Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Member Suggestions for the Site/Staff

Roleplay Discussion is allowed in this thread, as well as general discussion.

As a part of the 1.4 Feature Update, I wanted to create a direct line to the members of SWRP so you, too, can be a part of the discussion on how to better improve the site and it's features, as well as how Staff conducts business. There is a monthly Staff Criticism Thread for direct complaints, but my question to you is, what is the one thing you wish this site had that it doesn't have? What is the one thing that the SWRP Staff Team here does or doesn't do that you wish they didn't or did?

You may also post bugs and such in here as well as current ongoing technical troubles you're having.
Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not sure if this is really something you'd be willing to think of, but I just wanted to note that it really peeve's me off when you have thread where everyone has these really long and thoughtful posts and then the reply is one sentence. I'm not sure if you would consider this BUT, I personally would like to see a paragraph minimum in posts.


Disney's Princess
One sentence replies are a symptom. Not a problem. But yes Jhar, if you would like to help? Mentoring another writer can help you both bridge the gap between paragraph and period. And it might just help everyone to come to understand each others perspectives better in the process. :D
I've experienced what might possibly be some glitching in the HTML coding when one edits a post. This happened to myself and Xander when we were editing our character bios. I did find that switching from simple edit to advanced edit seemed to fix this problem, but if I saved directly from simple edit the coding is defunct.
A project I never did see come to fruition: an active timeline of an RP forum that catalogued both IC major events and OOC hallmarks. The forum was going to build it on but it sadly was not active long enough to get it underway.
Just a suggestion: Would it be possible that we have a galactic map to show which factions own which planets? I think this would greatly help in the rp aspect as well as show the respective territories where factions are strong, weak, etc.

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