand towards Abigail.

"This is Abigail, shes my student and the Gift I mentioned. Lets just say, Hel had some fun back when she had her own body." Alexandra's grin told Taeli all she needed to understand, letting Alexandra move to go sit down once more. The words had been said and she would let the two introduce themselves to eachother. She waited until that was done and moved to drink from the glass she had with her while they did.

It was when they were finished that she spoke once more, addressing the latter point.

"As for your time with the Jedi, you do realize how biased you may seem, considering your little show of betrayal on Coruscant. I would be the first to tell you any opinion you have on the jedi would likely not be held in high regard considering the fact you had been a plant and a agent for the sith the entire time." She shook her head.

"Honestly though, I know that the Jedi can be a pain in the ass, but atleast the light doesn't kill your body... not that ive luck with that anyways... considering the red hair and tail now."

[member="Abigail Meredydd"]
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]

She returned the hug to her, well now that she thought about it, probably her oldest surviving friend, and she couldn't stop the half smirk that formed when she was brought over to the young woman with Alex. Yes, she could definitely sense in the Force that Hel had taken Alex's body on a joyride, in more ways than one. Well good on her for having another shot at a family.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Abigail," she said, bowing her head politely at the girl. "As your... Master has no doubt mentioned, my name is Taeli Raaf. And yes, I know my reputation precedes me."

Scary dark lady of the Sith that had been responsible for the decimation of the Galactic Alliance, she could see why she might be intimidating to others. As for what Alex continued saying...

"Oh please, the Jedi had ten years to change my mind," she said, hands on her hips now. "But no, they just kept reinforcing my opinion time and time again as uncaring mystics, obsessed with fighting and purging the dark side. The last straw was how they treated Corvus's disappearance. Complete apathy. But I did hear congratulations were in order, Grandmaster of the New Republic and all that."

She laughed as Alex made mention of the corruptive forces the dark side had on a body, well sometimes. It all depended really on genetics and whether one was suitably prepared for what they were doing. If you rushed headlong into the dark, with no caution or sense of self-preservation, it would and could swallow you up. Burn right through you as it were.

"This is... body number three now?" she laughed. "This is not the one I revived you in, that I know. As for me, still going on body one and not looking a day over thirty-five."
Abigail had to admit it to herself, she wasn't sure how she felt about the sight of her master hugging a Sith. It wasn't necessarily that the woman seemed unlikeable, but the only Sith Abigail had ever met back in her soldier times had tried to straight up kill her and her friends. Technically they had also been ordered to stop or kill him if necessary, but even together they had been outmatched by the man by far, so the memory of their defeat had left quite the impression on Abigail, who had been lucky to have come out relatively unharmed.

Since that event Abigail had basically figured all Sith to just be like the one she had met, killing anyone who was in their way. This thought had been further reinforced by tales of actions by a few specific Sith over the years, so Abigail was quite surprised the woman hugged Alex and seemed to be rather.. kind. It appeared it was high time Abigail changed her thoughts about Sith, high time for her and Alex to have a few long talks about what Sith really were.

Then Taeli told Abigail who she was, and while Alex had hinted a bit towards who her friend had been, she hadn't told Abigail it was the person who had basically brought the destruction of the Alliance.

She gently bit her lip and clutched her fist as she tried to banish the thoughts about the people she trained with in her youth, the people who had been her friends, the people who had been sent to join the Alliance. The people who were dead by now, no doubt.

Luckily for her, Abigail managed to follow Alex's advice and directed her thoughts towards the bond she had with her master. With her mother.

While things hadn't been easy between them lately, the bond was more than warm enough by now for Abigail to be able to calm herself down.

After all of this happened within a second, Abigail looked at Taeli and gave her a still somewhat weak smile together with a nod. "It's nice to meet you too, and as you know, I'm Abigail Meredydd."

