The Bad Omen
Theme: Lunatics and Slaves
Location: Korriban
Equipment: GL-13 blaster | Combat Knife | Multi-Tool | Inquisitorial Saber
Tags: Diarch Reign
Time Line: This takes Place after Feast of the Furious but Before Serpent of Echnos
She had fled the confines of the feasting halls of where watchers of the grand races gorged themselves. The girl had been cursed to be besieged by a stranger from her past, a stranger she had seen on her liberation from slavery. A man she had seen murder and then raise the slayed from the dead as his soldiers. What cruel magicks the sith wielded as weapons to wipe their foes and innocent alike from these worlds.
She just fled, the fear and terror running deep into her bones. She did not know where she was going, just that she had to go. As the walk went on the girl soon gave way to the heavy feeling of tiredness. Before she knew it she faded to black into slumber but her body moved on. Her eyes shifted from their dark amber into a vibrant fiery orange as something inside her awakened.
The Demon took control as the girl inside slept unknowingly that she had opened the door that allowed it to take control. The Demon trapped in the girl's body pushed on through the desert its heading far past the Valley of the Dark Lords and even past the even older burial grounds of The Valley of Golg. It moved deeper into the desert.
The beast of the wilds seemed to keep their distance from whatever it was that now walked in the skin of Tamsin Graves. It was like they instinctively knew whatever it was, was dangerous beyond measure. Those beasts would be right the demon that dwelled with in Tamsin had brought Havoc and destruction the last time it stepped foot on Korriban. It had no regard or reverence for the lords that were buried here nor the lords that claimed power over this world this day and age.
It walked on not unaware it was being followed by Diarch Reign just uncaring to the curious ones presence. After a long walk it came before small almost unnoticeable outcropping that from a distance just looked like a rock hill. Yet as one drew closer it was a small, unmarked tomb. A tomb of a long dead forgotten sith lord, one whose name if spoken would bear the mark of exile and traitor. The demon in the small girl's body approached calmly but cautiously towards the tomb of no significance knowing it was being watched.