Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mantic had not been involved in much research. His entire focus laid with training and honing his skills with the saber and the force. He was not blind to the fact that technology and science often enough thwarted these things though, especially when technology was combined with the force.

It was unfamiliar ground, secret ground even, but he had been persuaded to not fear it.

Smiling to the idea he had decided to investigate a tip he had gotten. Fear was after all something to avoid whatever it originated from.

Mantic stepped inside the lobby and nodded politely to the clerk at the desk.

“Mantic Dorn from the Republic Jedi Enclave here to see [member="Matsu Ike"] “ he greeted and found himself a seat. He did expect to be waiting for some time for such a woman.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

A jedi master from the Republic here? She was looking at the droid as it gave her the information and standing up motioned with her head while she spoke. "See him in." The jedi master stood in the normal robes they had been working on and adding the force weaves was nice but they were here testing more then that now. Slowly she was entering the lab as the different researchers brought parts around to work on devices combining force enhanced pieces and technology with sciences to really push it. From the converters they were getting to use energy in the air and fed into them to create water, food and air for the others.

They were working on the robes using the hide and weaves to augment them while the runic white robes of the jedi were being tested out here with everything. THe jedi masters attention going as the energy resistance techniques to the material were being tested with blasters and lightsabers to see how protective it could be. Their work on augmentation and to try and impress upon the ones wearing it a sense of calmness and serenity much like with the sigils. She could focus on some of th e other things like their different inventions as along the wall fidderent saber hilts they had been working on were set up.
It was not a feeling that he was accustomed to. The force weave in here was strange to him. It did not signal danger or the dark side, rather it was simply alien to him.
As the clerk showed him to the entrance he took a deep breath before entering.

Well inside he had to adjust his other senses as well. the many items that were being tested, the people, the gadgets...
He must have looked like a beggar in his worn brown robes and simple back pack containing nothing much that he cared for besides his beloved needle and thread.

He felt unsure about where to turn until he sensed her. the clear and powerful presence of [member="Matsu Ike"]

He turned to her and bowed deeply.

"I appologize for intruding on your work master .... Ike?" he tried.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Matsu looked up and over at the man taking him in and offering a bow while she worked on the different things. "It is alright, I always have time for jedi." Looking over at the robes while she walked. "Continue testing." She moved to a more quiet area they could speak. "I am surprised I can admit. Gauging the republic and jedi order is hard at times. Seems they all want different things." It gave her a grin though while displaying some of the other things they had been working on with small machines polishing crystals for sabers or working on ones into a spindle to weave it together. "What brings you here master jedi?"

The word escaped his lips almost by reflex. They had dual meaning to him and he was not sure if he was referring to why he was her or trying to attempt to explain the diversity of the jedi.
He decided to gather himself and attend the current business at hand.

"I was told to seek you out regarding items that may help me in my role as guardian." he let out his hands in a wide gesture, it was simple and to the point and the truth to that.

"I do confess of having left the Jedi Order after its chism with the Republic. I have no intention of hiding what I represent and in recent times what I represent is not considered the path of good anymore."
Mantic had faced many that did not want to deal with him after he had left the order and because of that he acted with caution, giving her the facts before she decided on anything further on this meeting.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Matsu looked at him for a moment as he spoke and oh the path of good and jedi order.... such a funny thing at times. Most wanted to do good but be in charge, others wanted to do good but have everyone follow and obey them. She could see plenty of issues and that is why generally the jedi master got along with them like a mixed bag. There was jedi who hated her, wanted her to pay for things they only proclaimed were wrong. Without facts or seeing it from any view but their own, a very absolute view. There were others who liked having her around as a mens to learn and attain knowledge once thought lost or that most do not know about.

"Help you in your role as a guardian huh." She moved her hands deftly over some of the things there withdrawing different trinkets. An emblem with the jedi symbol on it, some crystals, a cube and small power cell. "Lets see what we have." He fifn't look like the type to wield a blaster so a force light gun was out... nor did he look like the majorly healing type so synthetic healing crystals of fire and crystals for force healing weren't needed. He might be able to make use of the gemstone that functioned like a force battery absorbing through tutaminis excess energy, the power cell came in handy in her saber for giving it superior power and cutting strength.