Whether it was actually nice to meet Taeli, Abigail wasn't sure yet. She also noticed now as she said her full name that her last name was probably a fake. Made up by the institute she grew up in, most likely. It was a strange thought, knowing your last name wasn't actually your last name.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] || [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]

Alexandra looked at her friend for a few moments, considering the words and sighing as she knew there was little she could say to alter how Taeli thought about the Jedi by this point, knowing that the same was true for someone she cared miles more for and that he would never return to the Jedi himself... he didn't join a group that saw wholesale murder and genocide as the right things to do though. She stewed on that thought for a few moments, wanting to bring it up, bring up the fact that there were other options than the Jedi and the Sith, or even to abandon that stupid conflict that merely ran in a constant cycle.

Alexandra was no purge the darkside Jedi, knowing that the cycle would simply continue as long as violence controlled the actions of those who studied the light. That did not mean she would not teach her students, and Abigail especially, to defend themselves, knowing the sith did not share that sentiment of peace that she did. But the Jedi did not belong as warriors and crusaders in her mind, merely protectors and guardians of those that they could.

And then, there was the problem of Corvus Raaf...

Alexandra looked at her friends eyes a bit more closely before sighing and embracing her once more before breaking it and returning to her seat.

"Well, perhaps one day I can change that perception of what the Jedi could be Taeli, knowing the light and dark intimately and the struggles that come with both. And I can promise you when I say that my Order will not devolve into one directed towards such a warlike path. Although, I am sure you know that already, after seeing my previous Order and it's goals." She smiled and looked at Taeli.

"And if you do leave the Sith one day, you need not even join the Jedi if you wish to be free of that persistent and shortsighted cycle that people like Cedric and Coren persue. Killing and conflict will only breed more conflict... the mistakes of our ancient predecessors, both Sith and Jedi are at fault there."

Her eyes turned on Abigail, who she could tell was conflicted about this whole situation, about Taeli and the fact of what she had done. Alexandra could not excuse Taeli's actions, or even blame them on the darkside, as she knew Taeli was in control and her actions were her own decision. She could only explain that every person's path is one of their own choosing. That would not help the situation though, only hurt it.

"Abigail... speak your mind. Keeping what ever is inside that head of yours locked up wont be healthy... and I am certain of all people, Taeli or myself can take whatever you need say concerning this situation. There is nothing you could say that I would be disappointed in you for."
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]

She honestly could never understand Alex's naivety sometimes. Yes, her Order of the Grey had been built on peace, balance. But what had that accomplished in the long run? Broken vessels, flitting from one faction or ideology to another. Alex, alone in a temple, clinging to the past for so long, everyone else having moved on and adapted to the galaxy as it was, not what she thought it could be someday. And she found it almost laughable that Alex hoped to keep the New Republic's Jedi from becoming warlike.

That was an inevitable state of things. The first Republic Jedi Order of this new era had tried that for some time, then they had gone to war with an emergent Sith Empire, then the Mandalorians, then the One Sith had ground them down, the fighting splintering the order into the many ideologies today. Peace and balance were all well and good, but even now, she heard the reports of the New Republic dealing with some startup warlord and their Commonwealth based on Nubia.

"We'll see," Taeli voiced aloud, keeping her thoughts contained. "You'll have to forgive me for taking a scientific outlook in saying I'll believe it when I see it."

And that was the honest truth. Promises were all well and good, believing that Alex could break the wheel of conflict the galaxy turned on... hyperbole until actions made it otherwise.
As Abigail leaned back again, thinking she would now listen to the two women speak, she was caught off guard by Alex's words. Her master had apparently caught wind of her thoughts and doubt about Taeli, and was now straight up confronting her about it, next to the Lady of the Sith.

"Uh... well...I...", she started, not sure whether to actually speak her mind or not, as she didn't want to anger Alex or Taeli. It's wasn't that she didn't believe Alex when she said she wouldn't judge her for speaking her mind, but... Abigail still wasn't sure. Neither was she sure how comfortable she felt speaking her mind next to the Sith.

