Meili Feng

- NAME: Meili Feng
- AGE: 16
- RANK: Acolyte
- AFFILIATION: Zhanshilang | The Sith Order
- SPECIES: Zanshi | White-furred Huli Hybrid
- HOME WORLD: Shuiqui
- EYES: Dark Brown
- HAIR: Long black hair that falls to the middle of her back when unbound. Normally Meiling will gather her hair into a ponytail when working, or ainto a bun or ornate design when she's
- HEIGHT: 1.6m
- WEIGHT: 49kg
- Father: Kaito Feng
- Mother: Ying Yue Feng
The Feng family was never one of the major noble houses, never one of the elite that ruled vast territories on Shuiqui in the name of the Emperor. A minor family with a small territory in the mountains near the capital they should have been an afterthought, a minor family amongst many others on the planet if not for a few minor elements. An ancestor who had fought his way up from a foot soldier to stand by the First Emperor as a trusted general. It was his service that had earned the family their estates in the mountains near the capital, vassals of the Imperial family themselves. The Feng's second claim to fame was in the tradition of military service that the family held as a core value, every generation, every child born into the family knew their duty. Many generals through the planet's history had proudly borne the name of Feng, many Admirals and military advisors.
This was the family into which Meili was born, scion of the empire with her whole life laid out for her before she was born. As a child of the Feng main branch she would join the military, bearing both the weight and influence of hte name, she needed to be better than her peers, but would move from assignment to assignment in an upward trend directed by her grandfather. A general's stars or a place in the imperial bodyguard would be the summit of her path, before she retired to manage the family and it's estates. From a young age she knew this, knew the weight of responsibility that her family placed on her shoulders. There was love, but above that duty and expectation.
She was entered into martial arts tournaments at the age of 6, and her family would accept no other option but victory, it wasn't even an expectation, her grandfather couldn't even consider the possibility that she would loose.
So she didn't.
Tournament on tournament, as she grew Meilei established a name as an up and coming martial artist, a youth who was expected to achieve great things. Where other's of her age seemed to struggle with controlling the red-eye she showed a level of control that far exceeded her age, exceeded most of the Zanshi who populated the planet.
Meili had a secret.
The Feng family had a spotless honour, close to the imperial family and had never set a foot wrong, embodying the ideal of honour. It was for exactly that reason that the Emperor had approached them with a proposal, with an experiment he had long wished to try. The Zanshi majority on te planet had always looked down on the Huli as beings without honour, despite being willing to take advantage of their abilities. It was a population riven that generated an increasing amount of antipathy, a path he felt lead only to destruction and chaos.
So he decided to conduct an experiment, a series of marriages between a Huli and a Zanshi to show that the two races could coecxist and the children who would form a new wave for the future. The first test was conducted with a family that he trusted, close enough to him that he knew that no word would leak until he wanted it to. The Feng.
Meili was this first hybrid child, her prenatural calm and control a legacy of her Huli heritage. Where everyone thought her a product of her grandfather's teaching, she had one more teacher, the ancient Sith Alchemist Auksifas Kal'Evos the founder and creator of all the sithspawn on the planet. An Alchemist from the time of the Ancient Sith Empire Meili learned of the history of the galaxy and the force at the knee of the ancient Sith. She also learned to wield the force and the combat styles of the ancient sith. While the Emperor purportedly considered the plan to unite the Zanshi and Huli his, it was a goal Auksifas had been working towards for centuries.
Yet, one child wouldn't be enough to turn the tide of the planet's destiny, so what to do with Meili while the Sith and the Emperor slowly widened the wave of change?
A new Sith was on the rise, so strings were pulled and favours given to secure the girl a place in the sith academy, so she could experience the rising new Sith and report back on their rise and the state of the galaxy.
- Trained Combatant: From an early age Meiling has been trained in combat and martial arts. Starting almost before she could crawl she'd watch her parents and family practising, and was thrust into classes as soon as she was able. A very capable martial artist she quickly took to combat in the tradition of her family winning her first competition at just 6 years old. Much of her life since then has revolved around combat training of one sort or another. From martial arts competitions to military training Meiling is a skilled fighter with a sword, gun or her fists, whatever weapons she can get her hands on, capable of more than holding her own against any opponent she's faced so far.
- Sithspawn: Like most of the species that can be found on her homeworld Meiling is a sithspawn, and more than that is a hybrid of the Zanshi and Huli strains of sithspawn. As such she is able to move faster, hit harder and take more damage than an average human her size would be able to, preforming feats that would put her on par with higher-level force users in terms of capability.
- The Red-Eye: Like the rest of her race Meili is able to call on the Red-Eye, a form of force rage that is inherent to her people, allowing her to move faster, hit harder and take more damage than he body would normally be able to.
- Tactician: Like most of her family Meili chose to join the military cadet corp while she was young and received additional training in warfare and combat. Rather than go into the military as expected she was chosen for extended service with the Sith Empire, as a cadet in the Sith academy.
- Light: Due to her heritage as a Sithspawn the lightside of the force is anathema to Meiling, and skills such as force light can cause her physical pain and damage.
- The Red-eye: Like all her race Meiling is afflicted with the curse of the red-eye, heightened emotion can push her over into a berserker rage, increasing her strength and physical abilities at the cost of rational thought. Although her heritage as a Huli allows her to mitigate this to some extent the curse remains at the edge of her psyche always waiting for a moment of weakness.
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