Megàn Alestria
A Word of Diplomacy
Megàn Alestria
(Isabella Morawetz)
Name: Megàn Diane Alestria (read: Mehan Diann Alestria)Faction: The Galactic Republic
Rank: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tholatin
Species: Human
Age: 24 GSY
Sex: Female
Height 183 centimetres
Weight: 69 kilograms
Eye Colour: Light green
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Skin Colour: Light
Force Sensitive: No
(+) Mind of a Politician
While not exactly a strenght, the girl has a mind of a politican, even though young. She sees the problems in society with relative ease and is active enough to fight for the problems to be fixed.
(+) Outgoing Personality
Megàn never backs down when there is a need for something. The girl is an extrovert and while that is not a strenght, the fact that the girl fights a lot if there is something wrong sure is one.
(-) Sometimes Too Extrovert
The girl tends to never stop talking when she gets in a discussion about something she has a word to say in. That causes her a few problems, especially when it's quite impolite to talk that much.
(-) Defenseless
As a non-force user and an avid believer of the ideal that politicians should not use weapons, she is quite defenseless, especially if she is away from all guards.
Tholatin was the planet Megan Alestria was born on, to the family of a famous businessman and a former jury. The girl lived in luxury and there was not much to wish for which she didn't get, but that made her unpopular in kindergarten and school, so she often spent time with her family, never inviting any friends over or even chatting with her classmates after school.
Good grades were important to the girl and due to these two reasons, she was mostly a loner and not because she was afraid to talk to anybody. In fact, she was even the most active student in all classess, discussing important matters with teachers and avidly speaking of the things that mattered.
The girl finished school with perfect grades, but as soon as she got to the finest university on the planet, she was faced with the reality - she is not a perfect person. Continuing the tradition of the family, she had to choose between starting to study finance, politics or law. She chose politics and she soon understand it was the only thing she had ever loved.
In a few years, she acquired the best knowledge she could and travelled to Coruscant where she hoped she could study some more. But soon she was invited back to her home planet to take part in the local elections. Now that the faction is in real problems, she has started to think the Galactic Senate could be for her, but does she have what it takes to be elected to the powerful political power of the galaxy?
- When the Sun Sets ...
- ... the Moon Starts to Rise
- By the Starlit Skies
- What Was Once Lost
- The Burden of Politics [ The Galactic Republic Dominion of Tholatin ]