Because of her doubts, she looked towards Alex with meaningful eyes, giving her a look that was screaming 'I don't want to tell'. She hoped Alex would pick up on the hint, but she hoped even more that Alex would also go along with it. Unfortunately, Abigail had a strong suspicion her mother would just ask her to speak her mind again, but it was worth a try. Abigail wasn't exactly sure blaming Taeli for the possible deaths of everyone she knew in her youth was a clever move right now.

"It's uh, it's nothing, really. Just a tad bit tired is all", she lied, giving a somewhat awkward smile.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] || [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra watched her old friend, full well knowing her shortcomings in the past and the failures she had been connected with, but it was not naivity she held. It was rather a stubborness that kept her trying things that had come to fail many times in the past. And she had hoped, in all honesty that that stubborness would keep the Jedi from becoming as warlike as it had before but she knew that was impossible.

A part of her was still saddened though and she wished she had a clean way of saying what was on her mind. She knew how childish her belief that the Jedi would fit in her plans was, and that she would likely fail again... but what Taeli was doing was far worse than her stubborness. She criticized the Jedi and their warlike nature, but then would sit here and support the Sith, a group that saw wholesale murder and execution as not only acceptable, but preferred.

She wanted to say something, wanted to bring up Coruscant as an example, but in the end a simple sadness is all that crossed her face.

"We each have our own views Taeli... be them corrupted, naive or simply disgusting." Her eyes returned to [member="Abigail Meredydd"] and she knew that Abigail did not feel right in this situation, causing her to look down. She knew that not bringing up the fact would just bring a disconnect and she needed to do it sooner rather than later, otherwise provide a poor example. While they were friends, one's choices were important.

"Taeli. I know Ima bit of a hypocrite for saying this, but I've come to realize that is the least of my crimes. I understand your hate and distrust for Jedi but I don't understand how you can support Kaine. I know quite well what he is capable of and what he has done... You would stand beside mass murderers like that?" She looked back at her friend, sighing and knowing she would probably just get a simple answer for such.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]

Taeli's eyebrow quirked up as Alex started to lecture and question her from an increasingly small hill to stand on. The younger woman here was still keeping to herself, but Taeli was growing increasingly curious on what her thoughts were going to be. As for Alex...

"You're equating hate with dislike, and distrust with contempt," she replied. "I don't hate the Jedi, I find their hypocrisy contemptable as it allowed me to easily infiltrate or turn half of the New Jedi Order within a span of a few years. I dislike many of them because they embraced that hypocrisy, abandoned their core teachings. I severely dislike any of the former Council members of the Republic and New Jedi Order because of how they turned their backs on my sister once she went missing. A few short statements about such a loss it was, and then they moved right along as if nothing significant had happened."

That, right there, had been the real reason she had done as much as she did to the Alliance and the Jedi. They had spat on all the work her sister did for them by just putting up a little bust, saying oh what a shame, and then promptly moved on as if Corvus was yesterday's news. If they had done more, actually done a funeral or erected a proper monument, Taeli would have been content in her role of spy, gathering information to send back. But that wasn't how things had turned out.

"I am fully aware of what the Sith are, what Kaine is and has done," she continued. "I'm not excusing any of it, nor would I. It's not my place to do so. Sith, Kaine especially, openly commit atrocities and wage war in the pursuit of order, of control. Take a trip through Sith space and you'll see what once was anarchy is now a rigid and prosperous empire. The people within the Sith Empire's borders are the safest they have been in over a decade. Primeval, Silver Jedi, Dominion. All of them attributed to the chaos in the Outer Rim."

She took a breath. She was on a roll now.

