Cross Ikon
The Red Admiral
To tag, just copy and paste each name like this: [member = '.....'] (no spaces)
Aedan Miles
Broorn Sabor
Cross Ikon (If you don't tag me, I'll kick your ass)
Kadrak Jalaan
Khalifa Burjjh
Mit Tuxaire
Nomad Crimson
Oka Osaa
Puta'Nium Theynyn
Soulfire Ticon
Zane Hara
Aedan Miles
Broorn Sabor
Cross Ikon (If you don't tag me, I'll kick your ass)
Kadrak Jalaan
Khalifa Burjjh
Mit Tuxaire
Nomad Crimson
Oka Osaa
Puta'Nium Theynyn
Soulfire Ticon
Zane Hara