Selena Drayven
I'd been dealing with getting my sister's home, my home now squared away and the girls my sister had sent my my squared away. Isabelle was busy setting up information networks along with rigging up a few new tech toys. Brianne had been taking some spare materials leftover from when the house had been constructed. She'd been laying Echani cherry wood flooring for what was I assumed to be a training dojo when I'd left. I was still curious as to where my sister had gone off to but I'd sent out a message to one of the Masters she'd been known to work with on occasion. A Master Joshua Dragonsflame, the records and journals Celiana had kept spoke quite highly of him...
So I'd set up a meeting at a local cafe to meet with him and find out what exactly Celiana had seen in him that'd left such an impact on her. From what she'd written in her journals he was a man who had a troubled past and seemed to carry the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders. A noble man too by the sound of how she'd written, apparently she'd come to him after having gone out to Coruscant and a short trip to Eshan and rather than the typical judgmental attitude of Jedi she'd dealt with before...he'd comforted her and helped her work through her emotions...
That right there was noteworthy, what was more noteworthy though was that....she'd fought a traditional Echani duel against him. There were very few reasons to do such a thing but the only one I could actually consider was she'd wanted to learn more of him and wanted to be able to trust him with her life....
I'd arrived at the coffee shop a few minutes ago and now I sat barefoot and cross-legged in a seated Lotus position in a comfy leather armchair. My caf sat in front of me the smell of cinnamon, pumpkin, caramel, chocolate, and peanut butter drizzle with a hint of homemade whipped cream pervaded my nose. Eyes half-lidded as I inhaled the scent of the coffee shop and levitated my caf into my left hand I took a sip of my caf. Then I sat barefoot, cross-legged, in a cushy leather armchair and I waited for this Master Dragonsflame to arrive...
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
So I'd set up a meeting at a local cafe to meet with him and find out what exactly Celiana had seen in him that'd left such an impact on her. From what she'd written in her journals he was a man who had a troubled past and seemed to carry the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders. A noble man too by the sound of how she'd written, apparently she'd come to him after having gone out to Coruscant and a short trip to Eshan and rather than the typical judgmental attitude of Jedi she'd dealt with before...he'd comforted her and helped her work through her emotions...
That right there was noteworthy, what was more noteworthy though was that....she'd fought a traditional Echani duel against him. There were very few reasons to do such a thing but the only one I could actually consider was she'd wanted to learn more of him and wanted to be able to trust him with her life....
I'd arrived at the coffee shop a few minutes ago and now I sat barefoot and cross-legged in a seated Lotus position in a comfy leather armchair. My caf sat in front of me the smell of cinnamon, pumpkin, caramel, chocolate, and peanut butter drizzle with a hint of homemade whipped cream pervaded my nose. Eyes half-lidded as I inhaled the scent of the coffee shop and levitated my caf into my left hand I took a sip of my caf. Then I sat barefoot, cross-legged, in a cushy leather armchair and I waited for this Master Dragonsflame to arrive...
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]