"But no, you want to focus on what Kaine and the Sith have done, nevermind the fact that the Jedi and the light side have equal amounts of blood on their hands in this day and age. Togoria, Thyferra, Operation Eclipse, Ession, Commenor. All of them Sith strikes and all of them incredibly destructive. That is true. But, we mustn't forget Dromund Kaas, Manaan, Sullust, Mirial. All worlds that have been devastated by the actions of the Jedi. So, get off that hill of hypocrisy and idealism you seem to want to die on and wake up to the reality of the galaxy around you. Everyone is standing beside a mass murderer, your daughter is in the room with two of them right now."

With a huff, she took a chair and sat down in it, arms crossed.
Abigail listened to Taeli's defence against Alex's words.

Although Abigail couldn't say she knew the woman or her past, it was clear to her something surrounding Taeli's sister had created a wound that had yet to heal. Still, she found it awfully strange to be judging the idea of the Jedi based on the actions or weak wills of a few of its practitioners.

But, before Abigail could even think of a way to intervene with her words, Taeli continued firing words at Alex, and perhaps at Abigail too.

She had been biting her lip for a bit now, to keep herself from talking, but as Taeli said Alex to be a mass murderer too, she couldn't hold it much longer.

"But are all the same?", she blurted out quite suddenly. She couldn't exactly read the other women's faces, but it could very well be surprised as Abby had not been very willing to talk during the meeting so far.

A bit surprised herself by her outburst, she had to take a few seconds before she continued talking, slowly.

"Is... Is everyone who can or should be labelled a 'mass murderer' the same? Is there no difference?", she asked Taeli, not waiting or wishing for an answer. Her voice was a bit shaky, as she was not really used to speaking to high respected individuals like this. "Should someone, who has... accumulated such a horrendous title over the year by killing people who threatened others... innocents perhaps, be considered just as bad as someone who kills random people they see for sport?"

After being silent for a moment, playing a bit with her hands because she was out of her comfort zone, she continued, but her voice was more calm and steady now.
"A man who stole an apple and a man who stole a shipload of nukes are both thiefs. That's what they are, sure, they're both thiefs, but... but are their actions really equally bad?", she asked Taeli, now with almost a pleading look in her eyes.

She wasn't... used to this. Now she thought about it, she didn't think she ever had to talk to someone with these kind of... views. It... was probably useless to speak to Taeli, as she was probably much like Alex, both strong in their own beliefs. There was no way Abigail could change any of that, so in hindsight, it was probably better if she had stayed quiet. Probably a lot better if she had done so.
Although she was also glad she intervened, as it hopefully made things a bit less tense, in a way. She had noticed that Alex had become... restless by Taeli's words, and the last thing Abby needed to see today was two people who were supposed to be 'friends' fight.

She let her gaze drop to the ground as she spoke again, her voice soft this time. "But there's probably no use in talking about this... so... let's not become all hostile and whatnot. Please."

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] || [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Abigail Meredydd"] tried to push the conversation forward and Alexandra turned her eyes on the young woman that was her daughter. The comment about Alex being a mass murderer is in no way wrong and she let Abigail finish before walking to the young woman and without hesitation hugging her. Abigail was young and still didn't form as concrete a view as Alexandra and Taeli had, something Alexandra forgot to remember from time to time.

And she did not know who Alexandra was in the past, something Alexandra would not let continue when such a discussion was important for Abigail to understand the friendship that [member="Taeli Raaf"] and Alexandra shared. Alexandra had remained silent as Taeli fell into her chair and Abigail spoke but that was where she would finally speak.

"I am every bit the mass murderer that Taeli is, Abigail. Do not think me clean of blood on my hands. I merely wish to atone and pay for the lives I have taken by giving my own to the Galaxy and to serve its people. Taeli has chosen a different response and while I do not agree with it, she is no worse than I am in that regard." Alexandra sighed out another breath and took her own seat, burrowing her hands in her face and thinking on the matter, silent for a long few mmoments.

It was only after she had come to a more stable state that she started to speak, smiling softly and looking at Taeli.