"Hmm I have a few things, a force enhanced gemstone that can absorb force energy you feed into it allowing you to make a battery for yourself. A new powercell we have developed using isotope 5 that is vastly superior to diatanium i terms of cutting power and duration. An amulet designed for jedi that is able to produce a saber resistant shield and there is phrik crushgaunts that can channel and enhance the force energies of the jedi wielding them. Our major projects of highly protective robes are coming along nicely. In the end we hope to be able to provide high quality protection but continue to keep the jedi look."
Mantics eyes darted forth and back as she started to present the various items she had to offer. He was not used to these things and while his upbringing and training had molded him into a vessel of the force it left him helpless in these areas.

"I, am not sure how these items function. But, a saber with better cutting edge should fit the description I am looking for."

"How much does one cost?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Cost... cost? The jedi master looked at him as she lifted up the small powercell from the gincho and thought about it. She didn't like or care about credits... but paying for hardwork something was always invaluable. Given the rarity of isotope 5 compared to other power cells as well it could be worth millions or so to the right people but that didn't really matter in the end. "I don't usually charge for gear with other jedi. Just insist they bring rare artifacts and materials they have found in th galaxy to me. There is so many things we can work with for making hilts t present to council members or at the appointment of a new grandmaster."
He coud not help but smile at the irony. It was not a long time ago when he had been one of the most vigirous defenders of the Grand Master or the council. Now he found himself outside of that order, at the start of something new, yet not out of his own will.

He looked up at [member="Matsu Ike"]

"I can not promise much. I rarely come across such items and even though I travel where I am needed my alliegence lies with the Republic. As such I can try to find what you are asking for but in these trying times I am fore most bound to keep my..." he took a small pause wetting his lips and buying himself some time as he searched for the right word.

"... my watch." he finished with a slight shrug. It was the simple truth.

"If that will do, you have your payment. Otherwise I understand and will leave you be."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Matsu looked at him as the sound came of energy crackling, purple and pinks arcs striking at the robes there being tested as she was viewing it. "That is acceptable, I really do have plenty to work with and I dislike the idea of jedi needing to preform tasks to get around. it was terrible when done before and now with so many orders have been pushed. Same as blowing smoke up the backsides if you wish to interact beyond suspicion." Well for some of them, Corvus had trusted Matsu being a jedi and cared little about the past. Instead looking towards the future, others seemed obsessed with the past, some like her just let it go and see what could come from all of it as she stood there looking at some of the readings. "Success, the treatments on the robes can resist energy and force influence."
Not really understanding what had hapened Mantic tried to blend in by politely clapping his hands.

"Well done." he said and shifted his foot well aware that unless she was blind she would most likely guess that he had no idea what he was talking about.

"So, shall I go home and await a delivery or how does this work?" he quickly continued to minimize any chances of them lingering on the former topic.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu looked at him and the jedi master seemed unsure of what was happening. "We've made lightsaber resistant jedi robes. Think of it like wearing armor but lighter, more flexible and looks like normal robes a jedi would wear. Only now you can't get stabbed as easily." SOmething she knew some jedi who would like being able to have and with some more of their work going into it she brought her attention around to him. "Well." Matsu walked around to the wall and opened one of the small boxes as she withdrew the powercell with a nod of her head. "No need to wait, just you'll have to do th install process, It is made to go into the saber just like a diatanium power cell. I'd also recommend getting a rubut lens to focus the blade so it isn't to wild."

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Nodding Mantic took it in to the best of his ability.

"I see, that sound like a huge technological progression." he pondered for a while and stroked his beard. "I prefer to sow my own robes.." he spoke more to himself then anything else and realized it just seconds after speaking it.

With an embarrased smile he shrugged.

"Sowing is where I find meditation and I guess take pride in the work."

"When heading into Battle, I usualy wear my old Guardian armor." Mantic was not wearing it now, but he assumed that [member="Matsu Ike"] knew about it. She seemed extremely well versed in the artefacts of the jedi.

