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Melaina Shir

[SIZE=11pt]NAME: Melaina Shir[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]FACTION: None.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]RANK: Rock/ Metal singer![/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]SPECIES: O'reenian[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]AGE: 16[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]GENDER: Girl.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]HEIGHT: 5’2[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]WEIGHT: 90[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]EYES: Black[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]HAIR: Dyed pink[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]SKIN: Orangish…[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Voice: Melaina has a [/SIZE]marvelous[SIZE=11pt] voice that fits just about any genre of music! The style of music it seems to fit best for though is rock – the style she also prefers. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mucision: Melaina can play various instruments. She plays the guitar, drums, piano/ keyboards, violin, fluit, and bass.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Powerful words: Due to her experience as a poet, lyric writer, and her own father’s inspirations, Melaina is a powerful speaker and can choose just the right words.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Missile Weapons: She can handle various missile weapons from blasters to javalians. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Unarmed combat: handling the mic, playing the [/SIZE]instruments[SIZE=11pt], and and kicking off those good ‘ol rock moves live has out her into great shape! She has learned to be able to defend herself in unarmed combat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mechanic: She hates getting dirty, however Melaina was forced by her father to learn to be a mechanic.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Looks Freak: Melaina will spazem if you do anything that affects her looks![/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Don’t Touch the Hair: Touch her hair, Melaina will kill you…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Anger Issues: Due to her species being very [/SIZE]militaristic[SIZE=11pt] and how it affected her upbringing, she tends to be quickly angered.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Strength: She is very fit, especially from all those concerts! However, Melaina still lacks proper physical strength.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Loud Mouth: She sometimes tends to slip when angered…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Lack of Melee Weapons Training: Although she obtained a lightsaber, she lacks training in any melee weapons whatsoever.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Lack of Force Training: Although she is Force sensitive, Melaina never was taken by the Jedi to the Temple. She also spent much of her life in music… so she barely has any Force skills whatsoever. [/SIZE]
Minus the fact that the character’s eyes are pitch black, the images (of the lead singer of Icon For Hire) used fit her perfectly.

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

- Name: "Melaina Shir"
- Genre: Hard rock/ metal/ gothic/ rock-pop...
- Albums/ EPs: *EP currently in works*
- Tours: *Tour in works*
- Record Label: *Searching...*

- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Single lightsaber that’s colored white. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Two MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistols.

- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Force Sense[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Force Jump[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Force Push

Melaina Shir grew up under her father, a military commander in her species. She grew up learning to be a fighter and mechanic – like her father. Melaina always loved music, and come time as a pre-teen was already stocking her walls full of band posters and already was learning to play several instruments on her own will. Her father was strict to her, and Melaina grew up like a typical rebellious teenager, however nothing major really happened. As far as speech went, Melaina took after her single parent was became excellent as a poet and lyrical writer.
[SIZE=11pt]Her father saw the potential she had as an artist and decided to send her out into the world of music; as it was her own dream after all to be a musician and not a military commander like him. So he gave her some weapons, which included a lightsaber from when the man killed a lone Jedi, for "self defense". And she was signed to metal record and… her journey as a rock [/SIZE]musician[SIZE=11pt] began…​
[SIZE=11pt]No ships. She usually travels by public transport to get to her concerts.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Kill? Me? Naaaah![/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]None yet…[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]{Role-play list goes here}[/SIZE]​
Noice, I used to have a musician character, but sadly things died off for him and he didn't go as far as I wanted him to.
c: Funky jams for the Space folk to moshpit to.[/youtube]​
[member="Darth Vornskr"] Yeah, I usually don't hear about them. I guess I'll check them out! thanks.

[member="Melaina Shir"] Eh, come to the Sith and you can maybe work with me.

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