"Atleast you are safe, just remain so. Being a Sith in a high place draws alot of eyes to you Taeli... I don't want to be fishing your soul out of the Netherworld, that would be quite annoying to have to do." A hint of humor touched her voice and lips, a small grin forming.
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]

"A very slippery slope is that sort of question," Taeli said, directly answering the younger woman after she and Alex got done speaking. "When does it become so reprehensible to earn the title of a monster? After two are dead? Three? A dozen? A hundred? A thousand? A million? An entire planet? When does that cutoff point begin and end? And then something else to consider is the Jedi, and the Sith, are expected to be at the front of their respective armies and fleets to kill scores upon scores of their enemy in every battle. The actions of war and victory, on the home front, are always portrayed as heroic, but if they were not ar war and the very same occurred, they would be the most heinous of villains. Something for you to ponder."

She relaxed back into her chair, now smiling.

"No more dangerous than being a Jedi in a high position either," she laughed. She glanced over at Alex's daughter again. "You said your daughter had a good head on her shoulders. Not a lot of experience yet, but we all had to start somewhere. You, my dear, need to be more assertive. Speak up more and let your voice be heard."

The change in the atmosphere of the room would be near palpable as Taeli had taken on a kindly tone.
Abigail looked up at Alexandra with a questioning expression as her mother walked towards her. The hug was... unexpected, but not unwelcome. While she found it to be slightly awkward with Taeli sitting in the room, Abigail knew she would be lying if she said it didn't comfort her at least a bit.

She knew Alexandra had blood on her hands, she also knew almost anyone in this... sort of work had blood on their hands. But still, she didn't agree with her mother. Taeli and her killed for different reasons, and they killed different types of people. Perhaps Alex had gotten used to these things, but Abigail didn't believe any of it. Alex did the things she did for good, she knew it.
So as Alexandra told she was every bit of the mass murderer Taeli was, Abigail shook her head. Maybe they both deserved the title, yes, but they weren't equals in how... wrong their crimes were. While she didn't feel the need to linger on this subject any longer, but she sure as hell didn't agree.

She looked over at Taeli, who responded in a way that left Abigail riddled about its tone. Yet it didn't take her long before she replied when Taeli was done talking. "Yes, because the only way 'killing' can come close to being justified is when it's either in self defence or to protect others from direct harm, or something similar. In a war, that could be the case. During times of peace, going on a random killing spree isn't exactly self defence or helping others", while she spoke quickly, engaged and wanting to offer Taeli her thoughts, Abigail saw it as a friendly conversation, not two people arguing over clashing views.

"Also I never said the word 'monster'", she mumbled softly as she averted her gaze to the ground, slightly afraid that she might have accidentally used the word.

Abigail relaxed as well as she felt whatever tension was left disappear. When Taeli spoke, Abigail couldn't help but smile as she heard Taeli complement her... in a way. Abigail decided she was just going to assume it to be a compliment, and quickly glanced over at Alex with a smile.

Abigail nodded in return to Taeli's advice.
"I will try to do that."

Normally she wouldn't have immediately taken advice from, you know, Sith, which she realised was a bit stereotypical. However, the sudden change of atmosphere and Taeli's behaviour made it so that Abigail started to become a bit more comfortable, and she even started to be slightly interested in the woman and her views. Not that she had ever been afraid or anything, just a bit nervous. The word 'Sith' wasn't exactly a positive one in her personal dictionary.

"Also," she then mumbled," I have an excuse for being a bit shy. Alex hadn't told me anything about you, at all. She only told me you are... uhm... Sith, moments before you entered."

Was calling Sith 'Sith' a bad thing to do? Did they use that term as well? Or was it more of a curse word? Oh how she hoped Taeli wouldn't mind her calling her that. Ugh, she felt like an idiot for not knowing.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] || [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra herself sat down and relaxed in her own seat, sighing out and calming herself.

She did not know what to do, nor how to approach Taeli and try to help the woman away from the Sith. And maybe there was no way for Alex to do so, knowing that things had gone too far and that the past had shaped Taeli into who she was now. Alex simply wished she could help her friend away from the self destructive nature of the dark and the Sith but some delved so far in that it was impossible to leave at one point or another.

