Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mehrk Gorbi


Morality Policeman :)
Name: Mehrk Gorbi
Faction: [None]
Rank: Shakedown Artist / Hitman
Species: Gungan
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 2.06 meters
Weight: 90 Kg
Eyes: Seaweed green
Hair: N/A
Skin: Parched khaki
Force-sensitivity: None
Dominant Hand: Right

Birthplace: Naboo
Parents: Ribbie Gorbi, Jakaela Gorbi

Strengths and weaknesses:
  • Amphibious and a good swimmer, like all Gungans.
  • Tall and physically powerful.
  • Patient and cunning in the arts of hunting.
  • Great aural, visual, and olfactory awareness.
  • Has a bit of a musical ear and has taught himself to play the Blissl flute.
  • Usually completely silent. But on the occasion he does talk, he is very loud.
  • Often sickly from frequenting environments unhealthy for Gungans.
  • Somewhat depressed being out in the galaxy. No place to find a good Gungan wife.
  • Never can seem to manage a consistent pocketbook.
  • Sometimes he has the sniffles from previously noted sickliness.
  • Socially uncomfortable and avoids social settings since he is always the only Gungan in the crowd.
  • Morally confused.
Mehrk grew up like many Gungans, on Naboo in Gungan territory. He was born to a long line of hunters, trappers, and fishers, and was taught the family trades throughout his youth by his father. He became strong and skilled in the predatory arts of camouflage, tracking, capturing, and killing. Upon reaching adulthood, he opted to patrol with the Gungan Guard instead of otherwise being mandatorily enlisted into the Gungan militia. He learned skills associated with the tribal war arts in his time with the Guard--particularly the combative arts of kickboxing and the electropole.

A fateful visit to Theed brought him to realize how little he actually knew, and he became discontent with his situation as he heard tales of the wonders and glory and riches some had attained in the far reaches of the galaxy.

Against his father’s will, Merhk worked a city job in order to earn money for a starship fares. Before he had even saved up enough for travel, he was introduced to a group of less-reputable types and promised fortune if he tagged along on their star-sweeping excursions.

Mehrk’s moral compass became unbalanced as he journeyed with this group of troubled independents. He got smart eventually and realized what he was to them: an asset. After a brief, trifling beat-down of their leader, the Gungan parted ways unchallenged on Malastare and earned himself a reputation as a ‘rectifier’ of private disputes, shaking down people who had stolen from others for a fee.

Either uninterested or ashamed to return to his father, Mehrk hops systems now and offers his services at an enviable rate, though he has not been quite as handy with accounting for his pocketbook. He is good at what he does, but must not stay too long in one place due to the vengeful nature of his victims--though on occasion, he may save himself the trouble by disposing of his usual policy of letting them live.

Personal tools:
Heirloom E-5 blaster rifle; Electropole; vibroblade; Blissl; brass knuckles; clamping traps; ropes and wires

  • Swimming
  • Pole vaulting
  • Spear throwing
  • Close-quarter combat
  • Tracking, fishing, and hunting
  • Snares and trap-setting
  • Sneaking, creeping, spying
  • Blissl music
Nai' Frerstal

Purifying the Clan - Mehrk plays cat-and-mouse as he hunts down the vengeful [member="Nai' Frerstal"].
The Race of Chains - Mehrk encounters GLC forces.
And in this Corner, the Master of Disaster... - Mehrk and Nai' go all-out in a bitter, bloody rematch. Fortunately, the gungan prevails.
Just a Normal Night - Mehrk hangs out at a shady Coruscanti bar, depressed after his second fight with Nai'. Things get a little rowdy, and the prospect of a new bounty arises, giving Mehrk something to strive for and redeem himself.

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