Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Of all the many things she'd learned in her old life, knowledge that could rend spacetime or repel a turbolaser blast, this technique had been one of the most instinctive. It had, once upon a time, been a minor part of the standard Jedi curriculum, but in Ashin's admittedly patchy experience it qualified as something of a lost art. It led to little, a dead end on the 'skill trees' some Jedi made to chart their course toward minimization-maximization. It was situational, too, and -- sin of sins -- it lacked utility in combat. But this power had always been near and dear to her heart.
Circe Savan had taken her aboard a classified prototype battleship for the Confederacy. She'd given Ashin contractor access, to review the design and its weak points. Ashin, somewhat taken aback -- she could command a ship of the line, but she had little more than a high school education -- had agreed to review various prototypes for Subach-Innes.
Now, swimming deep in her own short-term memory, struggling for clarity, Ashin drew. She was no artist, but even inexpert sketches counted for something when you accompanied them with intimate knowledge of ship systems. She drew her memories, replaying them again and again to catch details she hadn't noticed at the time.
Eventually, the interior and exterior of the Ploutonian-class battleship took form on sheet after sheet of paper. Squeeze-bore hypervelocity guns, power generation problems, hints of an experimental reactor, massive weapons consolidation, a starfighter complement designed to keep off a massed missile/strike craft counterattack -- it was ambitious. It was unnecessary. It was the personification of its creator.
In good faith, here's the entirety of something I had the chance to observe recently. There's a very good chance I'll be able to observe other projects in the near future. I'm recently unemployed and my wife has expensive tastes.
[member="Ayden Cater"]
Circe Savan had taken her aboard a classified prototype battleship for the Confederacy. She'd given Ashin contractor access, to review the design and its weak points. Ashin, somewhat taken aback -- she could command a ship of the line, but she had little more than a high school education -- had agreed to review various prototypes for Subach-Innes.
Now, swimming deep in her own short-term memory, struggling for clarity, Ashin drew. She was no artist, but even inexpert sketches counted for something when you accompanied them with intimate knowledge of ship systems. She drew her memories, replaying them again and again to catch details she hadn't noticed at the time.
Eventually, the interior and exterior of the Ploutonian-class battleship took form on sheet after sheet of paper. Squeeze-bore hypervelocity guns, power generation problems, hints of an experimental reactor, massive weapons consolidation, a starfighter complement designed to keep off a massed missile/strike craft counterattack -- it was ambitious. It was unnecessary. It was the personification of its creator.
In good faith, here's the entirety of something I had the chance to observe recently. There's a very good chance I'll be able to observe other projects in the near future. I'm recently unemployed and my wife has expensive tastes.
[member="Ayden Cater"]