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NAME: Meiko
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Darker Bronze
+ Determined to complete her goals
+ Fights with more than just a saber and a pocket full of Force
+ Great potential as a Jedi
+ Independent
- Hot headed and prone to action without planing
- Terrible driver / pilot
- Snarky and sarcastic
A darker skinned girl with long brown hair she keeps in pony tails and blue eyes. The only thing you could probably pick out is shes rather muscled. Having trained all her life to thank for that. She's also quite the shapely body to go with it. Attire is mostly blue, sleeveless shirt, pattered forearm sleeves. A fur lined coat is usually wrapped around her waist, a gift from the family she's rarely ever seen.
Meiko was born on the snowy world of Ando Prime. Her family was quite large, there being seven siblings in all. She was the last born and discovered young by the Jedi. And it was quite by chance, if not fate that one of the Order were investigating the Dai Bendu Monestary on Ando that he sensed her. Her parents were at first against giving her up, but evaluating their economic situation and the fact she would be given a better chance in life than if she was kept; her parents handed her over to the Jedi.
Ever since she was brought up by the Order, cared for, taught, and trained by. Dark times have yet again befallen. The resurgent Sith attack The Republic, and on Coruscant her Master is slain. In need of more Jedi; Meiko has been tasked to find a new master, and aid in the war under the direction of her superiors. Ossus is behind her. The western front awaits.