"Would you say these robes have a role on the battle field in comparrisson?" he spoke as he moved forward to get the crystal and the lens.

Keeping an ear open he started to assemble the parts he had brought with him.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Putting the robes on the battlefield instead of just the armor... well yes she could say these would have a place. Given how some of the jedi preferred robes, some wore armor. "On the battlefield it would serve a practical use, I have seen sith run from dueling ones in armor and target the inexperienced jedi with training blades and robes because they couldn't risk being defeated. A padawan wearing this would have more of a chance to survive and resist the dark influence as we have been working to bolster force resisting weaves within jedi equipment." She had a few other ideas for some of the gear and things they were working on. "{We also made shielding amulets that serve a practical use on the battlefield."
Mantic nodded he listened and closed his eyes. IN front of him the parts of the saber dissembled and hovered above the table for a moment before the pieces anew started to shift and slowly glide together, one piece at a time.
It all ended as the saber landed in his hand with a final clicking sound as the saber was ready.

He felt the weight of the weapon in his hand for a while and nodded to himself.

“Then I will forward a request about funding for such robes master [member="Matsu Ike"] – unfortunately the padawans are targets on and off the battlefield these days and it would be well spent credits.”

He moved a bit where he stood.
“ I am afraid I don’t know how far I can stretch this but do you mind telling me about this amulet?”
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Matsu worked on the robe as the jedi master focused and constructed his lightsaber. Taking care not to make to much sound and break his concentration before she looked over the weave of the robes. JUst about. SHe thought it turning most of her attention when he was done to the amulet as it gleamed with the jedi emblem holding it up to the robe and it looked like an emblem on the chest of the robes. Then she was taking it towards himYou can get a lot, it is as strong as the jedi using it, their ability to feel and use the force without getting tired will help a great deal to make it more effective." She presented the amulet to Mantic witha smile.

Sasori Amulet
With the saber assembled Mantic rose and clicked it to his belt. The weapon of the jedi was an important tool but [member="Matsu Ike"] brought other matters to the surface as well.
While Mantic had been training as a jedi since he was a toddler, the fact remained that his training was very empty of some of the more moderna approaches the battle field offered. It was a weakness he carried and had suffered for in the past.

For a time he had refused to consider these artifacts, trusting in that the force was all he needed. PErhaps it still was but there was no question that the artefacts brought an advantage with them. It was still the force, just a variant on how to channel it.

"Yes, I will then forward a request for these items to be spread among the Republic knights. I will use an amulet myself. I understand it requires time and training to master it. When could I have one in my possession?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Nodding in agreement to him while she set her hands in front of herself together. "Very well then, I shall send a rep to work with you and the Republic's force users to get them the equipment they want and need. We have great deal of things ready and set up for everything to get out to all of you." The jedi master was rather liking the idea and with additional support from them and the Republic she could expand the contract they were doing. "We can expand the current contract Corvus and the others I met with to give and bring many of them to the jedi." A smirk was on her face while she produced the current one opening the holopad. "Just need your signature here to renew and expand. We can get the Republic's force users the equipment they need."
The energy this woman produced was invigorating. She offered her help to them and Mantic could do nothing but feel gratitude. This would surely help the knights in their struggle, the times had been very harsh on them since the schism with the original order and their resources were limited to what they themselves could produce.
To be able to offer these types of artifacts could even become a signature mark for the Republican knights in the future.

But he was getting ahead of himself, swept away by the enthusiasm of the moment.

“I will gladly sign it as the Grand Master of the Republic knights, but you do understand that I can not provide funding on my own. I will have to forward these requests to the senate for approval first. But if that is sufficient ?” he smiled and held up his hand, ready to sign if she wanted.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

"That is fine, do whatever you need to do. I have nothing but time and it gives me chances to work on more projects. Our experimentation in dampening items has been interesting.. both for containment and for training. Our hyper-vibration technology to work for superior cutting blades to give to groups like the rangers has also been proving effective as their blades can carve open beskar'kandar." She offered a smile and bow of her head to the jedi master. "Just let me know when the time comes, I may have represenitives or operators to visit you and see what it is that you need."

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