Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Melissa Corek


NAME: Melissa Michelle Corek III

NICKNAMES: Mel and Sabre 9 (Callsign)

FACTION: Galactic Alliance/Navy

RANK: Lieutenant

SPECIES: Human (Half Coruscanti and Half ?)

HOMEWORLD: Coruscant (Original) and Fondor (Adopted)

AGE: 19

SEX: Female

SEXUALITY: Homosexual

HEIGHT: 1.82 Meters

WEIGHT: 81.6 Kilograms

EYES: Green

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Tanned

LANGUAGES: Basic, Mando'a and Huttese (Spoken). Rodian, Binary and Shyriiwook (Understood)

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes but doesn't know


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Prodigy Pilot: Unlike the rest of her family Melissa is a extremely gifted pilot.

+Grease Monkey: Melissa is well versed with the repair, upkeep, and modifying of starships.

-Daddy Issues: Melissa's relationship with her father is complicated. On one hand she loves him very much but on the other she resents him for abandoning her until she was 14.
-Idealistic: Unlike her father who knows the nature of war Melissa doesn't. Melissa still thinks that she can get through the coming conflict without losing a piece of herself.

APPEARANCE: Described by her squadmates, Sabre Squad, as a foul-mouthed, sarcastic and lithe warrior goddess.

BIOGRAPHY: Melissa Michelle Corek was born to to her father, Noah Corek, and her mother, a unknown Naval Commando, on Coruscant Due to circumstances that 19 years later he father refuses to talk about she was given to a dear family friend and her father left her, not having contact with him and not knowing he even existed until she was 14 and her adopted parents told her the truth. After learning the truth she eventually tracked her father down to Fondor where he was in service to the Omega Pyre and began to forge a relationship with her father. Upon turning 18 Melissa decided to do what every member of her family does, join the military. She joined the Galactic Alliance Navy as a starfighter tech. After six months Melissa became bored and requested to be transferred to the Starfighter Corps as a pilot. Passing the written and practical tests with flying colors Melissa was given a commission as a Lieutenant and assigned to Sabre Squad stationed aboard the ANS Sith's Reckoning a Belsar-class Command Carrier, the flagship of the Carrier Strike Group-Fondor

SHIP: Her own X-Wing

  • Custom DC-17 Hand Blasters-Originally her fathers. Given as a gift for becoming a pilot.
  • BlasTech A320 Blaster Rifle-Standard issue Alliance blaster rifle. Kept in her cockpit in case of emergency landings, aka crashing.
  • Flight Suit-Standard Alliance pilot flighsuit




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