Alexandra instead of speaking decided to nod with Taeli, agreeing that Abigail should speak her mind with a bit more strength. Alexandra had neglected to push on her daughter and to get her to stand strong against others for what you believed in, things that are necessary. If Abigail could not eventually come to stand for what she had on her mind, she could come to stand for nothing at all.

"Taeli is my closest and one of my oldest friends, a woman I would defend and stand next to in almost any situation Abigail... as much as I argue with her." Alexandra wanted to add a bit more, wanted to mention how the woman was almost like a sister to an extent but after that heated exchange, that would not be the best thing to say.

"Perhaps we should talk about something more enjoyable? Such as how time has passed. Or perhaps you would like to inform Abigail of some of your own stories Taeli?" Alex looked on and over at [member="Taeli Raaf"], not sure what to say to be honest.

[member="Abigail Meredydd"]
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]

"How remiss of your mother," Taeli said, a playful scolding look on her face as she glanced at Alex. "Throwing your daughter into the deep end by only telling her one thing about me. For shame, Alex, for shame."

She shifted her seat so she could more directly look at both women.

"Where to start but the beginning," she continued saying. "I was originally born on Corellia, but was given up for adoption as my birth parents were still in school and couldn't afford to keep me. I was adopted by a professor of history and his Mandalorian wife on Lorrd, where I spent all of my childhood, teenage years, and even my early adulthood. I was an insatiable student, it was never uncommon for me to be seen without a stack of books in my arms. Happens when you are working on three degrees at the same time.

"After I graduated, I wanted to go explore and study more in the galaxy, but on the day I was supposed to leave... I was very nearly, oh what is a good neutral term for it, I was accosted in an alley by three boys I had shown up during my school years and they were looking to... take advantage of me."

That had been a momentous day for her, a turning point one could say.

"In my panic, anger, fury, what have you, I tapped into the Force and killed them. I came to the attention of a Sith named Balaya as I was in that vulnerable state. She recruited me into the Sith, took me to Coruscant when it was under the control of the One Sith and started my education in the dark side."

She looked over at Alex, smirking.

"I like to think I've surpassed anything Balaya ever did or could do. Anyway, it was during my time as a Sith I met my sisters Corvus, who was Grandmaster of the Old Republic Jedi, and Melodi, who I took as a student after saving her life during a battle in the Prakith system. I loved them both deeply, but they have since disappeared. Both my birth parents and adopted parents are dead, the former killed by a bounty hunter after Corvus, and the latter in a gas explosion."
Abigail couldn't help but chuckle softly while Taeli playfully scolded Alex. She held her hand in front of her mouth to mask her smile, but it wasn't very effective, so she quickly let her hand rest on her chair again. It was funny to her to see her mother getting spoken to like this by Taeli. Oh how she hoped this would happen again.

As Taeli told her story, Abigail quickly understood that whatever happened in that alley was the very reason Taeli was what she was these days. It was almost funny to see how the actions of three people during such a small timeframe could have such a devastating effect on the galaxy. Almost funny, but then again, it wasn't funny at all. The event Taeli had experienced must've been too awful to explain. Killing someone in fear for your own life... Abigail could only wonder what a lovely and sweet-hearted woman would have been sitting in front of her should that particular event never have taken place.

If she ever found a way to traverse through time, she now knew what she would be doing, what she would be 'fixing'.

"I'm terribly sorry for your losses," Abigail replied sincerely. "I... know what it feels like to lose people."

After looking at Taeli for a moment, she spoke again. "If I may ask, without reviving too many horrible memories, how... how did you two meet? When? I hope it was under nice circumstances, but... I see that to be unlikely. Did you meet as Sith?", she asked, her curiosity briefly winning from her shyness.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] || [member="Taeli Raaf"]

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